
第二节短文改错(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

A few month after returning to the US from Spain, I              76.________

took part in a college course in French. Since I have learned        77.________

to speak Spanish good in Spain, I thought that it might            78._________

be interesting to begin studying another language. At first          79._________

class, our teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, on       80.__________

which he would say a word and two in French, and each           81._________

student would do their best to copy. When he got to me , he        82._________

kept having me to say more words. Finally I asked him why.        83.__________

“I find it great fun. It’s the first time I’ve heard an American        84.__________

speak French with a Spain accent. ”he explained to me excitedly.    85.__________



76. month→months  77. have→had   78. good→well   79. first前加the  80. on →in

81. and →or  82. their→his    83. 去掉to     84. √   85. Spain→Spanish




Mother’s Day was around the corner. My good friend                         76. __________
Alice, Jenny and I get together, discussing what we should do to      77. __________
our respect for. Alice was planning to buy some flowers with            78. __________
his pocket money in honor of her mother. Jenny was going to buy     79. __________
vegetables to cook delicious dinner for her family on that day, because80. __________
she wanted to experience how many her mother does for her family  81. __________
every day. As for me, I’d like to make a greeting card, said                     82. __________
“Happy Mother’s Day”, in which I would also tell my mother           83. __________
to pay attention to health or promise her to study harder.                  84. __________
We are looking forward to Mother’s Day.    85. __________

Good health is the most valuable possession a person can have,       76. _______
so one can not regard good health as certain to happen. It’s         77. ________
important to remember that body needs proper care in order        78. ________
to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do stay        79. ________   
in good shape. Firstly, eat the right foods is good for health.       80. ________
Vegetables and fruits are specially important. Enough sleep           81. ________
is also important. Finally, get plenty of exercises. Sports are           82. ________ 
not only good for one’s body, but it can also help build               83. ________
friendship with others people. If everyone were to do the three,     84. ________
the world would be a happier and healthy place.                  85. ________

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