
Harry  lived in London for three months,______ he learned some English.

A.which            B.in which           C.that              D.during which time





试题分析:考查定语从句,先行词是three months,定语从句的时间状语是during three months,用介词during +which time引导定语从句,句意:Harry在伦敦生活了三个月,在那期间,他学习了一些英语。选D。





Below are Top 10 Scholarly Stars in America in 2011.
It’s not always about fame and fortune for these celebs – education is a priority in their lives. Find out what scholarly stars have earned degrees and diplomas or are returning to the classroom as you head back to school.
No. 10: James Franco
James has attended FOUR prestigious universities in his life: UCLA, New York University, Columbia University and Yale University. We hear he’s is so serious about school, he missed the Oscar nominations to attend class!
No. 9: Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman is so Ivy League: she graduated from Harvard University in 2003, thanks to her parents, who she says always made sure she put her studies before her acting.
No. 8: Haley Joel Osment
When students at NYU heard Haley Joel would be joining them as a freshman in 2006, they chalked the campus’ sidewalks with his famous Sixth Sense movie line: “I see dead people.”
No. 7: Emma Watson
Although Emma Watson put her education on hold to wrap up the Harry Potter film series, in July 2011 she announced that she was going back to school at Brown University to complete her degree.
No. 6: Dakota and Elle Fanning
Celeb sisters Dakota and Elle Fanning are stars on screen and in class. Dakota was her high school’s homecoming queen two years in a row while Elle, who still attends middle school, somehow manages to balance her acting career with math tests and gym class.
No. 5: Mara Wilson
Mara Wilson graduated from NYU in 2009. Mara, who played the adorable Nattie in Mrs. Doubtfire, eventually grew up and headed to New York to attend NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts; she graduated in 2009.
No. 4: Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks is known for being a savvy businesswoman, but even the best could use some formal training. She enrolled in Harvard Business School in 2011 and even went so far as to live in a dorm with her fellow classmates!
“We live in dorms,” confirmed the TV star. “I have my own room but we share a kitchen, living room and study area. It’s mandatory dorms. I freaked out. In the beginning I was like, ‘Oh yes, I’m going to Harvard and I’ll be at the Four Seasons down the street.’ And they were like, ‘Girl, you’re living in dorms!’”
No. 3: Shakira
Singer Shakira is resting her hips and giving her brain a workout at UCLA, attending classes on the history of western civilization so she could “learn from the best”.
No. 2: Steven Spielberg
Director Steven skipped getting a formal education to be an unpaid intern at Universal Studios, where he learned his tricks of the trade. But eventually he did go back and earned his film degree in 2002.
No. 1: Danica McKellar
Danica McKellar is a math whiz. She used to be known for starring as Winnie Cooper in the Wonder Years, but Danica is also a UCLA graduate, math whiz and education advocate who’s written three best-selling books encouraging middle-school girls to have confidence and succeed in mathematics.
【小题1】What Danica McKellar and Natalie Portman share in common is that ________.

A.both put their education in the first place
B.they graduated from the same university
C.the two actresses wrote best-selling books
D.both of them will abandon their acting
【小题2】From the above, we can come to the conclusion that ________.
A.Spielberg received a formal film education before he turned director
B.both sisters Dakota and Elle have not finished middle school education
C.Tyra Banks is sharing the same room with her classmates in Harvard
D.Shakira and Haley Joel Osment are studying in university separately
【小题3】The underlined word “ trade” in the passage is closest to ________.
【小题4】How many stars referred to in the material studied or will go to UCLA?

