
Ⅲ. 语法填空[2015 •广东肇庆第二次统一检测]


Umbrella is what we easily forget and leave behind in our daily life. When the weather is fine, we certainly don't think of it; only when it's raining, we'll carry it purposefully. But as soon as the rain stops, most likely we'll forget 10. we've put it.   It has to wait patiently and pitifully for

11._____ owner to claim it, otherwise it'll remain alone as a deserted umbrella.

Once I suddenly found my long-time 12.____(use) umbrella "disappeared". I really got lost and regretted quite some time 13._____ my own carelessness.

Several days later, out of my 14._____(expect) , I saw it quietly stand in a corner of the house where I worked. I was extremely glad to regain it. Looking carefully at it,though it was so familiar 15.________me,Ifoundforthefirsttimeitswoodehandle   16.______(wear)out as a result of repeated rain-wash for years. I sought for it only when I needed it.   It occurred to me that I should have paid

17. _________ (much) attention to it.

It sets me thinking. Around us there are always people giving us support in silence just like 18. umbrella that protects us from the rain or any wretched weather. Will you think of those individuals 19._____have helped you get through difficulty when you are leading a comfortable life?


10. where根据语境"我们很可能忘掉我们把它放在哪儿了"可知用where引导地点状语从句。


12. used此处是过去分词作定语。used umbrella用过的雨伞。

13.for   介词for表示原因。

14.expectation   my是形容词性物主代词,其后要接名词形式。

15.to   be familiar to为.... 所熟悉。

16.had worn/had been worn   根据for years和语境时态可知用过去完成时。

17. more根据语境"我本来应该对它更加关注"可知用比较级。

18. an   umbrella是元音开头,故填an。

19. who/that   先行词those individuals指人,定语从句缺少主语,故填who/that 0


I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight (货运)yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can slightly 5the brightness of sunshine and what colour red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but 6 can do strange things to people.

It 7to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been 8 . I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so 9,otherwise. I don't mean that I would pre?fer to go without my 10 . I simply mean that the loss of them made me  11 more what I had.

Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of12 to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more    13  his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. The hardest 14         I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was 15       . If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have 16        and become a chair rocker on the front porch (门廊)for the rest of my life.

It took me years to discover and    17    this belief. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball.   I thought he was 18    at me and I was hurt. "I can't use this," I said. " 19  it with you,,, he urged me, "and roll it around. ,, The words stuck in my head.   " Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear   20 it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought   21  ; playing baseball.  At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of    22   . We called it ground ball.

All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my 23 It was no good to try for something I knew at the start that was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of24 . I would fail sometimes anyway but on average I made progress.

 5.A. forget                B. see

C. ignore               D. remember

6.   A. happiness            B. fortune
C. misfortune           D. wealth

7.   A. occurred             B. happened
C. agreed               D. applied

8.   A. clever               B. blind
C. foolish              D. lucky

9.   A. hardly               B. quickly
C. roughly              D. deeply

  10.   A. hands               B. arms

C. eyes                D. legs

11.   A. appreciate          B. arrive

C. believe             D. accept

12.   A. employments         B. investments
C. settlements         D. adjustments

13.   A. meaningful          B. painful
C. fearful             D. careful

14.    A. pleasure            B. lesson
C.  enjoyment           D. trouble

15.    A. unnecessary         B. horrible
C.  unpractical         D. essential

16.    A. broken out          B.  broken through
C.  broken down         D.  broken off

17.    A. strengthen          B. weaken
C.  shorten             D. darken

18.    A. smiling             B. laughing
C.  wondering           D. glaring

19.    A. Bring               B. Borrow
C.  Take                D. Lend

20.    A. where               B. when
C.  why                 D. how


21.    A. possible            B. potential
C.  probable            D. impossible

22.    A. basketball          B. baseball
C.  football            D. volleyballl

23.    A. conversations       B. limitations
C.  congratulations     D. educations

24.    A, achievement         B. process
C.  success             D. failure


A [2015 •河南郑州高三模拟]

The year of 2014 saw smart people always busy inventing useful things, which have helped to make the world better, smarter and a little more fun. Now,let's take a look at some of the inventions.

Super banana

  Australian biogeneticist(生物遗传学家)James Dale visi?ted Uganda,a poor African country,in the early 2000s, where he found that 15%〜30% of children under 5 were at the risk of going blind because they didn't get enough vitamin A. Dale also learned that people there love bananas. They eat 3 to 11 bananas a day. So he came up with an idea to plant bananas containing added nutrition in order to improve Ugandans' health. With the help of Bill Gates' foundation,Dale developed the"super banana". He added a gene to the fruit,making it rich in vitamin A.

Coaching basketball

  Basketball is popular worldwide, partly because you only need a hoop(篮簠)and a ball to play the game. But this sim?ple game experienced a technology makeover with the devel?opment of a smart sensor basketball.

