有关事项 | 内 容 | 说 明 |
营业时间 | 上午8:00―晚上11:00 |
经营的主要商品 |
一楼:日用必需品、食物 |
二楼:服装 |
三楼:电器 |
四楼:办公用品 | 商品齐全货真价实 |
特别服务项目 |
电话购物 |
导购服务 |
顾客至上 | 联系电话:3873369 |
请各楼层导购小姐提供帮助 |
欢迎提出意见和建议 |
参考词汇:必需品 necessity; 电器 electrical appliance; 批评 criticism
Our shop opens from 8:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. We sell all kinds of prod -ucts. which are of high quality and worth their prices. Daily necessities and food are on the first floor, clothing on the second floor, electrical appliances on the third floor and things for office use on the fourth floor. We have such special services as telephone shopping and shopping guide. If you are very busy ,you may ring us and buy what you want .Our telephone number is 3873369.You may ask the shopping guides on each floor for help if you have any problems about shopping .We treat our customers as God and will try our best to serve you all.
You are welcome to give us advice and criticism.