
     Rumour( 谣言 )is the most primitive way of spreading stories-by passing them on from mouth to
mouth. but civilized countries in normal times have better sources of news than rumour. They have radio,
television, and newspapers. In times of confusion ( 混乱 ), however, rumour appears and becomes
widespread. At such times the different kinds of news are in competition: the press, television, and radio
against the grapevine.
     Especially do rumours spread when war requires control on many important matters. The normal
news sources no longer give out enough information. Since the people can not learn through legal
channels all that they are anxious to learn, they pick up "news" wherever they can and when this happens,
rumour grows.
Rumours are often repeated even by those who do not believe the tales. There is an interest about them.
The reason is that the cleverly designed rumour gives expression to something  deep in the hearts of the
victims-the fears, doubts, forbidden hopes, or daydreams which they hesitate to voice directly.
Pessimistic ( 悲观的 ) rumours about defeat and disasters show that the people who repeat them are
worried and anxious .Optimistic rumours  about record  production or peace soon coming point to
self- satisfaction or confidence-and often to over- confidence.
1. The author suggests that, in times of confusion, man often __________.
A. stops regular news services
B .turns to primitive ways for support
C. distrusts his fellow man
D. loses complete control of himself
2. The underlined word "grapevine" in Paragraph 1 probably means "__________".
A. rumour  
B. newspaper
C. information  
D. time
3. The author states that during wartime the regular sources of news provide only __________ .
A. false information      
B. optimistic reports
C. limited information  
D. pessimistic reports
4. Which of the following statements is mentioned as a reason for people to repeat a rumour?
A. They are too willing to believe.        
B. They take an interest in rumour.
C. They have a strong desire to make a fool of other people.
D. They find some rumours reflect their own unexpressed beliefs.
     阅读下面短文, 根据第1-3小题的具体要求, 简要回答问题。
     Every January, Breckenridge hosts the International Snow Sculpture Championships. Fourteen teams travel
from all over the world to Switzerland to compete. Teams sculpt for sixty-five hours over five days. Each team hopes that when the time is up, its sculpture will be judged the best.
      As the championship begins, the fourteen teams are faced with huge blocks of snow that weigh twenty
tons each. The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on the hard iced snow, but they are not
allowed to employ tools that use electricity.
     Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life. For example, one team carved a teapot with
tea pouring out. Another team sculpted a little cat on its hind feet (后脚) reaching into a fish bowl complete
with water ripples (涟漪) and a crab (螃蟹) trying to attack the cat. In 2006, Team USA sculpted a golden dog
looking at its image reflected in a mirror. To create the effect that the little dog saw its reflection in the glass,
the artists carved two dogs facing each other with their paws (脚爪) touching.
     As the final hours of the competition tick by, exhausted team members add last-minute detail. They use
small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes. One team member counts down the last five minutes
while others are busy cleaning up the tools. If they leave any tools behind, they will be out. When the whistle
bows, everyone must step away from the sculpture. The judges then vote on creativity, technical skills, and
visual impact (视觉效果)of the designs.
     In 200, Team USA took first place for their golden dog sculpture titled"Discovery". But the competition is
not just about medals and ribbons. "It's not about the prize," said Rob Neyland, Team USA's captain."It's about
touching the audience."
     Every year, as the championship ends, each team is already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will design.
1. What kind of tools are the sculptors Not permitted to use?(回答词数不超过6个)
2. What gives the sculptors ideas for their creative work? (回答词数不超过9个)
3. Why did Team USA win the competition in 2006? (回答词数不超过15个)
     A wellmade film offers a whole world of things to watch. First there are the story aspects-the plot,
characters, dialogue and themes. Then there are the technical aspects-the camera work, cuttings and
special effects. And there are many other things, like the credits, musical score and the acting. A
wellmade film offers much more than you see in one viewing.
     Films are a means of communication. They can tell you things, just as newspapers do, or television,
or any other means of communication. Sometimes they communicate important things to you, like ideas
or lifestyles or ways of looking at the world. Sometimes people are aware of this, and sometimes not.
The more you are aware of this,the better you are.
     Notice, for example, the way films sometimes affect fashion. A star dresses or wears her hair in a
certain way, and suddenly everyone is imitating her. Boys in the 1950s could sometimes be seen wearing
black leather jackets, idling (闲逛) on street corners and smoking cigarettes. They were imitating
Marion Brando. His films taught them a certain way to behave.
     Films can also teach politics. In Star Wars, the heroes were a bunch of lovable incompetents fighting
with guts (胆量) and not much else. They were, in fact, rather like the British in the early days of WW?
. Their  enemies, like the Nazis, had a big advantage in equipment and numbers of troops, and they were
like the Nazis in discipline and heartlessness too. The whole film, in fact, was a rerun of WW?, and taught values like faith and love of liberty. This is all to the good, but the point is, did you notice it?
