
She took up skating at age 85, made her first movie appearance at age 114, and held a concert in the neighborhood on her 121st birthday.
      When it comes to long life, Jeanne Calment is the world’s recordholder. She lived to the ripe old age of 122. So is 122 the upper limit to the human life span(寿命)? If scientists come up with some sort of pill or diet that would slow aging, could we possibly make it to 150-or beyond?
      Researchers don’t entirely agree on the answers. “Calment lived to 122, so it wouldn’t surprise me if someone alive today reaches 130 or 135, ”says Jerry Shay at the University of Texas.
      Steve Austad at the University of Texas agrees. “People can live much longer than we think, ”he says. “Experts used to say that humans couldn’t live past 110. When Calment blew past that age, they raised the number to 120. So why can’t we go higher? ”
      The trouble with guessing how old people can live to be is that it’s all just guessing. “Anyone can make up a number, ”says Rich Miller at the University of Michigan. “Usually the scientist who picks the highest number gets his name in Time magazine. ”
      Won’t new anti-aging techniques keep us alive for centuries? Any cure, says Miller, for aging would probably keep most of us kicking until about 120. Researchers are working on treatments that lengthen the life span of mice by 50 percent at most. So, if the average human life span is about 80 years, says Miller, “adding another 50 percent would get you to 120. ”
      So what can we conclude from this little disagreement among the researchers? That life span is flexible(有弹性的), but there is a limit, says George Martin of the University of Washington. “We can get flies to live 50 percent longer, ”he says. “But a fly’s never going to live 150 years. ”Of course, if you became a new species (物种), one that ages at a slower speed, that would be a different story, he adds.
      Does Martin really believe that humans could evolve (进化)their way to longer life? “It’s pretty cool to think about, ”he says with a smile.
【小题1】 What does the story of Jeanne Calment prove to us?

A.People can live to 122.
B.Old people are creative.
C.Women are sporty at 85.
D.Women live longer than men.
【小题2】 According to Steve Austad at the University of Texas, ______.
A.the average human life span could be 110
B.scientists cannot find ways to slow aging
C.few people can expect to live to over 150
D.researchers are not sure how long people can live
【小题3】 Who would agree that a scientist will become famous if he makes the wildest guess at longevity?
A.Jerry Shay. B.Steve Austad
C.Rich Miller D.George Martin
【小题4】 What can we infer from the last three paragraphs?
A.Most of us could be good at sports even at 120.
B.The average human life span cannot be doubled
C.Scientists believe mice are aging at a slower speed than before.
D.New techniques could be used to change flies into a new species


【小题1】细节题。文章第二段中的“She lived to the ripe old age of 122...”说明人们可以活到122岁,应选A。
【小题2】细节题。文章第四段中的“People can live much longer than we think...”说明人类能活多长仍是未知数,故选D。
【小题3】细节题。文章第五段中的“Usually the scientists who...in time magazine”,说明Rich Miller认为科学家们,只要疯狂的想法找机会成名,因此选C。


     When you're lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses (压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey. stop! This is no vacation - yon have to finish something!

      Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic (评论家) Edie Jarolim. "I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things." Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere-in Arts and Antiques, in Brides. or in one of her three books. The Complete Idiot Travel Guide to Mexico's Beach Resorts.

      Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada. she took a test for Frommer's travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer's, Jarolim worked for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor's, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

      Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arizona.

      As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it's great to write about a tourist attraction, but you'd better get the local (当地的) museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone's vacation.

Which country does Jarolim have in now?

     A. Mexico.      B. The U.S.      C. The U.K       D. Canada

What is most difficult for Jarolim?

     A. Working in different places to collect information

     B. Checking all the facts to be written in the guides.

     C. Finishing her work as soon as possible.

     D. Passing a test to write travel guides.

What do we know about Jarolim from the text?

     A. She is successful in her job.

     B. She finds her life full of stresses.

     C. She spends half of her time traveling.

     D. She is especially interested in museums.

What would he the best title for the text7

   A. Adventures in Travel Writing   B. Working as a Food Critic                                                                 C. Travel Guides on the Market    D. Vacationing for a Living

What kind of work does Jarolim do?

   A. teacher    B. worker     C. reporter    D. writer and food critic


When you’re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation-you have to finish something!

Here lies the problem for travel writer and tood critic(评论家),Edie Jarolim “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her there books, The Complate Idiot’s Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resarts.

……writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a

Test Frommer’s travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer’s, Jarolim worked

for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor’s, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arigona.

As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it’s great to write about a tourist attraction, but you’d better get the local(当地的)museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone’s vacation.

