

           Gemini Television is a large independent broadcaster. They have had success in television with mini-series and situation comedies. Recently the company has decided to move into fllm--making. They have received some film projects from directors working in different countries.

Title: Hands up for Happiness 

Genre:(类型) :Romantic(浪漫的) comedy

Plot(情节) :Two pairs of twins,one Italian and one Russian,meet and start relationships. They have problems telling the difference between each twin. Will they end up with the right person?

Csst(演员阵容):Unknown actors as need to be real twins.

Special features: Very romantic locations,e.g. Venice,St.Petersburg.

Budget: $40-50 million at most.

Audience: 20-35 year olds.

Title: Alien Attack 

Genre: Science fiction 

Plot: Story takes place 500 years in the future. The Earth is attacked by aliens. A small group survive the attack and try to save the planet. Will they succeed before the aliens reproduce? 

Cast: To be decided (by the director) .

Special features: Shocking special effects,exciting visually.

Budget: $60-80 million at most.

Audience: 15 upwards.

Title: Exit Strategy 

Genre: Thriller 

Plot: A woman picks up the wrong bag at an airport and is mistaken for a foreign agent who has secret documents. She is tracked around the world by criminals,government agents and the realownerofthebag.

Cast: Major Hollywood star as lead actress (undecided) .

Special features: Many locations around the world,lots of twists and turns in the story,strong possibility for a follow-up,and for turning the lead character into a female James Bond.

Budget: At least $100-120 million.

Audience: 15 upwards.

Title: Midnight Sun 

Genre: Action / Adventure 

Plot: A story of family honour,revenge(复仇) great love and of good vs. bad. A young Japanese man brought up in the USA returns to the country of his birth. He discovers the dark secret of the family,and the reason he was brought up in the USA. His search for the truth leads him to the Philippines and to the beautiful princess Satsuki.

Cast: Young,unknown actors.

Special features: Excellently designed fight scenes. 

Budget: $50-70 million at most.

Audience: Worldwide,but probably over 18 due to violence.

25. What are specially needed to produce Alien Attack?

   A. Two pairs of twins.

   B. Impressive fight scenes.

   C. Amazing special effects.

   D. Very romantic locations.

26. Which of the following films may be turned into a series?

   A. Alien Attack. B. Exit Strategy.

   C. Midnight Sun. D. Hands up for Happiness.

27. The four films mentioned in the text .

   A. are of the same type

   B. all have fight scenes

   C. haven’t decided on the actors

   D. are all intended for teenagers

25. C 26. B 27. C



25. C. 细节理解题。由 Title: Alien Attack 部分中的 Special features: Shocking special effects,exciting visually 可却 ,要制作这部电影,需要有命人的特效、令人兴奋的视觉效果。

26. B. 细节理解题。由Title: Exit Strategy 部分中的 strong possibility for a follow-up 可知,这部电影很有可能拍续集。

27. C. 推理判断题。由四部电影Cast部分中的Unknown actors as need to be real twins,To be decided (by the director) 和 Major Hollywood star as lead actress (undecided) 以及 Young,unknown actors 可知,这四部电影都没有确定演员阵容。



      In school,I was terrible at spelling. I remember

1. (ask) to spell the fourth day of the week.


      “You seem 2. (forget) a few letters,”commented the teacher.

        I began to say the letters again, “W-H-E-N-S-D-A-Y”.

       “No,” she smiled. “The name Wednesday comes from Norse mythology. The day 3.(name) after the god Odin,also called Woden. So think of it as ‘ Woden's day’. In Old English,it was Wodnesdaeg,and in Middle English,it became Wednesdai. And now,it is Wednesday."

       “Why don't we pronounce all the letters?” I asked.

       “Well,the pronunciation seems 4.(simplify) but not the spelling. Perhaps in the future,the spelling will change too,but for now,plan5. (write) it like this (Wednesday) ,w she added.

       “Can’t we just call it Humpday?” asked a student in the back of the class.

       “I don't remember seeing that word in the dictionary, ” replied the teacher. “A word must 6. (accept) formally in dictionaries before we can confidently use it in our writing."

       “How does a word become accepted?”

       “As more people begin to use a word,it starts to appear more frequently in writing — newspapers, magazines and books — and in speech — conversation,newscasts,and lectures. The more frequently a word occurs,the more likely it is 7.(record) into a dictionary,” she explained.

       “So does that mean that we should start using ‘Humpday’ so that we can get it accepted?” asked the student.

        The teacher smiled, “You can try,but you’11 still need to be able 8. (spell) Wednesday correctly on your next spelling test.”


            Where can you find the first successtul airplane,one of the world's biggest bugs(虫子) and Kermit the Frog? They,re all at the Smithsonian Institution,American's storehouse of the coolest things ever,in Washington,D. C. More than 138 million objects have been collected by their 19 museums,with more coming in every day.

            The Smithsonian was founded in 1846 and named after James Smithson,an English businessman. Smithson never visited America,but he left his entire fortune to the United States to^ build an institution “for the increase of knowledge."

            Here are just a few of the amazing things in the Smithsonian collection.

                              Big bugs 

            The Smithsonian has 35 million bugs. The largest insect in the collection is a beetle(甲虫) from South America called the titan beetle. Titan beetles can grow to more than 6 inches long.

                           Flying machines 

            The first powered plane to fly,the 1903 Wright Flyer,is displayed in the National Air and Space!Museum. The Smithsonian has the first supersonic (超音速的) airliner ,the which could cross the Atlantic Ocean in fewer than four hours.

                           The longest beard 

            The Smithsonian is home to the longest beard;ever recorded. Norwegian imniigrant Hans Langseth I had grown his facial hair to 18 feet 6  inches by the time he died in 1927. The Smithsonian has 17 feet 6 inches of it because,even though Langseth's final wish was to have his entire beard preserved,his family decided it wouldn't be right to bury him clean-shaven.

Time and admission:

             Smithsonian museums are open every day of the year except December 25 unless otherwise note Most museums are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The American Art Museum and Portrait Gallery are open 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

             Admission is free for all Smithsonian museums and the zoo in Washington,   D. C., and the American Indian Museum,s George Gustav Heye Center in New York. A fee is required at the Cooper-Hewitt,National Design Museum in New York (Members and children under 12 are admitted free) .

32. According to the text,the Smithsonian Institution.

   A. was founded in honor of an American

   B. has all its museums in Washington,D. C.

   C. is most famous for its fine collection of art

   D. was funded by money from James Smithson

33. The Smithsonian failed to get the entire beard of Hans Langseth’s due to .

   A. the words in his last will

   B. the rejection of his family

   C. the tradition of Norwegians

   D. the bad condition of the beard

34. What do the objects mentioned have in common?

   A. They were from South Africa.

   B. They are in the same museum.

   C. They are record-breaking items.

   D. They were from the 19th century.

35. All of Smithsonian museums .

   A. are open at 10 a.m.

   B. charge an entrance fee

   C. are closed on Christmas Day

   D. ask for your membership cards

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