
In my mind. ance Armstrong is a real hero. He has ________ so many things and inspired so many people.

He ________ a life-threatening disease, and has lived a very complete life, ________ giving so much to others.

He is a great teammate and leader. He ________ his winnings from races to his ________ . Armstrong knew he could win only with their help. Even though he has retired, he still helps direct the ________ .Many people admire him________ what he has achieved.

Lance Armstrong was ________ with cancer at 25 and didn't just survive but went on to again win the________ cycling race in the world, the Tour de France. He has raised money for cancer patients. He also ________ the lance Armstrong Foundation and has helped the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

He has won the Tour de France seven times, ________ is a great accomplishment for anyone. ________ one who survived calncer.1t is said to be the longest and must ________ race in a11of cycling. He ________ as a helpful teammate and then became a leader. He has also ________ the Tour of Georgia.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation has ________ $14.4 million for cancer research and started a center for cancer survivors. His contributions may help find a ________ , I know what's what he is________ for.

As you can see. Lance Armstrong has many ________ that make him a hero. He is a good leader with goals. He is an inspiration to kids and adults. I ________that he will try his hardest to find a way to beat cancer and help its survivors.

1.A. accomplished B. adopted C. established D. attempted

2.A. suffered B. defeated C. experienced D. recovered

3.A. even B. thenC. thus D. still

4.A. devotedB. referred C. gave D. explained

5.A. parents B. players C. teammates D. friends

6.A. raceB. team C. tour D. sport

7.A. asB. with C. at D. for

8.A. diagnosedB. faced C. filled D. connected

9.A. bestB. hardest C. coolest D. simplest

10.A. found B. assisted C. founded D. suggested

11.A. that B. which C. what D. why

12.A. speciallyB. especiallyC. generally D. normally

13.A. famous B. challenging C. interesting D. attractive

14.A. started outB. made out C. put out D. held out

15.A. directed B. managed C. defeated D. won

16.A. offered B. donated C. collected D. earned

17.A. means B. cure C. treatment D. case

18.A. looking B. asking C. hoping D. taking

19.A. tricks B. qualitiesC. habits D. customs

20.A. doubtB. argue C. guarantee D. decide

It’s a too long story — 17 months to be exact — with an ending that’s short and sweet. Ruthie has, finally and happily, been reunited with her family.

The story goes back to October, 2005. Ruthie, 8 months old, was sitting on the back seat of the family car when her owner walked hurriedly into a Long Island store. When Nancy Noel returned a few minutes later, Ruthie was nowhere in sight.

Nancy Noel and her husband, Lincoln Werden, got in touch with Nassau County police, put up flyers (小传单) around their Manhasset neighborhood. But no sightings of Ruthie were reported. Until last week, that is, someone sent Ruthie to a Manhattan shelter after finding her walking slowly around the Bronx — 25 miles from where she was taken on that fateful October day.

And then, shelter workers searched Ruthie for a possible microchip (微芯片) — she had one fixed under her skin. It showed her family’s name and address. Ruthie was immediately reunited with Nancy Noel and her daughter, Sara Werden.

“We never thought we would see her again,” said Sara Werden. “We were just amazed.”

She’s no longer the tiny pup they last saw. In fact, Ruthie gained (增加) 10 pounds during her months away from home. She’s on a diet now, and has already lost one and a half pounds. Ruthie also has a new friend to play with. The family had got another dog, named Holly, after losing the hope of ever finding their beloved Ruthie.

1.According to the passage, when did Ruthie get together with her family?

A. In October 2005. B. In March 2006.

C. In May 2007. D. In March 2007.

2.According to the passage, Ruthie should be _____.

A. a pet dog that Nancy Noel raised

B. one of Nancy Noel’s daughters

C. one of Holly’s sisters

D. a police working for Nancy Noel

3.Which of the following shows the right time order according to the passage?

a. Ruthie was sent to a shelter.

b. Ruthie stayed outside a Long Island store.

c. Ruthie was fixed a microchip.

d. Ruthie reunited with her family.

e. Shelter workers found Ruthie’s address.

