
After four silent years, British singer Adele Adkins finally introduced herself to the world again with Hello, the opening song from her third album 25, which came out on Nov. 20, 2015.

Although Adele is a very successful singer now, music wasn’t always what she saw herself doing. At age 10, when she saw her grandmother’s pain over the death of Adele’s grandfather, she pictured herself as a heart surgeon.

“I wanted to fix people’s hearts,” she told the UK music website i-D, remembering the childhood interest she’d had in biology classes until she found out that her real talent was for singing.

“Adele didn’t go to medical school, but many would agree that she still has healing (治愈)powers. Her songs find the kind of memory every listener holds somewhere in their heart. This kind of feeling is what people have always liked in Adele,” said The Telegraph. “She writes a pop diary, sharing the simple secrets of her heart.”

Most successful pop stars make albums at a fast pace, but not Adele. After her second album 21 won the 2012 Grammy Award for Album of the Year, she made it clear with her label that she would spend “four or five years” making her next album. She told magazine. “I won’t come out with new music until it’s better than 21.”

Instead of seeking fame, Adele remained silent and moved to the countryside. In her free time, she loved to watch TV series Teen Mom, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead.

Living life as normally as possible is important to the singer’s art. “Nobody wants to listen to a record from someone who’ s not living in the real world,” Adele told i-D.“So I live a low-key life for my fans.”

1.What does die text mainly tell us?

A. The popularity of Adele’s album 25

B. The healing powers of Adele’s music

C. The secrets of Adele’s success in music

D. TV reason Adele’s becoming a singer

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Adele wasn’t interested in music

B. Adele wasn’t good at music at first

C. Music wasn’t very important in Adele’s life

D. Music wasn’t all Adele wanted to be devoted to

3.Why doesn’t Adele want to make albums at a fast pace?

A. To live a low-key life

B. To win the Grammy Award

C. To guarantee the quality of her music

D. To share the secrets of her heart as a musician

4.What can we know about Adele?

A. Her album Hello will come out on Nov. 20

B. She has kept a diary since childhood

C. She moved to the countryside before 2012

D. Her works are based on real life


Flaubert had it that "one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in an unending party". It turns out that reading doesn't only help us to tolerate existence, but actually lengthens it.

A recent study by Yale University researchers, published online in the journal Social Science & Medicine, concluded that "book readers experienced a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death over the 12 years of follow-up compared to non-book readers."

The data was obtained from the study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. The study looked at 3,635 subjects, all older than 50, whom the researchers divided into three groups: those who didn't read books, those who read up to 3.5 hours a week and those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.

The findings were remarkable: on average, book readers survived almost two years longer than those who didn't crack open a book. The more the subjects read, the longer they lived, but that as little as 30 minutes a day was still beneficial in terms of survival.

Accounting for factors such as education level, income and health status, the study found that those who read more than 3.5 hours weekly were 23 percent less likely to die during that 12-year period. Those who read up to 3.5 hours—an average of a half-hour a day—were 17 percent less likely.

In other words, just like a healthy diet and exercise, books appear to promote a "significant survival advantage," the authors concluded.

Why or how that's the case remains unclear; the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity, not a causal relationship. But the findings are not so surprising. Other recent research showed that reading novels appears to increase both brain connectivity and sympathy.

1.Why does the author mention Flaubert's words in the first paragraph?

A. To stress the value of reading.

B. To compare reading with party.

C. To introduce the study on reading.

D. To support the findings of the study.

2.From the text, what can we learn about the study?

A. No similar study on reading has been carried out.

B. The process of the study lasted more than ten years.

C. It shows readers live two years longer than non-readers.

D. It shows time spent on reading increases one's love for it.

3.What does the underlined words "that's the case" probably mean?

A. Reading books enables people to live longer.

B. Reading is similar to a healthy diet and exercise.

C. Reading books is closely associated with longevity.

D. Reading increases brain connectivity and sympathy.

4.Where can we most probably read this text?

A. https://www.theguardian.com/life-and-style/family.

B. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/b/books/coming-soon.

C. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health.

D. http://www.thebookbag.co.uk/Book_Recommendations.

As a student in America,I often came across difficult times that made it harder for me to move on.Fortunately,I met a special angel—Dai Mom Mom.

In my twenties,I went to study at TWU in America.Because of limited financial support from my parents,I worked part-time on campus to pay my bills.In addition,I did house cleaning for a family.Because of an imbalanced diet,I would easily feel weak.When Dai Mom Mom realized that,she invited me to her home for dinner every weekend.Besides,whenever it was time to return home,she would prepare me with some homemade dessert or food. Her kind actions were like the seeds of love planted in my heart.

One evening,when I walked out of the library,I started to feel dizzy(头晕),and my hands were shaking. Searching my pockets,I only found a few dollars left.Without a second thought,I headed for Dai Mom Mom's home. On arrival,she immediately noticed my fatigue.She seated me at the table and before long,a plate of food was set before me."Don't make yourself work so hard,"she said with a nice smile.I suddenly felt so warm that tears rolled down.

