
【题目】Want to live longer? Win an Oscar.

A new study says that actors who received the award earn more than larger paychecks.

So when 94-year-old Katharine Hepburn once remarked that she was respected internationally “like an old building”, she had no idea that her four Oscars directly influenced her longevity(长寿).

The study says winning actors will live 3.9 years longer than their losing counterparts (对手). Actors who have won more than once, like Hepburn, live up to six years longer than those who were nominated (提名) but never won.

“We found that they died from the same things we all die from—cancer, heart disease, but they fought them a bit longer and diseases came a bit later,” says Dr. Donald Redelmeier, the leading author of the study. Redelmeier says the sense of success and satisfaction makes one’s soul become more full of life.

“We are not saying that you will live longer if you win an Oscar,” explains Redelmeier, “or that people should go out and take acting courses. Our main conclusion is simply that social factors are important.” The study’s implied conclusion, he says, is that doctors should ask about their patients’ personal feelings because mental well-being is related to physical health.

Redelmeier says he got the idea for the study when he watched a glowing Gwyneth Paltrow win an Oscar in 1999 for her role in Shakespeare in Love. Redelmeier says, “She looked more full of life than anyone I had seen.”

“We found, too, those that had multi-nominations and no win had the same life expectancy as those with just a single nomination and no win,” Redelmeier adds.

1The longevity of Oscar winners mainly has something to do with___________.

A. the big money that was awarded

B. mental factors

C. rich and colorful lives

D. respect from others and better treatment

2Tom had five Oscar nominations but win no Oscar and Peter had only one nomination and won no Oscar either. We can tell__________.

A. Tom probably will have a longer life than Peter.

B. Peter probably will have a longer life than Tom

C. Both Tom and Peter probably will have the same life expectancy

D. Both Tom and Peter probably will have a long life.

3According to the passage, we know __________.

A. When Katharine Hepburn was 94, she knew her long life had something to do with her 4 Oscar prizes

B. In general the number of Oscar prizes has nothing to do with a person’s life expectancy.

C. That Gwyneth Paltrow’s full of life made Redelmeier decide to do the study.

D. If you want to live a happy and long life, you should take acting courses and win Oscars.

4What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Most Oscar Winners Live Longer Lives

B. How to Get a Long Life

C. A New Study about Long Lives

D. An Amazing Finding







1B细节理解题。根据文中The study’s implied conclusion, he says, is that doctors should ask about their patients’ personal feelings because mental well-being is related to physical health,可知长寿跟精神因素有关,故选B

2C推理判断题。根据文中The study says winning actors will live 3.9 years longer than their losing counterparts (对手). Actors who have won more than once, like Hepburn, live up to six years longer than those who were nominated (提名) but never won,可知这两人的寿命将会是相同的,故选C


4A推理判断题。根据文章第一段Want to live longer? Win an Oscar,以及全文内容,对于获得奥斯卡奖与生命的关系中得出的结论:赢得奥斯卡奖会使得活的更久。推断选项A最符合文章的标题,故选A


【题目】Chimpanzees, long considered reluctant to share, apparently can display selfless tendencies, revealing one more key way our closest living relatives are like humans, scientists findThese findings could shed light on the evolution ofaltruismin humans

Previously, a belief was widely held that human altruism evolved only after humans split from their ape cousins about 6 million years agoIn recent years, however, research has revealed just how much chimpanzees have in common with usThey can hunt with spears, play with dolls and mourn their partners’ death.

"Most of the earlier studies had presented the apes with a complex implement that helped them deliver food to themselves or others, often so complicated that the experiments tested tool skills rather than social tendencies," De Waal told Live Science"Ours is the first study that uses no such implement at all."

In addition to using complex food-delivery systems, past experiments often placed the chimpanzees so far apart that they might not have realized how their actions benefited othersIn these new, simplified experiments, two apes were housed next to each other with a screen through which they could see each otherThen, one chimpanzee had to choose between two differently colored tokens (币) from a bin, one of which represented a pro-social (亲社会的) option, the other a selfish optionThe pro-social option would cause both chimpanzees to receive a piece of banana wrapped in paperThe selfish option only rewarded the ape who made the choice.

In a study with seven adult female chimps placed into various pairs, the scientists found all the apes showed a definite preference for the pro-social option"For me, the most important finding is that like us, chimpanzees take into account the needs and wishes of others," researcher Victoria Horner, said.

The chimpanzees behaved especially altruistically toward partners who either patiently waited or gently reminded them that they were there by drawing attention to themselvesThey were less likely to reward partners who pressured through making a fuss, begging persistently or spitting water at themThis is opposite to a long-standing view that the chimpanzees only share food under pressure.

1The word " altruism" paragraph 1is closest in meaning to ______.

A. selfishness B. selflessness

C. willingness D. reluctance

2Recent researches are performed with less complicated implements mainly to ______.

A. show that chimps are only good at using implements

B. see whether chimps are willing to share food with others

C. find out if chimps are likely to reward partners

D. test chimps’ social tendencies instead of tool skills

3Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Evolution History of Altruism in Humans

B. Similarities between Chimps and Mankind

C. Chimps Do Show Selfless Behavior

D. Chimps Only Share Food under Pressure

【题目】When people ask me what Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症) is, I tell them it’s an extra chromosome(染色体). A doctor would tell you the extra chromosome causes an intellectual disability that makes it harder for me to learn things.

Even though I have Down Syndrome, my life is a lot like yours. I read books and watch TV. I listen to music with my friends. I’m on the swim team and in chorus at school. I think about the future, and I like the one who I’ll marry. And I get along with my sisters---except when they take CDs without asking! I’m a hard worker, a good person, and I care about my friends.

Some of my classes are with typical kids, and some are with kids with learning disabilities. I have an aid who goes with me to my harder classes, like math and biology. She helps me take notes and gives me tips on how I should study for tests. It really helps, but I also challenge myself to do well. For instance, my goal was to be in a typical English class by 12thgrade. That’s exactly what happened this year!

It’s true that I don’t learn some things as fast as other people do. But that won’t stop me from trying. I just know that if I work really hard and by myself I can do almost anything.

I can’t change the fact that I have Down Syndrome, but one thing I would change is what people think of me. I’d tell them, “Judge me as a whole person, not just the person you see. Treat me with respect, and accept me for who I am. The most important---just be my friend.”

1A person with Down Syndrome ____________according to the passage.

A. can learn things almost as fast as normal people do

B. has one more chromosome than normal people

C. is hard to get along with

D. is easy to get along with

2The writer tries to picture himself as a __________teenager.

A. normal B. perfect C. lovely D. special

3The writer feels ________about his life.

A. confused B. hopeful C. unhappy D. curious

4What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To prove people with Down Syndrome are a lot like healthy ones

B. To show the writer’s honesty and optimism

C. To change people’s attitude towards people with Down Syndrome

D. To describe the life of a student with learning disabilities

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