
When young people begin to live independently, home-hunting can bring some stress. But they would do well to remember that a new alternative is available—micro-home.

Called “tiny houses”, these houses have all living necessities in a small package, including kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Generally under 50 square meters, most tiny houses accommodate just one or two people though some claim the space for more. What’s lost in size is not lost in design as these homes are often quite unique and modern in design.

Besides an attractive appearance, tiny houses can also have unique practical features. Making the best of urban space, the 72- to122-centimeter-wide Keret House in Warsaw, the world’s narrowest home, fills in an alley. The Ecocapsule home uses solar power, wind power and rainwater collection to enable its owner to live practically anywhere. A system of rails allows the DALE micro-home to adjust room size and number as well as adding the option of an open or enclosed courtyard.

Visually appealing as micro-homes are, there are a few drawbacks to consider before getting cozy on a mini-couch. Moving into a tiny house requires the removing of most non-essentials, regardless of the emotional connection to them. Guests will also mostly be out of the question as the limited space may even cause a solitary (独居的) individual to experience some cabin fever (幽闭症). And finally, a micro-home is likely a temporary living option for most people since they will probably start families and acquiremore possessions.

Though the limitations will scare some, there is usually a benefit. A small size results in a small price tag and small bills, making tiny houses easier to save up for and budget. And though you won’t have much stuff around the house, this can provide the comfort of simple living and repairs. Micro-homes are also practically mobile and have eco-friendliness that can’t be matched by other homes. They probably aren’t for everyone or forever, but when it comes to your next (or first) home, they could be just what you need.

1.What can be learnt about micro-homes from the second paragraph?

A. People have to eat out as there is no cooking area.

B. These homes are poorly designed due to the small size.

C. All of the houses are under 50 square meters in size.

D. Such houses aren’t necessarily inconvenient though tiny.

2.The third paragraph is mainly developed ________.

A. by giving examples

B. by making comparisons

C. by following the time order

D. by describing the process

3.Micro-homes are especially fit for ________.

A. a young couple in hope of settling down permanently

B. an individual constantly suffering from cabin fever

C. a college graduate on a tight budget for the time being

D. a family of five in favor of environmental protection

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Is Your House Tiny Enough?

B. Why Not Enlarge Your House?

C. East Or West, Home Is the Best!

D. Micro-homes—More Than Tiny!



Some people think that they will get ill if they use their brains (大脑) too much. It is not true. Through many studies, scientists show us that the more you use your brains, the better it will be, and the cleverer you will become.

Of course, if you want to keep your mind clear and active, you must take a proper rest and study properly. To the teenagers, using their brains in the morning is good for their health.

There are many ways to rest. One is a peaceful rest. Sleep is a peaceful rest. Another is an active rest. For example, take a walk outdoors, do more exercise every day. To change the way of the brains’ activities is also a good way to rest.

In everyday life, to eat some eggs, meat, fresh vegetables and fruit is also good for the brains.

Wish you a wise man and a happy life.

1.According to the writer of the passage, our brains should be used ________.

A. hardlyB. more oftenC. seldomD. at times

2.Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Sleep is a kind of a good rest.

B. There are different activities for a good rest.

C. Going out for a rest is an active rest.

D. Doing morning exercises is a peaceful rest.

3.Which is true?

A. The brains will be better if they are used often.

B. Fruits are the most important for the brains.

C. Illness comes from the fact the brains are used too much.

D. Sleep is the only way of having a rest.

4.Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?

A. How to rest

B. How to use your brains

C. How to become a wise man

D. Keep your mind clear.


1. Most students graduating from high school and college this year will probably have jobs in the next decade that don 't even exist today because the technology to support those positions hasn 't even been invented yet .The concepts of going to work ,having one career ,moving for a new job ,and wasting time or avoiding doing any work may soon be a distant memory as the world of work as we know it is replaced by a brave new world where few travel to their jobs,work a 9-to -5 day ,or sit in endless staff meetings

2. In the past it was difficult to measure employee performance, and hours of productivity were wasted. Now many job tasks are measurable with automated time and task tools and individual performance can be directly linked to a company's bottom-line results.

3. Project teams can be organized all over the world, and cheap communication and document sharing tools such as Skype and Google docs can be used to share information. In addition, for many jobs, where you live may have little relevance in the future; you could be competing against a global rather than a local talent pool.

