
      To see the world is one thing;to have someone to share it with is another.Indeed, travel becomes
more interesting when you have a travel partner.A travel partner can be a close friend, a family member,
a pal you've met online, or a business friend.
    You can have someone to talk to
     Traveling alone is fun, but wouldn't you feel lonely?Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of
loneliness.This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place
you're traveling to.You don't have to ask any information from the locals, and you can increase the time
you spend in the country.
     One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved.You can't simply ignore the rising price
of hotels or plane tickets.You should also think about your daily needs, such as your food.Of course, you
can't simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family.All these can ruin your budget.However, when you have a travel friend, you can have someone to share the expenses with.
     You can meet a good friend
     Having a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner.You can never
count the number of couples who actually found their way into each other's heart while traveling together
in another country.
     You can have someone to watch out for you  
     When you're in a foreign land, you'll never be really safe.You don't know the rules as well as the
culture of the people.A travel mate will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to
watch your back just in case you get lost.So why don't you find a travel companion now?
     Let's find out how ...
1. What's the author's purpose in writing this passage?
A. To introduce a travel company.
B. To encourage us to have a travel partner.
C. To explain how to be a perfect travel partner.
D. To tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.
2. What's the best title for the 3rd paragraph?
A. You can have someone to share the expenses with.
B. You can know the local culture well.
C. You can enjoy food with your partner.
D. You can save money by bargaining together.
3. Which of the following statements agrees with the author's opinion?
A. Traveling alone is not fun.
B. Buying souvenirs isn't necessary.
C. Many people fall in love when traveling.
D. It's better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.
4. Which of the following things is NOT mentioned?
A. A travel partner can help you take care of your child.
B. A travel partner can help get rid of loneliness.
C. A travel partner can help you save money.
D. A travel partner can make you safer.
5. The following paragraph will probably talk about________.
A. how to get along with a travel partner
B. how travel can benefit people
C. what we can learn from travel
D. how to find a travel partner


To me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert, or listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone’s life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plot(情节)and the greatest interests, be as exciting or dramatic(戏剧性)I’m not sure about it.

   Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning—the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in  our everyday life too—in the rhythm(旋律)of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.

   It is well said, “Through music a child enters a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong.”

1.  What does the writer say more about in the passage?

A. Life full of music.

B. Life without music.

C. Importance of music.

D. Development of music.

2From the text, we know that many people     .

A. don’t realize the importance of music

B. get along quite well without music

C. go to the concert instead of enjoying films

D. think music would be less exciting than films

3In the writer’s opinion, if there was no music in films or TV plays,      .

A. the cinema and theatre would be quiet

B. we would lose some of the audience

C. everything would be as exciting as before

D. it would be hard to imagine the result

4What does the underlined word “melody” mean in the text?

A. Flying                  B. Looking

C. Singing                 D. Living



To face the music

  Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way.Our expression today is “to face the music”.

  When someone says, “well, I guess I’ll have to face the music,” it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert.It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that.Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced.At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children.We can all remember father’s angry voice, “I want to talk to you.”and only because we did not obey him.What an unpleasant business it was!

  The phrase “to face the music” is familiar to every American, young and old.It is at least 100 years old.And where did this expression come from? The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper.He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage.When they got their cue to go on, they often said, “Well, it’s time to face the music.”And that was exactly what they did-facing the orchestra which was just below them.And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines.But he had to go out.If he did not, there would be no play.So the expression “to face the music” come to mean “having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice”.

  Other explanations about the expression go back to the army.When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked.Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection? Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection.What else could they do?

  Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done.As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored.The band does not play.Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat.The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.


How many ways does the phrase “to face the music” come from?

[  ]










What’s the meaning of “to face the music”?

[  ]


To face something far less pleasant.


To face the stage.


To face the back of one’s horse.


To face one’s leader.


Which of the following is a situation of facing the music?

[  ]


When we are playing basketball.


When we are making a speech.


When we are having a party.


When we are talking with somebody.


