
  It is ten o'clock at night and you are outside. You can see many stars in the sky. Each star is another sun. The sky is big, and it hag many suns.

  Our sun is near to us. It warms us and gives us light in daytime. The stars are not near. We can see their light only at night, and they do not warm us.

  The stars are not all the same. Many stars are quite like our sun. They are the same size, and they have the same colour, yellow. Other stars are bigger or smaller. A “giant(巨人)” star is very, very big. A “dwarf(侏儒)”is a small star—smaller than the sun.

  Stars have different colours, too. They can be blue, orange, yellow, white or red. There are giants and dwarfs in all these colours. All stars are, of course, very hot. The hottest stars are the blue ones. White stars come next, they are less hot. Then yellow and orange stars are less hot again. Red stars are the least hot, and they are also the oldest stars.

  Light moves very quickly across the sky, eighteen million (18,000,000)kilometers in a minute. Our nearest star is a red dwarf. Its name is Proxima Centauri ( proxima = nearest), and it gives a weak, red light. We can just see this light. It left Proxima Centauri 4.25 years ago, and now tonight, it is reaching cur eyes. Think about it! In one minute, 18,000,000 kilometres. So, in 4.25 years—well, how many kilometers? You can find the answer yourself.

  I will just say this: Proxima Centauri is a long way from us.

1.According to the temperatures on stars, the right order from the lowest temperature to the highest is ________.

[  ]





2.All the following am right except ________.

[  ]

A.a “dwarf” is smaller than the sun

B.there are dwarfs in different colours

C.a “dwarf” is a small star

D.dwarfs are the least hot

3.How far away is the star Proxima Centauri from us?

[  ]

A.40,208,400,000,000 kilometres.

B.9,460,800,000,000 kilometres.

C.679,140,000,000 kilometres .

D.279,225,000,000 kilometres .

4.When we say “The star Procyon is ‘ten light years’ away.”, we mean ________.

[  ]

A.we can reach the star in ten years

B.we first saw the star ten years ago

C.the light left Procyon ten years ago

D.Procyon has been that far away for ten years


  Millions of stars are traveling about in space.A few form groups which journey together, but most of them travel alone.

  And they travel through a universe so large that one star seldom comes near to another.For the most part each star makes its journey in complete loneliness, like a ship on an empty ocean.The ship well be well over a million miles from its nearest neighbor.From this it is easy to understand why a star seldom finds another anywhere near it.

  We believe, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering through space, happened to come near our sun.Just as the sun and the moon raise tides(潮汐) on the earth, so this star must have raised tides on the surface of the sun.But they were very different from the small tides that are raised in our oceans; a large tidal wave must have traveled over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it.As the cause of the disturbance came nearer, so the mountain rose higher and higher.And before the star began to move away again, its tidal pull had become so powerful that this mountain was torn to pieces and threw off small parts of itself into space.These small pieces have been going round the sun ever since.They are the planets.


Some two thousand million years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably because ________.

[  ]


a large tidal wave of a star traveled over the surface of the sun.


another star happened to come near the sun.


the sun and the moon raised the tides on the earth.


the star moved away from the sun.


The article suggests that ________.

[  ]


our earth exists before the sun.


how space formed.


no one knows where the earth comes from.


our earth used to be one part of a high mountain on the sun.


The expression”the cause of the disturbance”refers to ________.

[  ]


the large tidal wave.


the powerful tidal pull.


the star coming near the sun.


one of the sun planets.


In this article, the writer mainly wants to tell the readers ________.

[  ]


that the universe is so large that we cannot imagine it.


how the high mountains were formed on the sun.


why the tides over the surface of the sun were so powerful


where the planets in the universe came from

The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Although the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 1964, its population was over 185,000,000.

   When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence (独立) from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented(代表) on the American flag by a star. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.

   Indians were the first people of the land which is now the United States. There are still

many thousands of Indians now living in all parts of the country. Sometimes it is said that the Indians are "the only real Americans". Most Americans come from all over the world. Those who came first in greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from England. It is for that reason that the language of the United States is English and that its culture and customs are more like those of England than those of any other country in the world.

68. The United States didn't have______ states until _____.

A. thirteen; 1959      B. fifty; 1959  

C. fifty; this land first became a nation     D. fifty;1964

 69. Why is English the language of America?

A. English is the Indian's native language.     

B. Most Americans come from all over the world.

C. Most of the people who first settled in America were from England

D. Canada is America's nearest neighbor.

70. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A. The States of America            B. The Language of America

C. The United States of America      D. The Culture and Customs of America


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