


People associate colours with different things and feelings. Red, for example, is the colour of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an   21   and active colour. They associate red with a strong feeling like   22  . Red is used for signs of   23  , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm colour of    24    in autumn. People say orange is a   25   colour. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the colour of   26  . People say it is a  27  colour. They associate yellow too, with  28   . Green is the cool colour of grass in  29   . People say it is a refreshing colour. In general, People  30    two groups of colours. Warm colours and cool colours. The warm colours are red, orange and 31   . Where there are warm colours and  32    light, people usually want to be  33   . Those who like to be with  34   , like red. The cool colours are  35    and blue. Where there are these colours, people are usually worried.

   Some scientists say that time seems to  36    more slowly in a room with warm colours. They  37   that a warm colour is a good  38    for a living room or a  39   . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly.  40    colours are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

21. A. exciting       B. amusing    C. interesting  D. entertaining

22. A. sorrow  B. anger  C. admiration  D. sadness

23. A. roads    B. ways   C. danger       D. places

24. A. frees     B. leaves C. grass   D. rivers

25. A. lively   B. dark    C. noisy  D. strong

26. A. coffee   B. light   C. sunlight      D. stars

27. A. terrifying     B. sad     C. happy D. cheerful

28. A. anger    B. happiness   C. sorrow       D. hatred

29. A. spring   B. summer      C. autumn      D. winter

30. A. speak    B. say     C. talk about   D. tell

31. A. green    B. yellow       C. white  D. grey

32. A. a lot of B. lot of  C. a lot    D. lots

33. A. calm     B. sleepy C. active  D. helpful

34. A. the other      B. another      C. other one    D. others

35. A. black    B. green  C. golden       D. yellow

36. A. go round      B. go by  C. go off D. go along

37. A. decide  B. suggest       C. advise D. express

38. A. one      B. way    C. fact     D. matter

39. A. factory B. classroom   C. restaurant   D. clinic

40. A. Different     B. Cool   C. Warm D. All



第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


A young girl, Hattie, stood outside a small church. "I can't go to Sunday School," she said to the pastor(牧师). The next time the  21  met her he said "Hattie, we are going to have a larger Sunday school room soon. When we get the  22  with which to found a school building we are going to  23  one large enough to get all the little children in, and we are going to begin very soon to  24  the money for it."

   The pastor did not see Hattie  25 , until he heard from her parents some two years later that Hattie died. As her poor little body was being moved, a purse was found. Inside was found 57 cents and a note  26 : "This is to help build the little church  27  so more children can go to Sunday school."

  For two years she had saved for this offering of  28 . When the pastor tearfully read that  29 , he knew instantly what he would do.  30  this note, he told the  31  of her love and devotion.

 A newspaper  32  the story and published it. A man  33  them a land worth many thousands. Checks came from far and wide. Within five years the little girl's gift had  34  to $250,000.00 a huge sum for that time.

Her unselfish love had  35  wonders. When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple University,  36  hundreds of students are trained. Have a look,  37 , at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of Sunday scholars,  38  no child in the area will ever need to be left outside at Sunday school time. In one of the rooms of this  39  may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little  40  whose 57 cents made such remarkable history.

