
【题目】-When on earth will the bus come? We have been waiting here for what seemed long ages.


A. there comes the bus B. there is the bus coming

C. there the bus comes D. there is coming the bus


【解析】考查倒装。句意:——汽车到底什么时候来啊?我们等了很长时:词了。——看,车来了。there comes the bus是一个完全倒装句式,意为“汽车来了”,此句即使有进行的意味,也要用一般现在时。


【题目】Summer Hours

June 15 - September 15

Saturday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Regular Hours

January 1 - June 14 and September 16 - December 31

Saturday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Individual Ticket Prices




Child(3 - 11)

Group(at least 3 persons)







A Bird’s World

This exhibit includes a sample of every bird found in New England. It provides a lot of information about bird behavior, and New England birdwatchers will also find a useful bird “dictionary”. With this, you can learn how to understand the bird language you hear being chirped just outside your window at home.

◆Butterfly Garden

This garden offers a wonderful chance to get close to all kinds of living butterflies from New England and across the world. You can also look inside the “Emergence Box” to see hanging chrysalids(蝶蛹)change into adult butterflies. If you’re lucky, you might see a new butterfly crawl out of its casing.

◆Discovery Center

Designed for children under 8 and their parents, the Discovery Center offers lots of fun, hands - on activities that are designed to help them discover through playing. A perfect area for early learners, this educational environment emphasizes the use of real objects for exploring natural history, physical science, and technology topics.

◆Take a Closer kook

Explore the world around you using sight, hearing, touch and smell. Test yourself to see what you can discover when you pay attention to your senses, and learn how technology extends them.

【1】If you visit the exhibits on a Wednesday in August, you can stay there until ________.

A. 3 pm B. 8 pm C. 9 pm D. 5 pm

【2】A child at 5 and its parents will have to pay ________.

A. $60.00 B. $80.00

C. $20.00 D. $68.00

【3】People, who are interested in the human body, can visit ________.

A. Take a Closer Look B. Butterfly Garden

C. Discovery Center D. A Bird’s World

【4】The passage is an advertisement of _________.

A. a sight - seeing park B. a science park

C. a training center D. an art center

【题目】Alzheimer's disease is a major national health problem. Nearly2 million Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer's disease. It is a leading cause of death among the elderly. But Alzheimer's disease is not confined (限于)to the aged. There may be a million or more people under the age of 65 suffering from the disease.

At one time, people suffering from the disease were said to be "getting old". The disease was thought to be a natural part of growing old, but it is now known that Alzheimer's disease strikes young and old alike. It is an organic (器官的)disease, that destroys brain cells.

Alzheimer's disease affects the patient's memory, speech, and movement. In the beginning stages of the disease, the patient may seem slightly confused. He may have trouble speaking, then the patient's memory begins to fail. He may forget dates, numbers, names and plans.

As the disease progresses, the patient may not recognize family and friends. These symptoms (症状)often cause terrible anxiety in the patient. He may feel lost and frightened. Sometimes the patient reacts with wild and bad behavior.

In the last stages of the disease, the patient may not be able to take care of himself. He may have lost the ability to speak and walk.

Scientists don't know exactly what causes Alzheimer's disease. It may be caused by a virus (病毒). It may be caused by a poisonous substance (物质)in the environment. At present, there is no cure for the disease. But there are ways to slow its progress. Exercise and physical treatment can help the patients of this disease.

【1】The main idea of the passage is that Alzheimer's disease __________.

A. is a terrible part of the aging process

B. is an organic disease that affects young and old

C. can be cured by physical treatment

D. causes forgetfulness

【2】All of the following are symptoms of Alzheimer's disease EX-CEPT __________.

A. forgetfulness B. difficulty in speaking

C. loss of sight D. loss of the ability to walk

【3】According to the passage, which of the following may be a cause of Alzheimer's disease?

A. Poisons produced by the brain.

B. Getting old.

C. A virus.

D. Lack of exercise.

【4】The press of Alzheimer's disease can be slowed by __________.

A. operation

B. a change in environment

C. medicines

D. physical treatment and exercise

【题目】在下面1—4小题中,Tom, Emily, Jenny, Dave和John准备参加一项活动。请按各人兴趣选出符合1—4小题的最佳选项。

【1】_____Tom is studying Chinese medicine in China. He is interested in the traditional art —— paper cutting.

2______ Emily got interested in China and lion dances of the country and hopes to attend any event related to her interest.

3_____Dave is a student learning in China and hopes to learn more about the ancient philosophy of China such as Taoism.

4______John is a boxing fan. He is now having a trip in China with his parents who are on a business tour in China.

A. Traditional festival fairs

Sales of paintings and calligraphy, antiques, children’s toys, seasonal fruit and vegetables, variety shows(杂耍), cross-talk, traditional lion dances, stilt dances, rickshaw, folk wedding performances and much more besides.

B. Ditan Temple Fair

Folk flower fairs, acrobatic shows, Quyi (story telling with music and performance), Beijing snacks, traditional handcrafts like dough sculpture, paper cutting and shadow play.

C. Longtan Temple Fair

Visitors can compete with national-level athletes at judo, taekwondo, wrestling and boxing. Diabolo displays, face changing and some Guinness World Record attempts will also be featured.

D. Dongyue Temple Fair

An exhibition about “Fu” (happiness) culture (including a walk on a “Fu” road, hanging a “Fu” plate, circling a “Fu” tree and drawing on a “Fu” canvas), and a folk-custom show featuring various traditional folk activities. There will also be other activities, including a Taoist music performance and sports competitions. Various artwork, books and snacks will also be available.

【题目】If we are to help students develop reading skills in a foreign language, it is important to understand what is involved in the reading process itself. If we have a clear idea of how “good readers” read, either in their own or a foreign language, this will enable us to decide whether particular reading techniques are likely to help learners or not.

In considering the reading process, it is important to distinguish between two quite separate activities: reading for meaning (or “silent reading”) and reading aloud. Reading for meaning is the activity we normally engage in when we read books, newspapers, road signs, etc.; it is what you are doing as you read this text. It involves looking at sentences and understanding the message they convey, in other words “making sense” of a written text. It doesn’t normally involve saying the words we read, not even silently inside our heads; there are important reasons for this, which are outlined below.

Reading aloud is a completely different activity; its purpose is not just to understand a text but to convey the information to someone else. It is not an activity we engage in very often outside the classroom; common examples are reading out parts of a newspaper article to a friend, or reading a notice to other people who can’t see it. Obviously, reading aloud involves looking at a text, understanding it and also saying it. Because our attention is divided between reading and speaking, it is a much more difficult activity than reading silently; we often stumble and make mistakes when reading aloud in our own language, and reading aloud in a foreign language is even more difficult.

When we read for meaning, we do not need to read every letter or every word, nor even every word in each sentence. This is because, provided the text makes sense, we can guess much of what it says as we read it.

【1】The passage is mainly about ____________.

A. reading skills B. silent reading

C. reading processes D. reading aloud

【2】The underlined word “stumble” in Paragraph 3 means ____________.

A. step over something and fall

B. repeat something or pause for too long

C. walk with heavy movements

D. speak in a fluent and confident way

【3】 We can infer from the passage that the author will continue to ____________.

A. discuss in detail how to read aloud

B. introduce some more reading activities

C. tell how good readers read in their own language

D. explain why we needn’t say the words when reading for meaning

【4】 We can conclude that ____________.

A. reading silently is easier than reading aloud

B. to understand a sentence, you have to read all the words in it

C. silent reading involves looking at a text and saying the words silently to yourself

D. there’s no difference between reading in one’s own language and in a foreign one

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