
 --My teacher punished me this morning.

--Why? You’ve done nothing wrong, ______ I can see.

A. as long as                 B. as far as                   C. as well as                 D. as soon as


My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been  36  with them after school. My wife,Qugen, and I are __37__ he has other kids to be with and we have __38__ and encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn __39__,so we have asked him to tell us __40__ he's going and to come home at a specified time.

The __41__ started when Kevin didn't come home on time. On one occasion,I asked Kevin to be back at 6 pm. By 6:30,I needed to go __42__ him. I found him at a friend's house,and he looked __43__ that he couldn't continue playing. After we came home,I sat Kevin down for a talk about the __44__ of keeping his word. I told him I was not worried about him arriving a few __45__ late,but after half an hour,I’m going to be  46  . He told me he understood.

The next day,I came home from work at about 6:30 p.m. and Qugen asked me to go and get Kevin  __47__ she said he should be back home at 6. I walked to his friend's house and a look of __48__ appeared on Kevin's face when he came to the door.

At __49__,Qugen and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn't come home on time again. He said he just wanted to _ 50__ playing. This was __51__,so Qugen and I decided to ground(罚不准出门)him for a week. This __52_ no playing with his friends.

For the next week,whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin,we let him _53__ to them that he was grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his __54__.

As a __55__,I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and that actions have consequences.

1.A. studying           B.playing          C.chatting         D.quarreling

2.A. glad               B.lucky            C.worried          D.sure

3.A. made               B.allowed          C.trained          D.forced

4.A. amusements  B.communication           C.honesty          D.responsibility

5.A. when               B.why              C.where            D.whenever

6.A. changes            B.conflicts        C.worries          D.problems

7.A. looking for  B.picking up             C.waiting for      D.calling up

8.A. angry              B.nervous          C.disappointed     D.ashamed

9.A. quality            B.importance       C.stories          D.ways

10.A. hours             B.minutes          C.days             D.times

11.A. satisfied  B.shocked                 C.surprised        D.concerned

12.A. if                B.unless           C.because          D.so

13.A. guilt             B.disappointment  C.excitement       D.hatred

14.A. home              B.school           C.work             D.office

15.A. finish            B.keep             C.learn            D.stop

16.A. impossible  B.impolite               C.unacceptable     D.unbelievable

17.A. meant             B.suggested        C.showed           D.implied

18.A. reply             B.apologize        C.tell             D.explain

19.A. decisions  B.words                   C.actions          D.friends

20.A. teacher           B.parent           C.writer           D.professor



第二节     完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


I met Chandra Rekha Shrestha, a visually damaged girl, on the way to Shanti Nagar. She was walking down the road with her white stick, and I saw she walking into a muddy    36   . Had she continued, she might have    37    into the water. Not wanting this to happen, I stopped my   38    and called out, “There’s a hole in front of you, Chandra. If it’s all right with you, I’ll   39   you to your place.”

She happily  40   . I took her bag so she could climb on my motorbike. We talked about her   profession and   41   , and I discovered she was on her way toTinkune for a teacher’s training program.

Chandra had called me a couple of times since our   42    meeting. However, I had been unable to meet her   43    my busy schedules. Finally,   44   at the Kathmandu Mall, she said, "If you hadn’t given me your business card, I wouldn’t have called you." We talked about a range of issues, and I came to   45    that Chandra possessed a deep knowledge which would challenge that of many   46    fit people.

Although she has a mother and three brothers, Chandra has been   47    on her own for the past years. She cooks for herself and washes her own clothes while   48    to teach every morning at Anam Nagar’s Rudramati Primary School. While doing her   49   , she tries to remember people, places, and things in order to manage her daily life. She is a(an)   50    person, telling me that she made the decision to live alone after her  51    said they would take turns to look after her each month. Chandra felt this would   52    her. Chandra’s main source of information is through her   53  , learning about various news as they are broadcast.

Chandra lost her eyesight as a baby and had to learn how to survive at an early age. I really   54    her confidence and the way she carried herself in her life. Thank you, Chandra Rekha. You have reminded me of what truly matter in life but are   55    lacking in our city.

