
How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to slip in without being noticed? ___【小题1】___
In life, we admire those who do their tasks confidently. We prefer people who appear to know what they are doing. But where does that confidence begin?
Developing self-confidence starts very early. It’s parents’ role to get kids on the right track toward becoming confident people. ___【小题2】___ That can be done by focusing on the child’s strengths. Parents should encourage their children to try new things and take risks. When children make mistakes, their parents should still let them know that they are loved. Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults. ___【小题3】___ So what’s the solution?
◎  With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that is true of confidence skills. ___【小题4】___
◎  Always hold your head high and look people in the eye. Answer questions clearly and confidently.
◎  Focus on the things that you do well, and look for opportunities to use those abilities.
◎  Prepare thoroughly for every project. You’ll approach the task more confidently knowing that you are ready.
◎  ___【小题5】___ It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest. Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next.
However, all humans fail at times, and you will too. Even with efforts to try all the above, you will never be perfect. But you can learn to love and accept yourself and live your life with confidence.

A. Keep in mind an item that reminds you of a recent success.
B. The more you practice them, the easier they will become.
C. The way you go into new situations show your level of self-confidence.
D. Our goal is to prepare students to go into the world with confidence.
E. To help that process, parents should always offer more praise than criticism.
F. Learning from mistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear.
G. But self-confidence still doesn’t come easily.


【小题3】根据后一句话So what’s the solution?可知前面应该是提出一个问题。G符合要求。
【小题4】根据前面一句practice makes perfect熟能生巧可知这里是鼓励人们多练习。


What kind of life do you want? And what would you do if you were born with an illness like Cystic Fibrosis (囊胞性纤维症)?Charley was such a man.He was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a serious disease of the muscles.Without properly functioning muscles, eventually you’re unable to breathe.However, Charley was fortunate to have many care- givers, including his wife who helped him a lot.He became an engineer and helped plan structures that would allow streets and buildings to give better access to the disabled.Charley couldn’t live without a wheelchair, and could only use one hand to move it.His speech was also difficult to understand.However, Charley had a sharp mind.He could see, hear, use a few fingers and think, and that was enough to allow him to make an important contribution to his city.He made those around him more aware of their physical health.

In the movie JackandJillvs.theWorld, Jill is a 25-year-old girl who has just arrived in New York City.She has Cystic Fibrosis, but she doesn’t let it control her life.She’s happy, in fact! She meets a young man, Jack, and changes his life forever.One day she has to tell him about her illness.He’s angry and disappointed, but later he realizes that it’s their relationship that matters.They decide to be together, and live as happily as possible.

Charley’s story is true.Jack and Jill’s story is made up.How do you want to live your life? Use your imagination, and enjoy your life and all its wonders.Create your picture of a happy life.

1.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _____.

     A.test the readers’ attitude about life

     B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

     C.invite the readers to answer them

     D.tell readers how to make a living

2.About Charley, which of the following is TRUE?

     A.He is a father of two boys.

     B.He can live well without wheelchair.

     C.He is a lucky because many people give him care.

     D.He can speak as others do.

3.From the passage, we can infer that _____.

     A.health is the origin of happiness

     B.the attitude to life decides your happiness

     C.Cystic Fibrosis a serious disease of the muscles

     D.Charley’s story is made up

4.The film JackandJill vs.theWorld is set in _____.

     A.three young people       B.New York City

   C.Paris                      D.a place that we don’t know

How many coins nave you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two? A bent one?

  With a phonecard you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.

  (1) What do you do with it?

  Go to a telephone box marked(you guessed it) “phonecard”.Put in your card, make your call and when you’ve finished, a screen tells you how much is left on your card.

  (2) Now appear in a shop near you.

  Near each Cardphone place you’ll find a shop where you can buy one. They’re at bus, train and city tube stations(地铁).

  Many universities, hospitals and clubs. Restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centres. At airports and seaports.

  (3) No more broken payphones.

  Most broken payphones are like that because they’ve been vandalized(故意破坏). There are no coins in Cardphone to excite thieves’ interest in it. So you’re not probably to find a vandalized one.

  Get a phonecard yourself and try it out ,or get a bigger wallet.

 The passage is most probably ________ .

  A. a warning

  B. a note

  C. an advertisement(广告)

  D. an announcement

There are three sections(部分) in the passage. Which section do you think is about why phonecards are good?

  A. Section 1.          B. Section 2.

  C. Section 3.          D. None.

Choose the right order or the steps under“How do you use a phonecard”.

  a. Put in your phonecard.

  b. Look at the screen to find out how many calls you can still make.

  c. Go to a telephone box marked “Phonecard”.

  d. Make your call.

  A. a, b, c, d            B. c, a, d, b

  C. a, d, c, b            D. c, d, a, b


Love, success, happiness, family and freedom----how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.

Question: Could you introduce yourself first?

Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.

Q: What are your great memories?

A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.

Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?

A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.

Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?

A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.

Q: How do you get along with your parents?

A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤) out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.

1.In Misbah’s childhood,      .

A. he was free from worry

B. he liked living in the countryside

C. he was fond of getting close to nature

D. he often spent holidays with his family

2.What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?

A. A colorful life.                      B. A beautiful house.

C. Peace and freedom.                  D. Money for his family.

3.How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?

A. By chatting on the Internet.            B. By calling them sometimes.

C. By paying weekly visits.              D. By writing them letters.

4.If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?

A. What was your childhood dream?

B. What is your biggest achievement?

C. What is your parents’ view of you?

D. What was your hardest experience in the war?


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