21.A. assistant        B. teacher       C. pastor        D. professor

22.A. chance          B. time           C. help           D. money

23.A. build            B. buy            C. visit           D. damage

24.A. spend           B. raise          C. waste         D. return

25.A. again            B. completely C. either         D. suddenly

26.A. lasted           B. read           C. searched     D. posted

27.A. stronger        B. taller          C. bigger        D. smaller

28.A. art               B. life            C. honor         D. love

29.A. note             B. notice        C. need          D. worry

30.A. Joining         B. Carrying    C. Setting       D. Adding

31.A. use               B. matter        C. story          D. cost

32.A.learned of      B. called for   C. made up     D. brought back

33.A. sent              B. offered       C. caught        D. carried

34.A. gathered              B. turned        C. increased    D. fallen

35.A. covered        B. beaten        C. made         D. done

36.A. where           B. when         C. which        D. that

37.A. already         B. too            C. instead              D. though

38.A. as long as     B. even if              C. so that        D. ever since

39.A. library          B. cinema       C. church              D. building

40.A. scientist        B. writer        C. boy            D. Girl

It was past 10:00 pm. I was busy with my schoolwork though I was   21 . Just then my little
brother Michael ran out of his room,   22  a pen in his right hand and a piece of paper in the other.
“Betty, can you help me with my   23  for school? It’s about the seven   24  of the world.” He said.
My eyes were so   25  on the computer screen that my brother had to pull my blouse just to get my   26 .
“Look, not right now! I’m very busy.” I said. “You’re always busy! You’re always like that!” he replied.
I felt a bit guilty(愧疚)   27  I thought about his words, but my work seemed more   28   to me than my brother’s. I sighed a few times and   29   with my own studies.
The next day, I arrived home late. Michael came into my room.
“I know you are   30 , but there’s something I want to show you”, he began. Without saying a word, I   31  the paper from him. I really didn’t   32  what he was saying. All I wanted was to   33  him and finally get to rest.
Suddenly, my eyes widened in   34 . There, he wrote:
The Seven Wonders of the World
1Love   2.Friendship   3.Peace   4.Joy   5.Wisdom   6.Fun  7.Family
I   35  believe what my brother had written on the paper. I was completely   36 .
How could such an innocent(天真的)little child   37  such things in life?
The most valuable things in life are the ones that we   38  take for granted. These things don’t take the form of big houses or beautiful   39 . The most wonderful things in the world are immaterial(非物质的)   40  they can never be developed by human art, skill or effort.
21.A.tired     B.experienced         C.talented       D.satisfied
22.A.buying     B.holding        C.playing     D.biting
23.A.problem   B.mistake     C.trouble      D.homework
24.A.events   B.cities          C.wonders      D.mysteries
25.A.paid           B.attracted      C.applied        D.fixed
26.A.attention   B.care        C.love         D.concern
27.A.before      B.as           C.since           D.till
28.A.practical   B.useful          C.important     D.interesting
29.A.started      B.hated         C.forgot       D.continued
30.A.busy     B.bored        C.free         D.tiring
31.A.handed     B.took         C.got          D.accepted
32.A.record      B.worry       C.mind          D.share
33.A.get on well with      B.keep up with        C.make fun of       D.get rid of
34.A.surprise    B.sadness        C.happiness    D.disappointment
35.A.shouldn’t  B.needn’t       C.couldn’t       D.mustn’t
36.A.wounded B.lost          C.pleased         D.puzzled
37.A.understand       B.remember       C.study    D.finish
38.A.ever      B.often        C.seldom          D.never
39.A.voices      B.poems     C.cars            D.music
40.A.if        B.when      C.but             D.and

第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
I have a love-hate relationship with 8 o’clock classes. I like to get   21   that early; most students don’t . They drag in late and look sleepy and  22     at that early hour.
One day I got really angry with it. I was  23   about the topic (history of Indians),but no one else seemed to be. I moved  24     the classroom. I told stories and tries   25   . I got theatrical(表演似的). It was useless. Students’blank looks didn’t seem to  26    . I was about to start a major topic when I   27  down at my watch. It was already past the scheduled end of class. So I just ended   28    .
Watching the students running out of the door, I  29    my books, notes and papers and stepped out into the hall. I was tired and a bit  30     . I had put everything I knew into that classroom   31    but it had seemed good for nothing. Then  32    I started across the hall, a student coming out of the back door of the classroom  33    me . It was Randy. I thought he wanted to ask  34   I didn’t have those test papers   35    or maybe he wanted   36   to hand in a late paper or …However , It was   37  of that. With his eyes sparking(闪亮). Randy said “This is the first time I’ve not    38  a college class to end. ”
The tiredness lifted. I had done  39    than I thought. I don't know if Randy will ever40    how much he did for me that day.
21. A. changed         B. started    C. caught       D. asked
22. A. dull   B. lazy  C. dirty        D. strange
23. A. sure   B. curious    C. excited    D. worried
24. A. into   B. from       C. forward   D. about
25. A. luck         B. humor    C. experiment     D. success
26. A. change      B. loose       C. appear     D. think
27. A. broke       B. put   C. took        D. glanced
28. A. carelessly         B. hurriedly        C. suddenly        D. naturally
29. A. got through      B. took away       C. picked up       D. went over
30. A. anxious    B. delight     C. sick  D. discouraged
31. A. lesson       B. discussion      C. performance   D. content
32. A. as        B. because    C. if    D. till
33. A. ran after    B. shouted at      C. got along with        D.caught up with
34. A. when        B. why        C. whether   D. who
35. A. taken        B. passed     C. graded     D. checked
36. A. excuse       B. information     C. promise   D. permission
37. A. none  B. nothing   C. all   D. anything
38. A. attended   B. asked      C. wanted    D. chosen
39. A. better        B. worse      C. more       D. less
40. A. care         B. understand      C. think       D. forget



There is an old man in the village that everybody___21___asks him for help whenever they come____22___problems.He is named the No 1___23___man in the world.

