



例:How much is the shirt?





1.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a classroom.

C.In a library.

2.At what time will the film begin?




3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their friend Jane.

B.A weekend trip.

C.A radio programme.

4.What will the woman probably do?

A.Catch a train.

B.See the man off.

C.Co shopping.

5.Why did the woman apologize?

A.She made a late delivery.

B.She went to the wrong place.

C.She couldn't take the cake back.




6.Whose CD is broken?




7.What does the boy promise to do for the girl?

A.Buy her a new CD.

B.Do some cleaning.

C.Give her 10 dollars.


8.What did the man think of the meal?

A.Just so-so.

B.Quite satisfactory.

C.A bit disappointing.

9.What was the 15% on the bill paid for?

A.The food.

B.The drinks.

C.The service.


10.Why is the man at the shop?

A.To order a camera for his wife.

B.To have a camera repaired.

C.To get a camera changed.

11.What colour does the man want?




12.What will the man do afterwards?

A.Make a phone call.

B.wait until further notice.

C.Come again the next day.


13.What would Jce probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?

A.Go to a play.

B.Stay at home.

C.Visit Kingston.

14.What is Ariel going to do in Toronto?

A.Attend a party.

B.Meet her aunt.

C.See a car show.

15.Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?

A.To call up Betty.

B.To buy some DVDs.

C.To pick up Daniel.

16.What might be the relationship betwee


B.Fellow workers.

C.Guide and tourist.


17.Where does Thomas Manning work?

A.In the Guinness Company.

B.At a radio station.

C.In a museum.

18.Where did the idea of a book of records come from?

A.A bird-shooting trip.

B.A visit to Europe.

C.A television talk show.

19.When did Sir Hugh's first book of records appear?

A.In 1875.

B.In 1950.

C.In 1955.

20.What are the two speakers going to talk about next?

A.More records of unusual facts.

B.The founder of the company.

C.The oldest person in the world.


What is blood? It is the red liquid which comes out of your finger when you cut it. There are bout thirteen pints(???) of blood in a man' s body. He can give a pint of blood at a time to

blood bank for the use of other men who may need it. A healthy body makes up one pint of bloo


What does our blood do for us? It takes food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste awa

from them. All the parts of our bodies are made up of cells, and these cells, which are very small

all need food all the time.

The blood is like a stream. The cells take what they need out of the blood stream, as plants an fishes take their food out of water. The blood stream carries food and oxygen which it has taken up our lungs to all the cells in the body.

What makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream? The heart sends it round.

man' s heart is about the Size of his fist. The heart is a pump. It has rooms in it with doors betwee

them. It pumps blood in and out through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that th

doors open and shut.

The heart keeps stream of blood going all round the body and back again to itself. Everywhel the blood stream does two things: supplies the cells with food and oxygen and takes away the waste It is as if the blood kept the little fires in the cells burning and took away the ashes.

49. Blood is the_____

A. red liquid which comes from your finger    B. red liquid which we can see

C. red liquid which flows in a man's body     D. red cell

50. The blood in a man' s body__________.

A. makes food all the time

B. takes food to all cells in the body and takes waste away

C. supplies the cells with food and oxygen from them

D. takes waste away from the cells

51. __ makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream.

A. The heart          B. The lung          C. The cell          D. The pump

52. This article tells us about__________.

A. a stream of blood                        B. the use of the heart

C. a wonderful pump                       D. something about blood



      What is blood? It is the red liquid which comes out of your finger when you cut it. There are bout thirteen pints(品脱) of blood in a man' s body. He can give a pint of blood at a time to

blood bank for the use of other men who may need it. A healthy body makes up one pint of bloo


      What does our blood do for us? It takes food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste awa

from them. All the parts of our bodies are made up of cells, and these cells, which are very small

all need food all the time.

      The blood is like a stream. The cells take what they need out of the blood stream, as plants an fishes take their food out of water. The blood stream carries food and oxygen which it has taken up our lungs to all the cells in the body.

      What makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream? The heart sends it round.

man' s heart is about the Size of his fist. The heart is a pump. It has rooms in it with doors betwee

them. It pumps blood in and out through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that th

doors open and shut.

      The heart keeps stream of blood going all round the body and back again to itself. Everywhel the blood stream does two things: supplies the cells with food and oxygen and takes away the waste It is as if the blood kept the little fires in the cells burning and took away the ashes.

49. Blood is the_____

     A. red liquid which comes from your finger    B. red liquid which we can see

     C. red liquid which flows in a man's body     D. red cell

50. The blood in a man' s body__________.

      A. makes food all the time

      B. takes food to all cells in the body and takes waste away

      C. supplies the cells with food and oxygen from them

      D. takes waste away from the cells

51. __ makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream.

      A. The heart          B. The lung          C. The cell          D. The pump

52. This article tells us about__________.

      A. a stream of blood                        B. the use of the heart

      C. a wonderful pump                       D. something about blood

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