Islands of Adventure at Universal Orlando in Florida
People say that it is the home of the “Harry Potter Theme Park”. The Wizarding World is the most popular part of the park. Other popular rides include the Adventures of Spider-Man, Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges and the Jurassic Park River Adventure.
It is open from Monday to Saturday. $15.95 for children, 3 to 13 years old; $29.95 for ages 14 and over.
PI-O Indoor Theme Park in Longueuil
The PI-O Indoor Theme Park features(以……为特色) 16 rides, a small sea train, a kid-sized bowling alley(保龄球场), a mirror maze(迷宫), theme rooms which include the Christmas room on-the-sea, and a private reception room.
“I wanted to create a safe environment for kids aged 1 to 10,” explains owner Jocelyne Pinard. She noted how many competing amusement parks have sections that can be unsafe for young kids — such as the “ball rooms” full of loose plastic balls. So this is how it is different from other amusement parks.
Open seven days a week. The admission fees are $16.99 for individuals(个人) and $64 for families.
Legoland Windsor Theme Park in London
Legoland Windsor is the best choice for young families. The park is designed for children from 3 to 12. There are over 50 rides as well as live shows, workshops, and other attractions aimed at younger children, and especially those who are already fond of building-block(积木) toys.
The park is open every single day. Adults: $35; Ages 3-15 and 60+: $26. Buy online and save $3 per person.
Wonder La Theme Park in India
Wonder La is a world-class amusement park. It’s modern, clean and green, and has all kinds of attractions. There are over 50 rides, 12 of which are water based and 9 especially for small children. If you love getting wet, don’t miss the Rain Disco — an indoor dance floor with a rain system that provides showers of warm water to the music.
Monday to Friday 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, Holiday and Festival seasons 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Single adult / child — $13.50; Family ticket (for any four people) — $50.00; Children 3 and under — Free.
【小题1】If Jim is free this Sunday, he can choose to visit the following parks EXCEPT________.

A.Islands of AdventureB.PI-O
C.Legoland WindsorD.Wonder La
【小题2】How is PI-O Indoor Theme Park mainly different from other parks?
A.It is much safer. B.It features more rides.
C.It is much cheaper.D.It offers more activities.
【小题3】If a couple want to visit Legoland Windsor Theme Park with their 5-year-old son, how much do they need to pay when booking online?
A.$70. B.$87.C.$93.D.$96.
【小题4】Which of the following about Wonder La Theme Park is NOT true?
A.It is located in India.
B.It is free for children of 3 and under.
C.There are nine rides especially for small children.
D.The Rain Disco lets children enjoy cool showers while dancing.
【小题5】Where is the passage most probably taken?
A.A science magazine. B.A text book.
C.A travel guide.D.A local newspaper.

For some reason, it takes constant reminders that we primates(灵长目)need nurturing.

In a recent study of 46 baby chimpanzee(黑猩猩)orphans, Kim Bard of the University of Portsmouth in England and her colleagues demonstrated that primate babies that have tight relationships with mother figures do much better on cognitive(认知)tests than babies who receive only food, shelter, and friendship with peers. But this is not breaking mews. In fact, it’s old news.

In the 1950s, Harry Harlow conducted a series of experiments with baby monkeys that showed, without doubt, that lack of love and comfort makes for a crazy monkey.

Harlow constructed a cage that included a wire monkey “mother” topped with a plastic face. In this wire he fixed Mom with a milk bottle. The cage also held another wire mother covered with terry cloth. The baby monkeys spent all their time with the cloth mother and only went to the wire mother to feed, demonstrating that a soft touch beat something to eat any day.

Harlow’s monkey work was important because, at the time, child care “experts” and everybody’s grandmother had a “no touch, no comfort” policy toward children. They advised parents not to respond to crying babies, felt babies should sleep alone to grow up independent, and for God’s sake put those kids down. But Harlow’s work changed all that. Mothers were soon permitted to have their newborns next to them in the hospital.

The current chimp research based on Harlow’s work shows that mother love not only makes for a psychologically well-adjusted child, but also makes for a smart kid. Bard and her colleagues evaluated the abilities of the chimps when they were 12 months old with standard human tests for children of that age, tests that ask little kids to imitate some action.

The highly raised chimps did better than the ones that were not loved, and what do you know, the well-raised chimps did even better than human kids on this small IQ test.

So we hear it once again. We are primates, social animals which need care and love. We need to be held and talked to and made to feel that at least one person wants to be with us all the time. And if we get that kind of connection, we are sure to be fine, even better than fine.