The ball, called the 94Fifty Basketball, has 9 sensors in?side. They can tell you anything from how fast you are going to how accurate your shot angles are.

With a Bluetooth chip inside, the basketball can connect to your smart phone and tell you in the voice of a coach to "snap your wrist" or "go faster", depending on the data.

The hovercraft

Thanks to the California-based company Hendo, flying past your friends on a floating board could soon become a re?ality.

The hovercraft has 4 small engines. These create a spe?cial magnetic field which produces enough force to lift the board off the ground.

At the moment , the hoverboard (悬浮滑板)can only-float an inch off the ground for 15 minutes and must fly over a metal material. It's expensive too, at $ 10,000, but the com?pany hopes that one day the technology could be used.

Wireless electricity

  Most of us could not bear to live without wireless Inter?net. We use it every day for everything from our phones to our cars. But one company wants to go a step further by com?bining wireless technology with electricity.

That's right, no more tangled (缠绕的)wires and no more having to sit and hold your cellphone near a power sock?et (插 座) in the corner of the room. WiTricity, a US compa?ny? has invented technology that can power objects up to 2. 4 metres away. It uses a special plug-in coiK线圈)that creates a magnetic field!

1.Which of the following statements would James Dale agree with?

 A.     Children in Uganda should eat fewer bananas.

B.     Vitamin A is largely found in fruits like bananas.

C.     Super bananas are definitely a safe biological product.

D.     People's eating habits can be used to develop new food.

2.What is the biggest advantage of the 94Fifty Basketball?

 A.     The sensors hidden inside can help players run faster in a game.

B.     It can help players to improve their shooting and ball-handling skills.

C.     It allows players to connect to their smart phones while playing basketball.

D.     The Bluetooth chip inside allows its users to listen to music while playing basketball.

3.What can we learn about the hovercraft from the text?

 A.     It enables its users to float off the ground freely.

B.     It can work on many different kinds of surfaces.

C.     It still needs to improve its power and efficiency.

D.     It is an affordable means of transport for a family.

4.What do the hovercraft and wireless electricity have in common according to the text?

 A.     They create magnetic fields to produce power.

B.     They apply technologies to many things in life.

C.     They are technologies which can produce electricity.

D.     They use wireless technology to improve their prod?ucts.

B  [2015*四川遂宁高三第二次诊断] Researchers are now using 3-D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists. The heart doc?tors can use the models to better help patients before an oper?ation.

Dr Bramlet, a children's heart expert at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, says the 3-D models show infor?mation he cannot get any other way.

"And so what we've done with the printed models, we've pulled it out of the screen so that we can actually hold it in our hand and evaluate the anatomy(解剖)."

A 3-D printer uses images from a digital display to create a physical model of a human heart. Matthew Bramlet says doctors can use the model to understand the anatomy.

Pictures from medical tests like CAT scan or MRI are sent to a 3-D printer to create a heart in a plaster(石膏):form. The printer then constructs the heart, thin layer by thin lay?er. Dr Bramlet says the model matches the real heart in eveVy detail. "When we're done with the model and made our deci?sion, we want to be able to go back to the source image and confirm those findings," he says.

Dr Bramlet has built model hearts for different kinds of heart operations. All of the operations were successful. In his first case, digital images showed only one tiny hole in a baby's heart. But, the 3-D printed model showed several de?fects or problems that the baby was born with. Dr Bramlet says those defects could not be seen easily in the images. The heart surgeon was able to change the type of surgery for the patient based on the 3-D model. He added that 3-D heart models saves time during heart operations.

Kathy Magliato is a heart surgeon at Saint John's Health Centre in Los Angeles. She welcomes the new technology. She says it could help her make better decisions before she operates on the hearts of her patients.

"I can then take this very complicated structure before the operation and I can hold it in my hand and plan an opera?tion around what I'm seeing, touching and feeling. That to me is what can potentially change the game in an operation and save lives.,,

Dr Bramlet continues to research the technology. He is working with the National Institutes of Health to build a 3-D library that includes heart models and images that others can use.

5.What's the main idea of the passage?

 A.     The application of 3-D printing in heart operations.

B.     The development of 3-D technology.

C.     The difficulties of heart operations.

D.     Heart operations with the help of 3-D models.

6. What is the biggest advantage of 3-D models in the diag?nose of heart problems?

 A.     Surgeons can see, touch and feel the 3-D models.

B.     They can help surgeons save time.

C.     They can be made exactly like the hearts.

D.     They can help discover the otherwise hidden heart problems.

7.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

 A.     The 3-D model can be taken out of a screen.

B.     CAT scan and MRI are no longer needed.

C.     The 3-D model is an exact copy of the heart.

D.     Digital images are not reliable in heart operations.

8.What can we infer from the passage?

