From E-mail to online shopping, you may think you’ve heard everything there to know about the electronic frontier (新领域).But with hundreds of thousands of Web pages being added weekly, there are plenty of surprises out there.Here are some of the most intriguing (有迷惑力的).


Put your kid on a greeting card.Here is how: simply take some pictures with a regular camera, and then ask the photo service to develop them digitally (数字化).For a small fee, you’ll receive your photos on a desk.Put that into your computer and, with a few clicks of the mouse, you can view your photos on the screen.With a few more keystrokes, you can attach the photos to email and send them to friends and relatives worldwide.

  Sign on to one or several greeting card’s Websites (http://www.cardcentral.net/ is an index of more than 1200 electronic card sites) and create an electronic birthday or holiday card.Using your digital photos, you can paste your grandchildren onto the cover.

  If you don’t want to use your own photos, go to cards.amzon.com to browse (浏览) hundreds of images in over 30 categories…all of which you can attach to an electronic greeting card for free.For a nominal fee(很低的费用)you can choose from a library of 75,000 images at http://www.phontodisc.com/.

  Call Australia for free.To have a telephone conversation over the Internet, the person you want to talk to no longer needs a computer.Now all you need to talk to someone in Sydney is one computer with speakers, a microphone, a sound card and some software (available at http://www.vocaltec.com/ or Mricrosoft.com).Typically, you’ll pay a monthly fee (usually under $20) to a service provider, but after that, the calls themselves are local.Sound quality is the same as that of a cell phone.

  Even if you don’t have a computer, you can still use the Web to reduce your long distance phone costs.Some companies offer a service that lets you use an ordinary phone to call another ordinary phone, but charge only a few cents per minute for US calls, because they send them through the Internet.

  Today 48 percent of American homes have computers…a figure that is expected to climb to 60 percent by 2003.And by the end of the next decade, Americans will likely be spending more time shopping, banking, investing and learning on the Internet than in the real world.If you can’t do or find something on the Net today, you probably can tomorrow.

60.Over the Internet, you ________.

       A.can hear everything there

       B.will meet with plenty of surprises which come out every week.

       C.will hear the things about the electronic frontier

       D.can find some things are very interesting

61.From the passage we can infer that _________.

       A.fewer people will use the Internet in the following ten years

       B.more people will study in the regular school by the end of the next decade

       C.fewer people will go to the regular school in the following ten years

       D.more money will be needed for a long-distance call by the end of the next decade

62.If you want to attach to photo to your e-mail, you have to ________ it.

       A.digitalize    B.take       C.picture          D.send

63.Which of the following is NOT true?

       A.A telephone conversation over the Internet can be carried out without computers.

       B.Over the Internet, the receiver of the phone conversation doesn’t need a computer.

       C.The phone conversations over the Internet are much cheaper.

       D.The long-distance calls are local themselves.

A mouse looked through a hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!
  Running to the farmyard, the mouse shouted, warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house; there is a mouse trap in the house.” The chicken with her head high, said, “Shut up, Little Ugly. This is a great concern to you, but it has nothing to do with me; I cannot be bothered by it.”
The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,” said the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; you are always  in my prayers.”
  The mouse turned to the cow, who said, “A mouse trap; am I in great danger, huh?”
So the mouse had to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.
  That very night a sound was heard through the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was a poisonous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital.
She returned home with a fever. It is said that drinking fresh chicken soup will help treat fever, so the farmer took his sharp knife to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig.   The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow killed to provide meat for all of them to eat.
So next time someone is facing a problem, don’t say that has nothing to do with you.
【小题1】We could see from the passage that the mouse was______.

A.good at cheating othersB.dishonest
C.kind and warm-heartedD.foolish
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The others helped the farmer kill the cow.
B.The mouse trap was very practical.
C.The pig is more friendly than the other animals .
D.The farmer’s family had no friends at all
【小题3】What can we learn from the story?
A.Traps can always cause chain reactions
B.Sometimes when the least of us are threatened, we all might be at risk.
C.It is better to be safe than to be sorry.
D.To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.

Mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes (who spend much time watching TV on the couch), google officially became a verb and drama queens (extremely emotional persons) finally found the attention when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream English language.
The mouse potato, the himbo (attractive, empty-headed man) and drama queen were among 100 new words added to the 2006 update of America’s best-selling dictionary, the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary《韦氏大词典》. The Internet search engine Google also found its way into the dictionary for the first time as a verb, meaning to find information quickly on the worldwide web.
New words and phrases from the fields of science, technology, pop culture and industry are chosen each year by Merriam-Webster’s team of editors after months of looking through books, magazines and even food labels. “They are not tracking spoken language. They are looking for evidence that words have been used in the written English language,” said Arthur Bicknell, senior editor of Merriam-Webster.
Other words first coming into the dictionary this year were soul patch (a small growth of beard under a man’s lower lip), unibrow (two eyebrows joining together) and supersize - the fast food industry phrase for extra large meals.
The technology world contributed ringtones (changeable incoming cellphone call signals) and spyware (software installed in a computer to track a user’s activities) while biodiesel (生物柴油) and avian influenza(禽流感) came from the world of science.
America’s first dictionary - Noah Webster’s A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language - was published 200 years ago and also introduced some fresh words that have now become familiar. Those “new” words in 1806 included slang, surf, psychology, naturally and Americanize.
【小题1】The mouse potato refers to ____________.

A.a mouse that lives by potatoes
B.a person who spends much time on the computer
C.a mouse that is shown on the screen of the computer
D.a person who likes to eat mice and potatoes
【小题2】Which group of words and phrases is NOT the fresh words for the dictionary of this   year?  
A.mouse potatoes, google, supersize, drama queen.
B.himbo, soul patch, unibrow, supersize.
C.ringtones, spyware, biodiesel, avian influenza.
D.couch potatoes, surf, psychology, Americanize.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?
A.New words and phrases were introduced into the dictionary have close relationship with the time.
B.New words and phrases chosen by the editors of the dictionary have been used in written English somewhere.
C.Some words that are now familiar to us used to be fresh words collected in the dictionary.
D.The Merriam-webster Collegiate Dictionary becomes the best-seller because 100 new words are added to it.

When you think of all the ways your body can get hurt---falling off a bike, stepping on a nail, being bitten by a crazed dog---the aches and pains that come from sitting at a computer may not seem like much.

But more doctors are getting worried about just that. If you sit at a PC the wrong way, the nerves and muscles in your back, neck and arms can get out of line.

Ergonomics is the study of how people work and how jobs and equipment can be designed so that people are safer and more comfortable in the things they do---whether that’s working on a factory assembly line or sitting in front of a computer.

The monitor

You should not have to tilt(倾斜) your neck up or down to lock at the screen. Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen.

How far away should you sit? Reach your arm out so your fingertips just touch the screen.

The keyboard

It should be directly in front of you. Don’t unfold the legs on the bottom of the keyboard so that it tilts up toward you---it should be as flat as possible, or even tilted away from you. You want your wrists “neutral,” which means straight, not bent. This puts less strain on your nerves and muscles.

Arms should be close to the body. Don’t look at your fingers as you type. Use a document holder to hold papers at the same level as the monitor. Keep the mouse on the same level as the keyboard and close by--- so you don’t have to reach for it.

The chair

Your feet shouldn’t dangle---the blood will pool in your feet. They should rest flat on the floor, or on phone books, if necessary. Your back needs support. Roll up a towel and stick it there.

The Body

If you think of your body as a collection of right angles when you sit at a computer, you should be just fine.

Your hips should be at a 90-degree angle to your back. That takes the pressure off the spine. And your knees should bend at a 90 degree angle so your feet are flat.

1.The passage mainly talks about        .

A.avoiding pains caused by using PC           B.the science of ergonomics

C.illness caused by a computer               D.how to keep fit

2.The underlined word “ergonomics” most probably means ______ in Chinese.  

A.管理学           B.人机工程学        C.机械工程学        D.经济学

3.How high should a monitor be placed according to the passage?

A.As high as your arms.

B.A little higher than your eyes.

C.A little lower than your eyes.

D.At the same level as your eyes.

4.How shouldn’t a keyboard be placed?

A.Tilting away from you.                    B.Tilting up toward you.

C.Flat.                                  D.Not mentioned.

5.How should you place your foot?

A.Rest them on a phone book.               B.Rest them on the floor.

C.They should rest flat.                     D.They should dangle.


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