36. A. pavement                B. passage                C. hole                                  D. freeway

37. A. climbed               B. landed                    C. flown                               D. fallen

38. A. car                       B. truck                       C. motorbike                      D. bus

39. A. pass                          B. drop                        C. take                                 D. fetch

40. A. allowed               B. expected               C. replied                             D. accepted

41. A. study                        B. job                           C. celebration                    D. travel

42. A. happy         B. unexpected       C. sudden                            D. strange

43. A. due to                       B. in addition to        C. instead of                       D. in spite of

44. A. resisting                  B. rescuing                C. reuniting                         D. removing

45. A. discovered              B. encouraged          C. persuaded                      D. supposed

46. A. mentally                  B. inappropriately    C. physically                        D. naturally

47. A. living                         B. lying                        C. waiting                            D. staying

48. A. managing                B. recognizing C. allowing                          D. reducing

49. A. practice              B. housework            C. effort                               D. homework

50. A. stubborn                  B. reliable                  C. confident                        D. intelligent

51. A. sisters                      B. uncles                    C. brothers                         D. aunts

52. A. hurt                           B. weaken                  C. ruin                                  D. frighten

53. A. TV                        B. radio                       C. calculator                       D. computer

54. A. follow                       B. show                      C. notice                              D. admire

55. A. finally                        B. recently                 C. mostly                             D. simply




I am a single mom with two girls and we are on food stamps.

I often go to do my grocery shopping for the whole 36______. While I was shopping for this month, I noticed a lady 37______ a very serious conversation on the cell phone. I continued to do my shopping and continually ran into her throughout the 38________. By the time I made it to the check-out line, she too was in line 39________ me. I didn’t think anything of it and went to pay my 40________.

I needed to pay $60 for my non-food items as food 41 _______are only for food. I opened my 42_______only to find that I did not have credit card with me. 43_____,I realized that I had 44______it at home. The 45_______said she could hold my order and I could 46______home to get my money and come back.

I ran outside to ask Sharon, who gave me a lift to the store, 47______she could drive me home and she said 48______. So I ran back in to let the cashier know that I would be right back. But while I was running in the store, the cashier was 49______her hands in the air. She told me not to 50_______going home because the lady behind me had paid my $60 bill. I was 51_______as I had never expected she would help me out. I asked her if I could give her phone number so that I could 52______her. She smiled and said, “Just 53______it.” But I will 54 ______forget what she has done for me. I thank her so much for 55______a single mom without any expectation.

36. A. day          B. week             C. month            D. year

37. A. sparing       B. sharing           C. going             D. having

38. A. shelf         B. counter           C. store              D. street

39. A. behind        B. beside            C. ahead             D. around

40. A. debt          B. fine              C. rent              D. bill

41. A. cards         B stamps            C. papers            D. tickets

42. A. box.          B. basket            C. purse             D. watch

43. A. Suddenly      B. Firstly            C. Interestingly       D. Luckily

44. A. brought       B. sent              C. left               D. placed

45. A. man          B. woman           C. cashier            D. boss

46. A. ride          B. fly               C. run               D. roll

47. A. what         B. if                C. how               D. why

48. A. nothing       B. no               C. sorry              D. yes

49. A. waving       B. shaking           C. biting             D. touching

50. A. find out       B. think up         C. worry out          D. turn to

51. A. satisfied       B. surprised         C. ashamed           D. disappointed

52. A. remind        B. call              C. teach             D. repay  

53. A. leave         B. follow            C. forget             D. remember 

54. A. sometimes     B. usually           C. ever              D. never   

55. A. cheering up    B. helping out        C. making up         D. letting down               


When William, a 10-year-old boy planned to learn the piano, the music teacher was reluctant (不愿意)to accept him. She   31   her students to start their music lessons at a young age when their   32   were able to move quickly and easily.

“William, why do you want to learn the piano?” the teacher asked.

“I want to play for my mother.”

