
17. ―Can you give me some advice on what major I should take at college?

    .We can talk about it over lunch.

A.    Never mind

B.    With pleasure

C.    That depends

D.    It's out of the question

17.   B考査交际用语。句意:"关于我在大学应该主修什么专业你能给我一些建议吗?""我很愿意。我们可以在午餐时谈论它。"Never mind.没关系。With pleasure.我很愿意。That depends.依情况而定。It's out of the question.不可能。由句意可知选B。



   Barack Obama knows what it means when a family struggles. He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.

Barack knows the American Dream because he has lived it and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who you are,or where you're from,or what you look like,or who you love.

When people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character,and his heart* Barack Obama is still the same man 1 fell in love with all those years ago.

That's the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, reading the letters people have sent him the letter from the father struggling to pay his bills... from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won't cover her care ... from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities "-

I see the concern in his eyes and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me* "You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle --- It's not right. We've got to keep working to fix this. We've got so much more to do."

I love that he's never forgotten how he started.

   I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even it's hard―especially when it's hard.

And I love that even in the toughest moments, when we're all sweating it— when we're worried that the bill won't pass, and it seems like all is lost―Barack never lets himself get discouraged by the chatter and the noise.

Just like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward with patience and wisdom,and courage and grace.

And he reminds me that we are playing a long game here and that change is hard,and change is slow,and it never happens all at once.

But finally we get there,and we always do.

1 Why does the author say Barack Obama knows the American Dream?

  A.  Because he has dreamed the American Dream.

B.  Because he comes from a struggling family.

C.  Because he has realized his American Dream.

D.  Because he is good at grasping opportunities.

2.  Which of the following is TRUE about the woman dying of cancer?

  A. She wants to know the final decision.

B.  She doesn't have a care in the world.

C.  Her insurance company won't care for her.

D.  Her insurance company refuses to pay for her.

3. According to the passage,which of the following best describes Barack Obama?

  A.  He is very strict about the observance of the rules.

B.  He is advancing bravely and never withdrawing.

C.  He is a man who hopes that change happens all at once.

D.  He used to be a man under the care of his grandmother.

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