The underlined word “hostile” means ________.

[  ]










To all of you at Chinese love links,

  I am 44 years old and never married.I have always wanted to find that perfect someone that I dream about.For about the last five years I have almost given up the hope of ever finding the one I truly wish to spend the rest of my life with.

  I have always tried to be a nice guy.I had found your website some four or five months before.I did not know what to expect.I don't know how to speak Chinese and never thought truly of how I was to an Asian woman.

  Well, I had a lot of replies from some very nice and pretty women.I had a hard time finding only a couple to write to.But one stood out from the rest.She was cute, nice and seemed to hold a lot of the same values as I do.In a short time I had decided to write only to her.We communicated via e-mail 2~3 times a day and phone calls once or twice a week.

  I went and met her and her family only a week ago.Her name is Ying and she lives in Nanning.I found Nanning to be one of the most beautiful cities I had ever been to.We had even decided to marry and I wanted to bring her to the USA under the fianc-e visa.Not only did she meet everything I had ever hoped to find in someone else but turned out to be what every woman should be like, at least the ones I have met.We plan to marry as soon as she is here and start a family together as neither of us has children but we both want them.

  So to anyone out there reading this, I can only say this:You may not find what you are looking for if you're not honest with your partner and yourself.This site worked for me mostly because I was honest with something that I wanted in someone else.When I did find her, love can work even across the other side of the world, between language differences and cultural differences.I wish you all luck in finding your perfect match.I have finally found mine and wish to give all my thanks to those at Chinese love links to help make it happen.

Sincerely yours,



We can infer from the letter that Chinese love links is a website to ________.

[  ]


help foreigners to travel in China


help both Chinese and foreigners to find one they want to marry


help Chinese and foreigners make friends


receive letters from the USA


Which of the following is TRUE about Arthur's story?

[  ]


He was sure of finding a Chinese woman as his wife at first.


He was determined to find a Chinese woman as his wife.


He almost lost hope in finding a perfect wife until he found Ying.


No women wrote to him before Ying.


Ying stood out from the rest because ________.

[  ]


she was a Chinese


she had much in common with Arthur


other women stopped writing to Arthur


she was cute and nice and often phoned to Arthur


Arthur thinks ________ is the most important in finding someone one wants to marry.

[  ]


being honest with the partner and oneself


help from the website


difference in languages and places


difference in cultures

     To a large degree,the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in
the present moment . In spite of what happened yesterday or last year,and what may or may not happen
 tomorrow,the present moment is where you are-always!
     Without question,many of us have mastered the sensitive art of spending much of our lives worrying
about a variety of things-all at once.We allow past problems and future concerns to control our present
moments,so much so that we end up anxious,discouraged,depressed,and hopeless.On the other hand,we
also put off our satisfaction,and put off what we should think of first,and our happiness,often convincing
ourselves that "someday" will be better than today.Unfortunately,the same mental power that tells us to
look toward the future will only repeat themselves so that "someday" never actually arrives.John Lennon
once said,"Life is what's happening while we're busy making other plans." When we are busy making other
plans, our children are busy  growing up, the people we love are moving away and dying, our bodies are
getting out of shape,and our dreams are slipping away.In short,we miss our life.
     Many people live as if life were dress rehearsal(彩排) for someday  in the future.It isn't.In fact,no one
has a guarantee that he or she will be here tomorrow.Now is the only time we have,and the only time that
we have any control over.When our attention is in the present moment,we push fear from our minds.Fear
is the concern over events that might happen in the future-we won't have enough money,our children will
get into trouble,we will get old and die,whatever.
     To fight against fear,the best method is to learn to bring your attention back to the present.Mark Twain
said,"I have been through some terrible things in my life,some of which actually happened.I don't think I
can say it any better.Practice keeping your attention on here and now.Your efforts will pay off sooner or
1.If a person is able to enjoy the present moment,then he __________.

A.is out of mind  
B.is in peace of mind
C.has forgotten his past  
D.will ignore his future