
After a decade at the publishing company, I was fired. I had worked so hard for so long. I was always doing my job , clawing my way up the ladder. And ? Doing these things had me in the end, very little of lasting value. I wondered what would happen if I let it all go—didn’t look for a job, didn’t keep my ambition.

My husband thought it was a great idea. “Just .” he said. As a serious windsurfer, he suggested I try the sport as a path to clarity. I had windsurfed before , but only in water. I didn’t like high winds. I didn’t like going fast—that was . But I wanted to abandon the past. My was to do nothing but read and windsurf every day. I wanted to feel the fear and do it anyway. I wanted to learn how to ride the currents, and I couldn’t think of a better way than to myself to the invisible, ever-shifting wind.

I decided to sail at Swell City, a favorite outpost on the Washington side of the Columbia. That July to be one of the windiest months on record. I grew to find that what I was doing did for my standing in the world. It won me no friends.Then again, I was .

One day, a friend and her l5-year-old son came, and after I explained my , he said the simplest but most profound thing: “It’s all in the . ” This kid had windsurfed only three times , he knew the secret. “If you go out there knowing you’re going to it, you will, ”he continued. “But if you go out there afraid you’ll get hurt , you will. ” I smiled at him. Wasn’t that the same problem I’d encountered in life? I’d always been terrified l wouldn’t reach the goal or the job. I knew I had to let that fear go. And slowly I did.

The wind wanted nothing from me. It cared not at all about my ambition or accomplishments. It me that the beauty of life is in the trying. And that’s where I am: still trying for the turnaround in life and in the .


2.A.what forB.how comeC.so whatD.why not








10.A.turned outB.set outC.picked outD.carried out




14.A.healthB.action 、C.attitudeD.behavior







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