4. More and more companies are organizing project teams and disbanding the teams once the work is completed.

While all this sounds pretty scary at first glance, work in the future may be more rewarding than ever. People will have more freedom and control over their work environment and schedule and earnings will be based more on merit (绩效)than location. While it's true that not every job will fit into this futuristic (想象的)pattern, many will. 5.

A:No one knows what the future work is like .

B:Here's what the future of work looks like.

C:Do you know what you want to do in the future?

D:Will your job be part of the future of work?

E:The world of work is changing quickly .

F:For many professionals, gone are the days of traveling to a central location.

G:The days of working for one company and retiring with the gold watch are gone.

Papa’s jaw dropped when Mama told him that Sister had cheated on her final exams—not to succeed but to fail. “It’s unbelievable!” he said. “Sister has always been so proud of her good grades!”

“Yes, she has,” said Mama. “But it’s not unbelievable. It just shows how badly she wanted off the swimming team.”

“Wanted off the swimming team?” said Papa. “She never said anything about that to me.”

“Of course she didn’t,” said Mama. “She was afraid you’d blow your top. You already had her getting a swimming scholarship to college and winning gold medals at the Olympics. Can you imagine how much pressure she must have felt? For her, being on the team couldn’t have been much fun.”

“Oh, my gosh!” Papa said, clapping a hand to his forehead. “I’ve been so stupid! I just thought she’d want to be a champion swimmer because she’s so good at it.”

“It’s like anything else, dear,” said Mama. “No matter how good at it you are, if it stops being fun, you won’t want to do it anymore.”

Papa put his head in his hands.

“She must be really mad at me,” he mumbled. “Maybe I should say sorry to her.”

Sister’s footsteps could be heard on the stairs. She came into the kitchen and looked hopefully up at her parents.

“Honey,” said Mama with a smile, “your papa and I have decided that there’s no reason for you to be on the swimming team if you don’t want to.”

Sister’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Yippee!” she cried.

“And,” added Papa, “there’s no need for any more drills. I’m sure you’ll bring your grades back up all by yourself.”

Sister ran to Papa and jumped into his arms. She gave him a big hug. “I’m going to go play cards with Lizzy!” she said. “See you later!”

From the kitchen window, Mama and Papa watched their daughter run down the sunny road toward Lizzy’s house.

“It’s good to see her happy again,” said Mama.

“It sure is,” Papa agreed. “As for the swimming team, there’s always next year.”

“If?” Mama prompted him.

“Oh, right,” said Papa. “If she wants to.”

Mama smiled. “At least you’re learning, dear,” she said. She kissed him.

“Well, you know what they say,” Papa said. “Better late than never.”

1.The underlined expression “blow your top” probably means _____.

A. change your opinion

B. become very excited

C. get very angry

D. fall down with fear

2.Mama insisted that the child should do _____.

A. what she was willing to B. what she felt easy to

C. what she was able to D. what she felt right to

3.Which of the following words best describes Papa?

A. Cruel but reasonable. B. Crazy but confident.

C. Stubborn but honest. D. Ambitious but considerate.

4.Which might be the proper title for the passage?

A. Easier Said Than Done

B. Health Is Better Than Wealth

C. Better Late Than Never

D. Something Is Better Than Nothing


__1.__It crossed New York from Buffalo on Lake Erie Troy to Albany on the Hudson River.__2.__The canal served as a route over which industrial goods could flow into the west,and materials could pour into the east.The Erie Canal helped New York develop into the nation’s largest city.

The building of the canal was paid for entirely by the state of New York.__ 3.__Between 1825,when the canal was opened,and 1882,when toll charges (过运河费) were stopped,the state collected $121,461,891.

For a hundred years before the Erie was built,people had been talking about a canal which could join the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.The man who planned the Erie Canal and carried the plan through was De Witt Clinton. Those who were against the canal laughingly called it “Clinton’s Ditch(沟)”. __4.__ He and Governor Morris went to Washington in 1812 to ask for help for the canal, but they were unsuccessful.

Clinton became governor of New York in 1817,and shortly afterwards,on July 4,1817,broke ground for the canal in Rome,N.Y. The first part of the canal was completed in 1820. __ 5.__The length of the canal is 363 miles.

A.As the canal grew,towns along its course developed fast.

B.It cost $7,143,789,but it soon gained its price many times over.

C.The Erie Canal was the first important national waterway built in the US.

D.More workers were needed to build the canal.

E.Clinton talked and wrote about the canal and drew up plans for it.

F.To dig the canal benefited Americans.

G.It joined the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.

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