The meal was just like a Christmas gift from Heaven.I have always remembered it as the most delicious dinner I have ever had.Not only did the food satisfy my physical hunger,but it also deeply filled my spirit with genuine love. Dai Mom Mom was an angel.Because of her,I have now become a person who can pass her love along to others in need.

1.When in America,the author did several jobs to .

A. pay off his debt B. support his family

C. cover his expenses D. have his illness treated

2.Why did the author feel dizzy that evening?

A. He had studied too hard.

B. He had had a poor diet for too long.

C. He was not used to the campus life.

D. He missed Dai Mom Mom too much.

3.What does the underlined word "fatigue" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Hopelessness. B. Boredom.

C. Concern. D. Tiredness.

4.What influence did Dai Mom Mom have on the author?

A. She made the author a caring and devoted person.

B. She encouraged the author through hard times.

C. She offered the author timely financial support.

D. She helped the author realize his dream.

As we know, DNA testing is very useful for crime fighting. But now crime fighters could have a new tool at hand. Researchers have developed a cutting-edge (前沿的) technique to identify human hair. Their test is quicker than DNA analysis techniques currently used by the police.

DNA testing is commonly used for identification because DNA is unique to each individual. However, environmental and chemical processes can degrade(降解) DNA, limiting its usefulness over time. Protein (蛋白质) in hair, on the other hand, is more stable than DNA but can also have variations (变异体) that may be unique to the individual.

“Our analysis process can be used universally, ”says Ms. Huang, “One of our samples even included dyed hair and the test was 100 per cent accurate. The test was able to distinguish East Asians, Caucasians and South Asians.”

Dr. Beauchemin says she has got in touch with law enforcement agencies about using the new technology. She is also planning to collect more hair samples and continue her research with a goal of finding where exactly in the world hair sample is from, to look for more races and determine specific age.

“We are in a very similar place with protein-based identification to where DNA testing was during the early days of development,” said chemist Brad Hart. “This method will be a game-changer, and while we’ve made a lot of progress toward improving it, there are steps to go before this new technique is able to reach its full potential.”

1.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To analyze crime scenes.

B. To distinguish different races.

C. To show the usefulness of DNA testing.

D. To introduce a new identification method.

2.Which will be the most useful in identifying a person according to Brad Hart?

A. Chemical materials. B. Protein in hair.

C. DNA variations. D. Blood sample.

3.What’s the advantage of the protein-based identification over DNA testing?

A. Stability. B. Popularity.

C. Security. D. Convenience.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the text?

A. DNA testing will soon reach its full potential.

B. Protein-based identification remains to be improved.

C. Protein-based identification has replaced DNA testing.

D. DNA testing develops as rapidly as protein-based identification.

I was first officer at an airline. One Christmas Eve, I was checking instruments in _______ for my last flight of the day _______ I heard a noise behind me. I looked _______ my shoulder. Just outside the cockpit(驾驶舱) doorway was a boy of about nine _______ at the cockpit. At my glance he started to _______“Come on in here,” I called. The boy stepped _______ into the cockpit. “My name’s Chad.” I said, slicking out my hand. With a shy smile he put his hand in _______, “I’m Sam.”

The captain would be in any minute. Sam looked so _______ that I didn’t want to cut short his fun. I told Sam the _______ of each button. Finally Captain Jim came aboard. I ________ Sam to Jim, who gave him a broad smile. “You ever ________ an airplane before, Sam?” Jim asked. Eyes wide, Sam ________his head. Following my ________, he carefully pressed a button as big as his hand to start the ________, which hummed (发出嗡嗡声) to life.

Sam looked like he was about to cry with ________. We started up the other engine, ________, and arrived in Macon about 40 minutes later.

Early Christmas morning, Sam’s mother came by and ________ a tin of cookies with a note of thanks. Jim looked at it, ________, and read it aloud, “Thank you for what you’ve done. Sam has been dreaming about becoming a pilot. ________, he’s got cancer…”

A small ________ deed that one does can make a big difference to someone else’s life.

1.A. time B. return C. preparation D. exchange

2.A. after B. when C. as if D. even though

3.A. over B. around C. above D. from

4.A. glaring B. aiming C. shouting D. staring

5.A. get in B. turn away C. run out D. set off

6.A. cautiously B. unexpectedly C. desperately D. deliberately

7.A. his B. him C. me D. mine

8.A. thrilled B. worried C. afraid D. confident

9.A. type B. function C. problem D. regulation

10.A. carried B. reported C. introduced D. directed

11.A. saw B. boarded C. started D. visited

12.A. raised B. bowed C. nodded D. shook

13.A. signals B. instructions C. example D. schedule

14.A. flight B. journey C. button D. engine

15.A. happiness B. anxiety C. sympathy D. fright

16.A. gave up B. pulled over C. took off D. went out

17.A. took B. made C. bought D. left

18.A. sighed B. sobbed C. breathed D. relieved

19.A. Strangely B. Eventually C. Carelessly D. Unfortunately

20.A. heroic B. risky C. kind D. honest

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