1.The study Kim Bard and his colleagues did ______.

A.included 46 baby and mother monkeys

B.was nothing new to people about the findings

C.showed that many chimpanzees lacked love when they were young

D.showed that many chimpanzees had good relationships with their mothers

2.Why was Harlow’s monkey work important?

A.Because the “no touch, no comfort” policy toward children was quite right.

B.Because parents were advised not to respond to babies’ crying.

C.Because Harlow’s work changed people’s former belief in child care.

D.Because mothers were not allowed to have their newborns next to them in the hospital.

3.Harlow built two “mothers” for baby monkeys to ______.

A.make them live comfortably               B.let them have more choices

C.give them more love                     D.make a comparison

4.Which of the following is TURE according to the text?

A.Well-raised chimps always do even better than human kids.

B.A 12-month chimps is far cleverer than a child of that age.

C.The newborns were not allowed to be with their mothers in the past in the hospital.

D.Constantly touching the baby can make it feel safer.



A.FIFA agrees on heavy punishments to stamp out racism

ZURICH: Soccer’s world governing body FIFA agreed on Thursday to punish acts of racism with heavy punishments including taking away points and disqualification from competitions.

B.England face uphill task in the third test

MUMBAI: England will fight against all the probabilities to prevent a second straight series defeat when they face India in the third and final test starting on Saturday.

C.Disease-free chickens hit the market

GUANGZHOU: The first group of 200,000 live, quality-assured chickens, which wear colored plastic rings around their feet, hit Guangzhou’s markets on Friday, at a time when the threat of bird flu has kept chickens off many menus.

D.Football bosses deny Schweinsteiger betting report

BERLIN: German football chiefs on Thursday made a strong statement of the wrong saying that a newspaper says that Bayern Munich star Bastian Schweinsteiger was the international footballer involved in a betting.

E.Zhangs to lead Chinese team at the world championships

Figure skaters Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao, whose heroic silver was a high point of last month’s Turin Winter Olympics, are ready to make China into pairs more noticeable at the world championships next week in Calgary.

F.Ministry looks to prevent soil from ruin

The two square meters of land covered with black soil that were once the pride of farmer Lei Guangsheng are now a problem without an easy solution.


1.Tony is very interested in agriculture, so he wants to know about something that is happening in the countryside.

2.Collins focuses his attention on people’s health, so he would like to know what has happened in this field.

3.Jesse likes sports very much. Next week the winter holidays will begin and he wants to see some great events happening in the following week.

4..Jack takes great interest in collecting sportsmen’s personal information, especially about their bad behavior.

5.Harry is a football fan. He often watches football games invented in old England. Now he needs to know some decision made by the organization.


When we read books we seem to enter a new world. This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very    21   . Some stories are told   22   they were true. Real people who live in a  23  world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do. Other stories, such as the Harry Potter books, are not   24   . They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be   25  for us.

But there is more to books and writing than this. If we think about it, even realistic writing is only   26   . How can we tell the difference between what is real and what is not real? For example, when we read about Harry Potter ,we  2 7   seem to learn something about the real world. And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts, he also learns more about his real life than   28   . Reading, like writing, is an action. It is a way of   29   . When we read or write something ,we do much more than simple look at words on a page. We use our   30    --which is real—and our imagination—which is real in a different way --- to make the words come to life in our minds.

Both realism and fantasy(幻想)    31   the imagination and the “magic” of reading and writing to make us think. When we read    32  realistic, we have to imagine that the people we are reading about are just like us, even though we   33   that we are real and they are  34  . It sounds   35   ,but it works. When we read, we fill in missing information and   36   about the causes and effects of what a character does. We help the writer by   37   that what we read is like real life. In a way, we are writing the book, too.

Most of us probably don’t think about what is going on in our   38   when we are reading. We pick up a book and lose   39   in a good story, eager to find out what will happen next. Knowing how we feel   40   we read can help us become better readers, and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books.











D.as if

























































A.a newspaper



D.a story


















































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