1. All of the following are mentioned as noticeable   aspects of a film EXCEPT________.
A. the list of names of actors and directors, etc.
B. the cost of a film
C. the music for a film
D. the language used in a film
2.The last sentence in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
A. a high quality film can be appreciated repeatedly  from different angles
B. a good film always attracts a lot of viewers
C. a wellmade film usually has more than one theme
D. one can never find out how many characters there    are in a good film
3. It can be inferred from the passage that in his film, Marion Brando was ________.
A. a motorist who always wore a black leather jacket
B. a homeless man who died of excessive smoking
C. a rebellious man during WW ?
D. an idler who didn't have any serious things to do
4. Star Wars is a film________.
A. about WW ?  
B. for politics
C. reflecting WW ?  
D. for peace lovers
     Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man. In Greece there are the
ruins of a water system for baths built over 3,000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In
some baths, as many 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time.
      Treating disease by taking bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing first
became popular in Europe and by the late 1700's has also become popular in the United States.
       For many years frequent(经常的) bathing was believed to be bad for one's health. Ordinary bathing
just to keep clean was avoided, and perfume was often used to cover up body smells!
       By the 1700's doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it
was good for people to be clean. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently. During the Victorian
Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common.
       In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th
centuries, many Americans were know as "The Great Unwashed!" In one American city , for example, a
person was only allowed to take a bathe every thirty days! That was a law!
       Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanliness is
important to health, Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. As a result, in the
United States, people generally bathe often. Some people bath once a day at least. They consider a daily
bath essential (=necessary) to good health.
1. A water system for baths was built by ______ over 3,000 years ago.
A. the Romans  
B. the Greeks      
C. the Americans      
D. the Europeans
2. In the 18th century doctors believed that being clean was __________.
A. unimportant    
B. good for health    
C. harmful    
D. important
3. The underlined word perfume probably means _____________.
A. a sweet smelling substance                
B. good health
C. a strange smelling substance              
D. large wealth
4. Which  of the following gives the main idea of the passage?
A. Everybody in America takes a daily bath.        
B. A bath a day keeps the doctor away.
C. Taking baths has become popular in the world.  
D. Bathing has become easier and cheaper.
     My bookshelves are full of dust-and with good reason. When it comes to cleaning that part of my
home, I suffer from the most serious case of avoidance (回避反应症).
     The thing is this: when I do set out to clean and re-organize my books, which seldom happens, I
place myself into a really bad situation. No sooner do I take a title from the shelf, blow off the dust, and
wipe down the cover than I find myself sitting on the floor with legs crossed and my back against the
wall. Pretty soon books get piled up on my legs as I am reunited with old friends.
     It is as if these books have voices, and each wants to say its piece. "Remember me? I was given to
you when you went into the Navy, so that you would never lack for companionship," one whispers.
Another says, "I was your first book of poems, given to you before you learned to love poetry." And
a third, "I was the book that made history so attractive to you."
     Perhaps the greatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprises - or better said,
reunions-that occur. During my latest book-cleaning adventure, I found one that had fallen behind the
shelf: "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe." Not an unusual title, but the words written on the first page made it
very special: "With Love from Mom and Dad, Christmas 1965." What's this? A book on the physics
of lasers().It is filled with mathematical statements, and I had bought it at a library sale when I was 12,
not long after the laser had been invented. I couldn't understand a bit of it, but I did learn what "laser"
     What I end up with when I empty my bookshelves is a cross-section (横剖面) of my personal
history. It's like a road cut where one sees all the layers of rock going back through time to the beginning
of the simplest life forms. The books I've read-and kept-are not just old friends. They are my résumé ?
1.What could be said about the author?
A. He is too busy to tidy up his bookshelves.  
B. He considers his books treasured possessions.
C. He has made a lot of notes in his books.    
D. He is a lover of science books.
2. By saying that his books have voices, the author means            .
A. hey bring back happy memories  
B. they are recorded in human voice
C. they say a lot about human history  
D. they offer good topics for discussion
3.What does the author enjoy most from re-organizing his books?
A. Finding some missing books.          
B. Putting books in good order.
C. Learning something new from the books.
D. Rediscovering interesting stories behind some books.
4. The underlined word "résumé" in the last paragraph probably means __________.
A. personal history  
B. precious notes
C. good companion
D. imply life forms  
     I travel a lot, and I find out different "styles" (风格) of directions every time I ask “How can I get to
 the post office?"  
     Foreign tourists are often confused (困惑) in Japan because most streets there don’t have names; in
 Japan, people use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the 
Japanese will say to travelers, "Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a 
fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop."
     In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no 
mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead
 of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will 
say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile."
     People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in 
time, not miles. "How far away is the post office?" you ask. "Oh," they answer, "it’s about five minutes
 from here." You say, "Yes, but how many miles away is it?" They don’t know.
     It’s true that a person doesn’t know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a
 situation? A new Yorker might say, "Sorry, I have no idea." But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers "I 
don’t know." People in Yucatan believe that "I don’t know" is impolite. They usually give an answer, 
often a wrong one.  A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!
1. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place, they usually ______.  
A. describe the place carefully
B. show him a map of the place   
C. tell him the names of the streets
D. refer to recognizable buildings and places
2. What is the place where people measure distance in time?    
A. New York.    
B. Los Angeles.  
C. Kansas.   
D. Iowa.
3. People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer ______.    
A. in order to save time     
B. as a test    
C. so as to be polite     
D. for fun
4. What can we infer from the text?    
A. It’s important for travelers to understand cultural differences.    
B. It’s useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.    
C. People have similar understandings of politeness.    
D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.
     In most towns today, you can see teenagers standing over electronic machines with flashing lights,
shooting at spaceships from other planets and dropping bombs on strange monsters (恶魔).The machines
have names like Space Warrior, Dark Invader and so on. It used to be believed that damage was done only
to those strange visitors from outer space, but now it seems that they are striking back.
     Many teenagers like electronic games so much that they can't stop playing.They spend hours tightly
holding the joystick controls and constantly pressing buttons marked"fire". They develop pains on their
fingers because of the constant pressure. They play and play so that the pains have no chance to cure
properly. The rapid wrist movement required to guide the spaceship across the screen causes another
problem: The muscles of the wrist and arm become so inflamed and swollen (红肿) that they press against
the bones. This condition is what doctors now call "Space Warrior's Wrist". Other strange aches and pains
also are likely to affect the elbows and shoulders.
     Another even more alarming problem is shown by the case of a 17-year-old girl which was recently in
the British Medical Journal. She had been playing various kinds of electronic games for more than two hours
a day. Her father repaired games and machines and she could use the cassettes and systems in his workshop
as often as she liked. One day, after playing a game called Dark Invader, she lost consciousness (晕倒) and
fell to the floor.
     Doctors who examined her found she was suffering from an unusual illness caused by lights flashing at
a particular frequency.
1. Electronic games are found very popular with __________.
A. people living in towns
B. students studying in high schools
C. girls working in their father's workshops
D. young people age about 15-20
2. "Space Warrior's Wrist" is caused by __________.
A. constantly pressing the buttons
B. rapidly moving across the screen
C. tightly holding the joystick controls
D. inflamed and swollen muscles of the wrist
3. The case of a 17-year-old girl by the writer shows that the writer __________.
A. supports playing electronic games
B. feels very sorry for the girl
C. disagreed with young people's playing electronic games
D. feels worried about young people's poor health
4. From the passage we can conclude that playing electronic games is __________.
A. enjoyable and helpful to the study
B. exciting but harmful to the health and study
C. interesting but harmless to the eyes
D. amusing and satisfying
     After years of trying to balance work with motherhood, Karl Smith left her corporate (公司的) job behind
to start her own business.
     It's been over a decade since this mom entrepreneur (企业家) began making cakes out of her family's
kitchen. In that time, she has managed to grow Magical Moments & Elite Party Rentals into a well-developed
wedding planning and rental operation. Statistics show that these kinds of mommy-owned businesses are on
the rise. Many women say they can't find work that allows them to balance their responsibilities at home.
     Indeed, according to a national study conducted by Ipsos-Reid on behalf of Microsoft Canada, fifty-four
percent of female small business owners agree that being able to work at home to raise their family was a key
reason to leave the corporate world behind.
     "Being a mom entrepreneur means trading a typical 9-to-5 work week in for a more irregular routine," says
Gemma Moore, a busy mother of two who owns and operates MG Moore Designs, a design company
specializing in website, photography and print media. "Finding a business that you can build in the evenings will
allow you to spend time with your children during the day and continue your business after they go to school."
     Ninety-two percent of female small business owners say that mobile equipment and computer software can
help a mom entrepreneur make her own hours and work whenever she is most productive. In fact, ninety-five
percent agree that small business owners need to be more technology-savvy than ever before. The more
technology they master, the more successfully they will run their businesses.
     "Balance is a key aspect for most entrepreneurs, but this is especially true for women," says Ruth Bastedo,
President, Women Entrepreneurs of Canada (WEC). "Entrepreneurs recognize that today's technology can help
them to find work/life balance while still providing them with the tools and materials they need to grow their
businesses more effectively.
1. Many female employees left their corporate jobs in order to _____.
A. master more and more technology
B. support their families in a better way
C. look after their children more carefully
D. carry out their responsibilities as housewives
2. What can we know about Gemma Moore from the passage?
A. She has two companies of her own.
B. She was once doing trade business.
C. She does not work in the daytime.
D. She can arrange her time more properly.
3. The underlined part "be more technology-savvy" (in Paragraph 5) probably means "_____".
A. save more hours for technology
B. spend less money on technology
C. have a better knowledge of technology
D. find better balance in technical field
4. The passage mainly tells us that _____.
A. most women can hardly find suitable work
B. new technology can help women to find work
C. Karl Smith has started her own business at home
D. mommy-owned businesses can balance work and life

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