
1.The young man ________________________ (控告) robbing an old woman of
her necklace  in the street last month. (accuse)
2.The library demanded that all the books ___________________ (返回) before
Friday. (return)
3.He got his ________________________ (阐明立场) to encourage more young
people to support this solution. (clarify)
4.As soon as she entered her own room, she caught sight of the gift ____________
_________ (由父亲买的). (buy)
5.In front of the house ________________________ (坐着一位男孩), whose father
was killed in the war, when we arrived there. (sit)
6.Little ________________________ (人们意识到) how much money it costs to
bring up a child. (realise)
7.________________________ (到达) a strange-looking house, he showed me into
a large, bright clean room. (arrive)
8.The investigation found ten government officials _______________ (卷入) the
case. (involve)
9.She can't ________________________ (忍受居住在) in a noisy
environment. (tolerate)
10._________________ (一旦发生火灾), open this safety door and ring the
alarm bell.(case)

1.was accused of      2.be returned或should be returned      3.position clarified
4.bought by her father或which was bought by her father    5.sat a boy      6.do people realise
7.Arriving at     8.involved in     9.tolerate living     10.In case of fire (In case a fire breaks out)


1.Don’t be too rude to your father. Never in his life _______________ in that way up to now. (speak)


2.When his mother came home from work, he was lying on the sofa, ____________. (absorb)


3.________________ different languages and cultures does a lot of good to children. (expose)


4.I think that it is I rather than my sister _______________ for what happened. (blame)


5.Although house construction _________________, you can find many diverse styles in each country. (vary)


6.With ____________, the problem that they had worked on for a long time was eventually worked out. (adopt)


7.If he hadn’t hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, he ______ a goal. (score)


8.Have you ever had a case____________ getting the wrong end of the stick? (accuse)


9._________________ is that while I am concentrating on my study, my classmates make so much noise. (put)


10._____________to you whether I like it or not, because you never listen to me. (difference)



1. Don't bother to look for my old dictionary, Jason -it ____________ (出现) some day.   (turn)
2. I can't tell where Mary is, but she _______________ (可能去了) to meet her classmates, for
    they want to go to Yunnan to work as volunteers.   (go)
3. It was on the shelf ____________________ (我放鞋子的地方) that I found my car keys.
    How careless I was!   (put)
4. Hardly _____________________ (我们宣布仪式) open when the rain began to pour down. 
5. In the big fire the woman saved a little boy but lost her son. When asked if she regretted
    _______________ (没有救) her son, she said she made the right choice.   (save)
6. Hello! Is that ABC company? Could I speak to ___________________ (负责……的人)
    the International Sales,please?        (whoever)
7. He was absent again, which ________________ (使得我们困难) to carry on with the work.   (make)
8. As is reported, Chen Guangbiao, known as Chief Charitarian in China ("中国首善"),
    ______ (捐献了) billions to helping people in disaster-stricken areas these years.  (contribute)
9. __________ (在水少的地方), it is hard or even impossible to develop good farming.   (where)
10. When Xu Benyu graduated from college in 2003, he chose to teach in a mountainous area of
    Gui Zhou province when he ________________ (本可以享受) an easy city life.        (enjoy)

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