

1.Tom was d ______ to learn that he had passed the important lest.

2.Whether we will go for an outing or not tomorrow d ______ on the weather.

3.Mike tried again and again and e _____ he made it.

4.Have you ever heard of the n ______ who wrote the great novel David Copperfield?

5.Because of the f______,roads and houses were washed away and people became homeless.

6.Anyone who has done something ______ (非法的) will be punished.

7.All the representatives ______ (交换) their opinions before the conclusion was reached.

8.It is reported that a lot of presidents will be present at the opening ______ (仪式).

9.It is necessary to learn to ______ (预测) what the passage is all about.

10.Please lake good care of the ______ (设备) when you are doing experiments in the lab.




【解析】 略



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