A. baecd B. caebd C. bedac D. cbaed

4.Which of the following can be inferred according to the passage?

A. Ruthie was stolen by a thief.

B. Ruthie had enough food during the days when she was lost.

C. Nancy Noel never lost the hope of finding Ruthie.

D. Ruthie had to put on weight after she was found again.

Napoleon stayed in a small inn (小旅馆). The next morning, he went to thank the innkeeper.

“You have served me well,” said Napoleon. “I wish to reward you. Tell me what you want.”

“Sir, we want nothing,” said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something?”

“What is it?” Napoleon asked.

“We have heard a story,” said the innkeeper, “that once during the war , a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you. Will you tell us how you felt when they were looking for you?” Napoleon looked very angry. He called in two of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeeper and his wife out into the yard.

At the end of the yard was a wall. The innkeeper and his wife were led to the wall. The soldiers tied the hands of the innkeeper and his wife. Napoleon watched, saying nothing. “Please, sir.” begged the innkeeper, “Don’t kill us! we meant nothing!” The soldiers moved back. The innkeeper saw them raising their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim!” The wife screamed. “Stop!” said Napoleon. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now, don’t you?”

1.While the Russians were searching for him, Napoleon ______.

A. ordered his men to fight back

B. was frightened to death

C. feared nothing at all

D. regretted (后悔) having hidden there

2.Why did Napoleon order his men to tie the couple?

A. Because he wanted to teach the innkeeper a good lesson for bothering him.

B. Because he wanted to kill the couple to get rid of his anger.

C. Because he wanted to show that he was so admiring a general that nobody could upset him.

D. Because he wanted to make them know that he felt the same as they in face of danger.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Five people are mentioned in this passage.

B. In fact, Napoleon didn’t hide when the Russians were looking for him.

C. Napoleon was thankful to the innkeeper for his good service.

D. The couple had thought they would be killed before Napoleon said “stop”.

Although I started learning English during my college years, when I entered the States, I only understood two English words “Yes” and “No”. We learned many grammar rules but we could not make the language connections to the real English world. Language frustration worries almost all first generation immigrants. For example, I got a letter from a Chinese-American who has lived in the States for a long time and has a good IT job saying “My 11-year-old girl writes quite well, but as her parents, we could not even read her article.”In addition, my Chinese-American professor friend has difficulty reading a novel. Improving our English skills has become a long journey for all of us. Honestly, if I have a chance, I really want to reach out to everyone in the world who has had a similar experience: learning a second language in adulthood. I wish I could encourage them to speak out about the culture shock, frustration they felt about the differences between West and East.

I have mainly focused on my English writing since 2008 after I found “Literacy Volunteers”, an organization that specially focuses on helping immigrants improve their English. I decided to challenge myself, writing a story like an American. I saw many wonderful Americans there. As soon as I met my teacher Alice, I asked her to be my private language tutor and have taken Tims English class. Every week Alice and I have worked on my English essays sentence by sentence.

To observe the culture differences between West and East, occasionally, I posted a few of my English essays online. I mentioned previously about American culture; when people read the same article or even face the same situation, American and Chinese act very differently. In my viewpoint, these differences make America the strongest country in the world. I know you have the right to express your own opinions, but accusing others without proof is not acceptable.

1.The underlined word “frustration” in the first paragraph means .

A. failure and setbacks B. words and problems

C. understanding and progress D. slang and idioms

2.In the passage, “Literacy Volunteers” is .

A. only intended to help the Chinese-Americans

B. an organization which is set up to make a profit

C. of great use to people like the author

D. a school showing how to enjoy literature

3.From the last paragraph we can learn that .

A. Americans and Chinese are of the same idea about something

B. culture shock only exists between Chinese and Americans

C. accusing others freely can be acceptable in America

D. culture differences have great influence on the people

4.The purpose of the passage is .

A. to show how hard a Chinese-American lives in America

B. to share her experience of improving her English

C. to imply grammar rules are not important

D. to warn Chinese-Americans of English

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