Dear friends£¬
Thank you!
The Students'Union£®

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bear¡­in mindÀμǡ­
stick to¼á³Ö
care for¹ØÐÄ
take action ²ÉÈ¡Ðж¯
contribute to ÓÐÖúÓÚ
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºIf so£¬it is our duty to protect the environment£®Õâ¾ä»°ÓÃÁËÊ¡ÂÔ¾äºÍit×öÐÎʽÖ÷Óï
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºTo fulfill this task£¬we should bear the following in mind£®Õâ¾ä»°ÓÃÁ˲»¶¨Ê½×öÄ¿µÄ×´Ó
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£ºOnly in this way can we make our schoolyard more and more beautiful£®´Ë¾äonly+½é´Ê¶ÌÓÖ÷¾ä²¿·Öµ¹×°

½â´ð Dear friends£¬
Do you want to live in a beautiful world£¿If so£¬it is our duty to protect the environment£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ» £©To fulfill this task£¬we should bear the following in mind£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£¨³«ÒéÊéÄÚÈÝ£©
To begin with£¬we should stick to the habit of going to school on foot or by bike£®In addition£¬we should protect the environment of our school by not throwing rubbish around£®Remember to turn off the taps and the lights when we don't use them and it's important to recycle everything that can be recycled£®Last but not least£¬we should care for plants and trees in our schoolyard and be civilized students£®Only in this way can we make our schoolyard more and more beautiful£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©£¨ÖÐѧÉúÓ¦¾¡µÄÔðÈΣ©
Let's all take action now and contribute to the environmental protection£®£¨×÷ÕߵĺôÓõ£©
Thank you!
The Students'Union

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13£®Have your parents ever caught you misbehaving--fighting with peers£¬coming home late or playing computer games when you were supposed to be doing your homework£¿How did they react£¿Did they try to talk to you or just yell at you£¿
Parents used to rely on physical punishments like pushing or spanking£¨´òƨ¹É£©to control their children's behavior£¬which has been proven to be very harmful£®Therefore£¬most parents now choose to simply yell£¬thinking that language probably won't hurt as much£®But is that really so£¿
Using harsh words such as"lazy"or"stupid"to insult teenagers is just as harmful as hitting£¬according to a new study carried out at the University of Pittsburgh£¬US£®"It cannot reduce or correct their problem behavior£¬"said Professor Ming-Te Wang£¬leader of the study£®"On the contrary£¬it makes it worse£®"
The study's subjects were 976 two-parent families with teenage children£®Researchers asked the kids about their behavior problems while questioning parents about how often they had cursed £¨ÖäÂor yelled at their kids£®
Nearly half of the parents admitted that they'd shouted at their children in the past year£®Researchers noted that the kids whose parents used more harsh words experienced more behavior problems afterwards£¬including fighting£¬stealing£¬lying as well as symptoms of depression £¨ÒÖÓô£©£®
"Adolescence is a very sensitive period when kids are trying to develop their self-identities£®When you yell£¬it makes them feel they are not capable£¬that they are worthless and useless£¬"Wang said£®"This may explain why so many parents say that no matter how loud they shout£¬their teenagers don't listen£®"
While harsh yelling can stop bad behavior in the moment£¬it doesn't teach children to behave how parents want them to£®What parents need to do is praise their children for good behavior£®If parents really need to punish their kids£¬they should try things like taking away smart phones and reminding them that good behavior will get them back£®
67£®What does the underlined word"It"in Paragraph 3 refer to£¿D
A£®Punishing teenagers£®
B£®Controlling children's behavior£®
C£®Talking to children£®
D£®Using harsh words£®
68£®We can know from Professor Ming-Te Wang's study thatA£®
A£®kids often shouted at won't change their problem behavior
B£®kids are unwilling to listen to whatever parents say
C£®parents should make a list of their kids'misbehavior
D£®kids from two-parent families get more harsh words
69£®Why does harsh words have negative effects on kids£¿C
A£®Because they make kids more sensitive when they grow up£®
B£®Because they make kids tend to yell or curse others£®
C£®Because they make kids doubt their values and lose confidence£®
D£®Because they make kids eager to be praised£®
70£®The last paragraph is chiefly concerned aboutB£®
A£®how to praise children's good behavior
B£®how to deal with children's misbehavior
C£®the importance of stopping harsh yelling
D£®the way to encourage children to correct mistakes£®
8£®This was the year the Earth struck back£®
Earthquakes£¬heat waves£¬floods£¬volcanoes£¬super typhoons£¬landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010-the deadliest year in more than a generation£®More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism £¨¿Ö²ÀÖ÷Ò壩 attacks in the past 40years combined£®
"It just seemed like it was back-to-back and it came in waves£¬"said Craig Fugate£¬who heads the US Federal Emergency Management Agency£®It handled a record number of disasters in 2010£®
"The term¡®100-year event'really lost its meaning this year£®"
And we have ourselves to blame £¨Ô𱸣© most of the time£¬scientists and disaster experts say£®
Even though many disasters seem accidental£¬the hand of man made this a particularly deadly£¬costly£¬extreme and strange year for everything from wild weather to earthquakes£®
Poor construction £¨½¨É裩 and development practices make earthquakes more deadly than they need be£®More people live in poverty in vulnerable buildings in crowded cities£®That means that when the ground shakes£¬the river breaches £¨¾ö¿Ú£©£¬or the tropical cyclone £¨ÈÈ´øÆøÐý£© hits£¬more people die£®
The January earthquake that killed well more than 220£¬000people in Haiti is a perfect example£®Port-au-Prince has nearly three times as many people£¬many of them living in poverty£¬and more poorly built shanties £¨ÅﻧÇø£© as it did 25years ago£®The same quake hit Port-au-Prince in 1985instead of 2010£¬total deaths would have probably been in the 80£¬000range£¬said Richard Olson£¬director of disaster risk reduction at Florida International University£®
Climate scientists say Earth's climate also is changing thanks to man-made global warming£¬bringing extreme weather£¬such as heat waves and flooding£®
The large amount of extreme weather is a clear sign of man-made global warming that climate scientists have long warned about£®They calculate that the killer Russian heat wave-setting a national record of 111degrees-would happen once every 100£¬000years without global warming£®
Previous data show that 18countries broke their records for the hottest day ever£®
White House science adviser John Holdren said we should get used to climate disasters or do something about global warming£º"The science is clear that we can expect more and more of these kinds of damaging events unless and until society's emissions £¨ÅÅ·Å£© of heat-trapping gases and particles £¨Î¢Á££© are sharply reduced£®"

67£®What does the second paragraph mainly tell us£¿A
A£®How the Earth struck back in 2010£®
B£®Why the Earth struck back£®
C£®How terrorism attacks struck£®
D£®What natural disasters mean to us£®
68£®What does the underlined word"vulnerable"mean£¿A
A£®weak     B£®strong     C£®old         D£®ugly
69£®What do the fifth£¬sixth and seventh paragraphs mainly tell us£¿A
A£®The reason why there were so many disasters in 2010£®
B£®The way that natural disaster happened£®
C£®The way that man built buildings£®
D£®The ways that people lived£®
70£®Why did the writer give the example of the earthquake that happened in Haiti£¿B
A£®To show Port-au-Prince is too crowded£®
B£®To show more people's living in vulnerable buildings can cause more people to die in an earthquake
C£®To show man's forecast ability of an earthquake reduced
D£®To show Haiti is a poor country£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
