
He's definitely NOT James Bond—nor even Austin Powers.And now the world's worst spy, codenamed Piglet,is facing 14 years in prison after bungling (办槽)an attempt to sell secrets to the Russians.

Aircraft engineer Ian Parr,46,tried to pass on secrets of seven sensitive projects for£l30. 000 to a man he thought was a Russian agent called Aleksey.

But it turned out that Parr—once nicknamed "Hazard" by colleagues-actually handed over the secrets to all M15(军情五处)agent. As the father-of-two sat in the pub drinking a pint of lager to celebrate the£25,000 he had just been given,police swooped and arrested him for spying.

But his troubles were not over. While in Belmar's Prison,he,who had given himself the codename Piglet,tried to kill himself.He wired his spectacles to the mains to try to electrocute himself-but he only succeeded in leaving an outline of his glasses bummed on to his face.

Parr had a reputation for being a bungler long before his spying exempt.

As a teenage he joined the Army,where he earned his nickname"Hazard".

An excolleague said."If you wanted a job doing,Hazard would do it badly.He blew up the barracks washing machine by overloading it."

"He was forever injuring himself when loading shells(炮弹)into the gun turret(炮塔)of the tank. I lost count of the number of times I saw him with bandages and plasters on his fingers."

"You'd hear him clanging around and there'd be a yelp and he'd squeal,'Oh,my bloody fingers.'He's very lucky to have all his fingers left."

Parr eared £25,000 a year at BAE(bachelor of aeronautical engineering(航空工程学士) Systems.It is thought that he tried to make money from spying because of worries about being dismissed at the firm.

73. According to the passage,the world's worst spy Is________.

      A. James Bond       B. Austin Powers    C. lan Parr      D. Aleksei

74. Piglet actually passed the secrets on to________. 

      A. Aleksei,the Russian agent        B. an agent

      C. nobody             D. somebody whose nickname was"Hazard"

75. The underlined word"swooped"in paragraph 4 most probably means________.

      A. attacked suddenly and unexpectedly       B. at tack evincing crowds

      C. cameos planned               D. walked slowly and secretly

76. If he had succeeded in selling the secrets,he would have earned________.

      A. £25,000   B. £155,000 C. £130,000 D. £105,000








A while ago,I didn’t think I had a passion.1 would sit in front of the TV all day and not think about anything except the next   36   .At that time,I didn’t know how   37   it was to have a passion in our life.

The first   38   I thought about this was in the seventh grade when 1 went to school with my mom.As we stopped at a red light,someone   39   my eyes.It was a man dressed in old   40  standing on the other side of the    41   .This homeless man was not sitting down with a sad and hopeless   42   .He was standing,waving his hands and dancing.He looked happy and held a radio as if it was the most   43   thing he had.

Seeing all this   44    me.“Morn,why does that man have a radio even though he’s homeless?”I asked.

“He bought it,”she replied.1 was still   45   .

“But if he’s homeless,why doesn’t he use his money to buy clothes?He  46  his money on something he doesn’t need.He should buy food.”

“Well,Sarah,sometimes food isn’t the most important thing.   47   can be food for the

   48    .Food and clothes aren’t the only things we need.People need happiness to stay   49   ,too.”

I wasn’t sure whether I  50  my mother’s words.Maybe my mom was right.If one lives in sadness,there’s  51   to keep him moving from day to day.

Now I   52   that I’ve had passions all along,but never recognized their importance in my life.They were invisible(无形的)hopes that I    53   without knowing them.What’s often forgotten is that we all need a   54   ,a light on a   55   day.We all need a passion.

36.A.display                   B.show                      C.exhibition        D.show off

37.A.efficient                 B.effective                 C.important         D.valuable

38.A.moment                  B.period                    C.date                        D.time

39.A.caught                    B.seized                     C.held                       D.held on to

40.A.cloths                     B.clothes                    C.clothing                  D.coat

41.A.way                       B.passage                   C.road                       D.express way

42.A.expression              B.looks                      C.face                        D.eyes

43.A.invaluable        B.expensive                C.precious                  D.worthless

44.A.shocked                  B.astounded        C.astonishing              D.surprised

45.A.puzzled                  B.wondered                C.confused                 D.amazed

46.A.spent               B.wasted                    C.took                       D.cost

47.A.Passion                  B.Music                     C.Love                      D.Happiness

48.A.soul                       B.mind                      C.heart               D.brain

49.A.1ive                       B.living                         C.alive                       D.1ively

50.A.understood             B.agreed                    C.see                         D.have gotten

5 1.A.none                     B.nothing                   C.no one                    D.anything

52.A.find out                  B.know about             C.come true        D.realize

53.A.depended         B.relied on                 C.relied                     D.1ay in

54.A.pleasure                 B.fun                         C.joy                         D.enjoy

55.A.darkness                 B.dusk                       C.dim                        D.dark

       Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergency alert system using text messages delivered to cell phones.Text messages have exploded in popularity in recent years, particularly among young people.The wireless industryls trade association, CTIA, estimates more than 48 billion text messages are sent each month.

       The plan comes from the Warning Alert and Response Network Act, a 2006 federal law that requires improvements to the nation's emergency alert system.The act tasked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) by coming up with new ways to alert the public about emergencies.