In the village,there is one young man who is also very___24___.So he is very unhappy___25_______ the old man could be more___26___than him.One day he___27___the old man with a bird in his hand.He asked the old man a___28___question: “ Is the bird in my hand dead or alive?”

The old man___29___at the bird and answered: “Whether the bird is dead or not___30___on you.If I say it is alive,you will___31___the bird to death.If I say it is dead, you will set it___32___.So when things are in your hands, you___33___your own fate.”

On most occasions, the__34___of whether success or failure___35___our hands.It is your________36___whether you want to succeed or not.__37___you cannot control certain events that___38___, you can choose how___39___want to react.Exercise your___40___of positive thinking.And then you will find you are getting more and more clever, and are able to solve problems much more easily.

21.A.never                  B.always                C.seldom                D.often

22.A.over                   B.with                    C.across                 D.to

23.A.wise                   B.stupid                 C.brave                  D.kind

24.A.intelligent           B.helpful                C.active                  D.promising

25.A.because               B.that                     C.though                D.when

26.A.foolish                B.popular               C.lovely                 D.promising

27.A.showed               B.provided             C.attracted              D.approached

28.A.simple                B.puzzling              C.silly                    D.familiar

29.A.turned                 B.called                  C.looked                D.glared

30.A.falls                    B.depends               C.trusts                  D.stands

31.A.kill                     B.shoot                  C.squeeze               D.frighten

32.A.up                      B.down                  C.about                  D.free

33.A.decide                 B.tell                     C.try                      D.win  

34.A.question              B.outcome              C.factor                  D.truth

35.A.puts up               B.goes away           C.lies in                 D.takes in

36.A.view                   B.opinion               C.idea                    D.choice

37.A.Since                  B.As                      C.Although             D.Whether

38.A.occur                  B.go                      C.present                D.have

39.A.others                 B.we                      C.you                     D.they

40.A.energy                B.power                 C.force                   D.strength





It seems as if cell phone could be the protection that parents expecting the kids to have freedom and be safe have been looking for. Let's  41   your 11-year-old son is going on a long bike ride with a friend, so they take along your cell phone   42   they need help. Not only could they call you if necessary, but  43  Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipped on many mobile phones today, your son and his friend could also be  44  easily. Plus, with an additional service, you could track the boys'  45  location. Or consider this: If your daughter is  46   herself and three friends to a concert, she could  47  out exactly how to locate the concert location and get back home by using her equipped cell phone.And through a(n)  48   software package,you could   49   her whereabouts (行踪).

  50  tracking devices as we all consider useful, however, have  51  .If the boys urgently needed help during the ride,  52  might be too late by the time someone found them. And if they wanted to, the concert-going girls could deviate (偏离) from the  53  route and go to a night club after the  54  -they could turn off the phone or leave it in their own car and drive with someone else.

Cell phones and their accompanying programs are tools for   55  children safely today, but all of them are  56   extremely reliable. Under no circumstances does  57  else replace a well-established parent-child relationship  58   love and trust.

If you do decide to let your kids use these devices, don't rely  59  on them for protection. Your children need you watching them-  60   will never take the place of your time, attention, eyes, and ears when overseeing your child's whereabouts.

41.A. pretend                        B. see                                C. prove                             D. say

42.A. even if                           B. only if                            C. in case                          D. so that

43.A. with                               B. as                                   C. also                                D. for

44.A. called                            B. observed                      C. contacted                    D. located

45.A. obvious                         B. clear                              C. exact                             D. safe

46.A. leading                          B. driving                          C. heading                        D. guiding

47.A. map                               B. make                             C. work                              D. get

48.A. additional                     B. universal                      C. another                       D. exceptional

49.A. learn                              B. know                             C. follow                           D. search

50.A. These                            B. Such                              C. Some                             D. Few

51.A. faults                             B. shortcomings             C. difficulties                    D. disadvantages

52.A. parents                         B. it                                    C. policemen                    D. we

53.A. considered                   B. established                 C. located                         D. planned

54.A. drive                              B. ride                                C. show                             D. party

55.A. guaranteeing              B. providing                      C. caring                            D. parenting

56.A. never                             B. always                          C. usually                          D. merely

57.A. everything                   B. nothing                         C. anything                       D. something

58.A. relied on                       B. based on                      C. laid on                           D. kept on

59.A. specifically                  B. believably                    C. only                                D. particularly

60.A. relationship                 B. cell phone                    C. protection                    D. technology


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