 A.     Digital images will mislead heart surgeons.

B.     More patients will benefit from the 3-D technology.

C.     Heart operations will never fail with 3-D models.

D.     Surgeons cannot operate on hearts without 3-D mod?els.

The adolescent girl from Tennessee was standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in New York. But the girl didn't feel joyful. She was not the leggy, attrac?tive Hollywood type. In fact, she described herself as stupid.

This girl was Reese Witherspoon, who had wanted to be a country singer and admired and respected Dolly Parton very much.

That day at the end of the camp her coaches told her to forget about singing. They suggested she think about another career. She took their words to heart. After all,why shouldn't she believe the professionals?

But back at home in Nashville, her mother―a fun?ny, happy, optimistic woman—wouldn't let her feel de?pressed. Her father, a physician, encouraged her to achieve in school. So she worked hard at everything and was accepted into Stanford University.

And at 19, she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway, which prepared for her role in the mov?ie Pleasantville. But her big break came with Legally Blonde.

"If you can't sing and you aren't charming, play to your strengths. If you're going to make it in this busi?ness, better focus on what you're good at,"she told the interviewer later.

And then came the offer that took her back to her Nashville—playing the wife of a country star Johnny Cash,a singing role.

All of a sudden the old fears learned on that sum?mer stage were back. She was so nervous on the stage. But she didn't give up on the movie or herself. She spent 6 months taking singing lessons again. She learned to play the autoharp. And the hard work built up her confi?dence.

Last March, Reese Witherspoon walked up on an?other stage, the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, and ac?cepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking, heart-warming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.

1. Why was Reese Witherspoon sad that day?

A.The experts advised her to give up singing.

B.Dolly Parton told her to leave the stage.

C.The coaches described her as foolish.

D.The professionals considered her ignorant.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Reese was an optimistic girl.

B.Her parents supported her a lot.

C.Her parents were disappointed with her.

D.Reese blamed herself all day long.

3.How did Reese succeed in playing the singing role?

A.She did her best to make herself leggy and at?tractive.

B.She tried hard to forget about that summer stage.

C.She practised autoharp lessons for more than 6 months.

D.She regained her confidence through hard work.

4.What can we learn from Reese's experience?

A.Two heads are better than one.

B.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

D.Hope for the best,and prepare for the worst.

B [20巧•安徽合肥高三第三次质检]

The secret to a better cup of morning coffee might simply be choosing the right coloured coffee mug(杯).

The colour of a coffee mug can have something to do with the way coffee tastes, according to a recent study, which was conducted in Australia, and tested the influence that three different coloured mugs—one white, one blue, and one clear glass―had on the perception(感知)of different tastes. The researchers served 18 participants the same cup of cof?fee, in one of the three similarly shaped but differently col?oured containers, and then asked them to rate their sweet?ness, smell, bitterness, quality, and acceptability.

It turns out specifically that the white mug was associat?ed with a more intense (浓的)or bitter tasting cup of coffee, and the clear glass mug was not. The blue mug, meanwhile, proved to be "kind of an in-between. ,, The opposite was true for perceived sweetness―participants noted less sweetness when drinking from the white mug than they did when drink?ing from both the blue and clear glass mugs.

Research published this year shows that the colour of a plate has a clear effect on taste intensity and sweetness. And the colour red specifically has even been associated with lower levels of consumption.

A red strawberry looks redder when placed against a white plate than it does against a black one. And there are as?sociations with that redness that in turn can affect taste, Spence explains. "Red might indicate heightened sweetness, because red fruits tend to be more ripe than green fruits," he said. And that indication can be enough to cause a large difference in taste.

In the case of coffee, specifically, the researchers believe that the colour brown might be something people associate with bitterness.  "The white mug may have influenced the perceived brownness of the coffee and this, in turn, may have influenced the perceived intensity and sweetness of the cof-fee," the researchers wrote. That would help explain why clear glass coffee mugs tended to have the opposite effect.

5.After being served the coffee, the participants were asked to_________ ,

 A.     distinguish the colours of the mugs

B.      exchange the ideas about the tastes

C.      judge the mug's influence on the coffee

D.     give an overall description of the coffee

6.Participants considered the coffee in the white mugs

 A.     the bitterest

B.     the least intense

C.     the sweetest

D.     neither intense nor bitter

7. According to Spence, a white container could .

 A.     get the fruit in it riper

B.     keep the taste of food inside it

C.     make the red fruit in it look even redder

D.     reduce the sweetness of the fruit in it

8. If you prefer a clear mug for drinking coffee, it might indi?cate that you .

 A.     don't mind the colour of coffee

B.     would like a sweeter taste of coffee

C.     are accustomed to the bitterness of coffee

D.     are interested in the brownness of the coffee

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