       "The ability to deliver accurate and timely warnings and alerts through cell phones and other mobile services is an important next step in our efforts to help ensure that the American public has the information they need to take action to protect themselves and their families before and during disasters and other emergencies," FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said following approval of the plan.

       Participation in the alert system by carriers -telecommunications companies is voluntary, but it has received solid support from the wireless industry.The program would be optional for cell phone users.They also may not be charged for receiving alerts.

       There would be three different types of messages, according to the rules.The first would be a national alert from the president, likely involving a terrorist attack or a nationwide disease.The second would involve "approaching threats," which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or storms or even university shootings.The third would be reserved for child kidnapping emergencies.The service could be in place by 2010.

59.What is the purpose of the approved plan?

       A.To warn people of emergencies through messages.

       B.To popularize the use of cell phones.

       C.To estimate the monthly number of messages.

       D.To promote the wireless industry.

60.According to the passage, cell phone users ____.

      A.must accept the alert service.       B.may enjoy the alert service for free.

       C.must send the alerts to others  D.may choose the types of messages

61.An alert message will NOT be sent if____.

       A.a child gets robbed in the street      B.a university shooting happens

       C.a natural disaster happens       D.a terrorist attack occurs

62.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

       A.Cell Phone Alerts Protecting Students

       B.Cell Phone Alerts by Wireless Industry

       C.Cell Phone Alerts of National Disasters

       D.Cell Phone Alerts Coming Soon

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln spent twenty years as an unsuccessful Illinois lawyer —at least, in financial fields. Legends (传奇) are often untrue, but Lincoln was the real thing. During his years as a lawyer, there were hundreds of examples of his kindness and honesty.

   For example, Lincoln didn’t like to charge the poor who were as poor as he was. Once an old man gave him twenty-five dollars, but Lincoln sent him back ten, saying he was being too generous. He often persuaded the people who came to his office to settle their issues (问题) out of court, thereby saving them a lot of money and earning nothing himself.

   He and his partner once prevented a mentally ill girl from being cheated off her land. The case took fifteen minutes, and the girl’s brother was completely satisfied. When his partner came to divide up their fee, Lincoln criticized him and said, "The money comes out of the pocket of a poor, mentally ill girl. I would rather starve than cheat her in this manner. You return half the money at least, or I won’t take a cent of it as my share."

   Kindness and honesty make you feel good about yourself and create trust in others. It’s not very fashionable these days to talk about the benefits of kindness and honesty, but the benefits are there and are valuable. He often said, "When I do good, I feel good, and when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my belief."

36. From the passage, we can know that Lincoln ____.

   A. charged poor people nothing

B. was very rich when he was a lawyer

C. did not like money

D. helped the poor as much as possible

37. What do we learn from the third paragraph?

   A. The girl’s problem was very difficult to settle.

B. He criticized his partner for accepting too much money.

C. The girl’s brother was very generous.

D. Lincoln’s partner got at least half the money from the girl’s case.

38. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. Lincoln got a lot of money from those who came to him.

B. The legends of famous people are always untrue.

C. Lincoln believed that kindness and honesty were valuable.

   D. It is popular to talk about the benefits of honesty.

39. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Don’t Believe Legends

B. Abraham Lincoln’s Belief

C. The Value of Kindness

D. The Legend of Lincoln Is True

第三节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A father sat at his desk poring over (细读) his monthly bills when his young son rushed in and  21   , “Dad, because this is your  22   and you’re 55 years old, I’m going to give you 55  23   , one for each year!” When the boy  24   carrying out his word, the father exclaimed (呼喊), “Oh, Andrew, don’t do it now; I’m too  25   !” The youngster immediately fell silent as tears  26   in his big blue eyes. Apologetically the father said, “You can finish  27   . ”

The boy said nothing  28   quietly walked away,   29   written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didn’t  30   .

  31   , a few days later after this  32   , the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote: “If only I could tell him how much I regret my  33   words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is  34   . ”

Love is a  35   street. Any loving act must be warmly  36   or it will be taken as rejection and can   37    a scar (疤痕). If we are  38   busy to give and receive love, we are too busy! Nothing is more important than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and  39   to us. Because there may be no   40  at all as in the case of the little boy. 

21. A. questioned       B. thought          C. announced            D. asked

22. A. vocation             B. birthday          C. workday              D. holiday

23. A. kisses                B. touches          C. shakes                 D. presents

24. A. enjoyed              B. finished          C. imagined             D. started

25. A. busy                 B. nervous          C. shy                  D. tired

26. A. fell           B. flowed               C. gathered           D. moved

27. A. recently              B. later              C. immediately       D. quickly

28. A. and                 B. or                C. yet                D. but

29. A. excitement            B. disappointment   C. surprise            D. satisfaction

30. A. answer               B. reply             C. respond              D. move

31. A. Unfortunately        B. Luckily              C. Surprisingly     D. Hopefully

32. A. discussion                 B. incident             C. argument       D. adventure

33. A. considerable         B. powerful            C. helpful          D. thoughtless

34. A. aching               B. beating          C. losing           D. willing

35. A. two-way            B. heart-shaped    C. man-made           D. one-way

36. A. wanted            B. believed            C. accompanied    D. accepted

37. A. stay                B. leave               C. remain          D. keep

38. A. so                B. very               C. quite            D. too

39. A. rare                B. scarce           C. precious         D. bare

40. A. need                B. difficulty         C. chance          D. risk

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