She noticed the   33   in his eyes as he answered her. She had no heart to   34   and accepted William as her student. But at each music lesson, William appeared to be in a hurry and played   35   “My mother is waiting outside for me,” he would tell the teacher. She was tempted to advise William not to   36   his time with lessons anymore as he   37   hit the right notes.  38   there was something about William — - she was fascinated with the tender look in his eyes   39   he mentioned “Mother”.

Suddenly, William stopped coming for his lessons. At the end of the semester year, the music teacher decided to   40   a piano recital (独奏会) for her students and she asked them to participate.

She was   41   to find William’s application to contribute a musical piece. She would place him last in the recital   42   he made mistakes.

The day came and William appeared.  43   it was his turn to play, William bowed before the audience and said he was thankful for the music teacher’s   44   with him. “Tonight I am dedicating (献)my music to my mother.” he said.

 Everyone later asked why William did not bring his mother as she would   45   be proud. William replied, “My mother was   46   and she could never  47   me play during her life time.   48   she sacrificed her time and money to let me learn the piano. This morning Mother passed away. I am sure she is now  49   as she can hear my piano recital. I chose a piece of piano music by Beethoven. As you all know, Beethoven was deaf by the end of his career. But music always symbolized his   50   for freedom and I would like to dedicate it to Mother.”

1.. A. hoped            B. persuaded        C. allowed          D. preferred

2.. A. fingers          B. brains           C. eyes         D. arms

3.. A. surprise         B. joys             C. tears    D. disappointment

4..  A. put him down B. turn him down   C. put him off      D. turn him off

5..  A. badly           B. nicely               C. carefully    D. patiently

6..  A. pass            B. take                 C. kill        D. waste

7..  A. ever            B. never                C. even         D. always

8..  A. Instead         B. Therefore            C. Then                 D. But

9..  A. at one time         B. from time to time    C. each time D. the first time

10..  A. support        B. take                 C. intend           D. organize

11..  A. delighted      B. surprised            C. curious          D. angry

12..  A. as far as      B. if only          C. in case          D. now that

13..  A. Until          B. Since                C. While        D. When

14..  A. patience       B. advice           C. guide            D. concern

15..  A. surely             B. gradually            C. finally      D. quickly

16..  A. blind          B. deaf                 C. ill          D. wounded

17..  A. watch          B. appreciate           C. teach        D. hear

18..  A. Besides        B. Then                 C. Yet              D. Otherwise

19..  A. happy          B. relaxed          C. free                 D. sad

20..  A. effort         B. struggle         C. belief           D. challenge


What I Want for You and Every Child in America

Dear Malia and Sasha,

I know that you've both had a lot of ___(31) these last two years on the campaign trail, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn't have let you have.But I also know that it hasn't always been easy for you and Mom, and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy, it doesn't ____(32)for all the time we've been apart.I know ____(33)I've missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to take our family on this journey.

When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me-about how I'd___(34) my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want.But then the two of you came into my____(35) with all your curiosity and mischief (捣乱) and those smiles that never____(36) to fill my heart and light up my day.

I want all our children to go to schools_____(37) of their potential-schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill (灌输) in them a sense of_____(38) about the world around them.I want them to have the chance to go to college____(39)their parents aren't rich.And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own_____(40)and retire with dignity.

I want us to____(41) the boundaries of discovery so that you'll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer.And I want us to push our own human boundaries to reach _____(42)the divides of race and region, gender and religion that_____(43) us from seeing the best in each other.

That was the_____(44) your grandmother tried to teach me when I was your age, reading me the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for_____(45) because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean_____(46).

She helped me understand that America is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better and that the_____(47)work of perfecting our union falls to each of us.It's a charge we pass on to our children, coming closer with each new generation to_____(48)we know America should be.

These are the things I want for you, to_____(49)in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach.And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have.That's why I've taken our family on this great adventure.

I am so proud of both of you.I love you______(50)you can ever know.And I am grateful every day for your patience, poise (自信), grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the White House.

Love, Dad








A.take up

B.pick up

C.make up

D.put up



A.how much

B.how many

C.how soon

D.how long

































A.even if

B.as if



























































A.wake up

B.grow up

C.come up

D.get up



A.rather than

B.other than

C.less than

D.more than


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