46. Which country does Jarolim live in now?

A.Mexico    B.The U.S.    C.The U.K.    D.Canada

47. What is most difficrlt for Jarolim?

A.Working in different places to collect information

B.Checking all the facts to be written in the guides

C.Finishing her work as soon as possible

D.Passing a test to write travel guides

48. What do we know about Jarllim from the text?

A.She is successful in her job

B.She finds her life full of stresses

 C.She spends half of her time traveling

D.She is especially interested in museums

49. What would be the best title for the text?

A.Adventures in Travel Writing

B.Working as a Food Critic

C.Travel Guides on the Market

D.Vacationing for a Living

When you’re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Rivera, the stresses (压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation—you have to finish something.
Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic (评论家) Edie Jarolim. “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere--- in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her three books, The Complete Idiot Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resorts.
Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a test for Frommer’s travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer’s, Jarolim worked for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor’s where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.
Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arizona.
As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it’s great to write about a tourist attraction, but you’d better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone’s vacation.
【小题1】What is most difficult for Jarolim?

A.Working in different places to collect information.
B.Checking all the facts to be written in the guides.
C.Finishing her work as soon as possible.
D.Passing a test to write travel guides.
【小题2】What do we know about Jarolim from the text?
A.She is successful in her job.
B.She finds her life full of stresses.
C.She spends half of her time traveling.
D.She is especially interested in museums.
【小题3】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Adventures in Travel WritingB.Working as a Food Critic
C.Travel Guides on the MarketD.Vacationing for a Living

When you’re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation-you have to finish something!
Here lies the problem for travel writer and tood critic(评论家),Edie Jarolim “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her there books, The Complate Idiot’s Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resarts.
……writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a
Test Frommer’s travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer’s, Jarolim worked
for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor’s, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.
Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arigona.
As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it’s great to write about a tourist attraction, but you’d better get the local(当地的)museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone’s vacation.
46. Which country does Jarolim live in now?
A.Mexico    B.The U.S.    C.The U.K.    D.Canada
47. What is most difficrlt for Jarolim?
A.Working in different places to collect information
B.Checking all the facts to be written in the guides
C.Finishing her work as soon as possible
D.Passing a test to write travel guides
48. What do we know about Jarllim from the text?
A.She is successful in her job
B.She finds her life full of stresses
C.She spends half of her time traveling
D.She is especially interested in museums
49. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Adventures in Travel Writing
B.Working as a Food Critic
C.Travel Guides on the Market
D.Vacationing for a Living


Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A person has to be sixteen to drive, seventeen to see certain movies, and eighteen to vote. People can get terrific discounts on all sorts of stuff-provided they’re over sixty-five. Everywhere we look there are age limits that define what people can and can’t do. But creativity has no boundaries, no limitations. Anyone can invent. And they do. Inventors are popping up at the youngest ages.

Sitting in the car waiting for her mom to return from shopping, Becky decided she might as well try to finish her math homework. But it was growing dark and getting hard to see the paper.

“I didn’t have a flashlight, and I didn’t want to open the car door because then the whole car would light up.” recalled Becky. “So I thought it would be neat to have my paper light up somehow, and that’s when the idea came to me.”

It isn’t every day that a ten-year-old invents a product eagerly sought by several businesses, but that’s exactly what Becky Schroeder did when she created a tool that enabled people to write in the dark. Her invention? The Glo-sheet.

That night Becky went home, trying to imagine different ways of making her paper glow in the dark. She remembered all sorts of glow-in-the-dark toys-like balls and Frisbees-and wondered how they were made. She was determined to find a solution. So they very next day, Beck’s dad took her on an outing to the hardware store. They returned with a pail (桶) of phosphorescent paint. She took the paint and stacks of paper into the darkest room in the house-the bathroom. There, she experimented.

“I’d turn on the light, turn it off, turn it on,” said Becky. “My parents remember me running out the room saying ‘It works, it works! I’m writing in the dark!’ ”

She used an acrylic board and coated it with a specific amount of phosphorescent paint. She took a complicated idea and made it work rather simply. When the coated clipboard is exposed to light, it glows. The glowing board then illuminates or lights up the paper that has been placed on top. Two years after her initial inspiration, in 1974, Becky became the youngest female ever to receive a U.S. patent.

She didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet. She didn’t need to. The New York Times wrote an article about an incredible invention-patented by a twelve-year-old, and the inquiries and orders streamed in.

1. From Paragraph 1 , we can draw a conclusion that _________.

A. it is illegal for one to drive under sixteen

B. people enjoy privileges when over sixty-five

C. one is never too old or too young to invent

D. people hate the limitations that define our behavior

2. What caused Becky to invent Glo-sheet?

A. She was trying to do homework when it got dark.

B. She was having trouble with math problems.

C. She was trying to earn some money. 

D. She was working on a school project.

3. What is the meaning of the underlined words “phosphorescent paint” in paragraph 5?

A. paint that acts as a glue                                  B. paint that covers a mark

C. paint that becomes hard                                 D. paint that glows in the dark

4. What does it mean that Beck “didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet” according to paragraph 8?

A. She kept the original one for her own use.

B. Other people came to her for the Glo-sheet.

C. Becky’s father tried to sell the Glo-sheet.

D. She gave away patent to the government.

5. With which statement would Becky most likely agree?

A. Experience is needed to be a good inventor.

B. Only by inventing things can you know what people need.

C. Always try to sell patent rights to large companies. 

D. You never know what you can do unless you try.


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