
Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. Time in many ways.

Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a meaning to the event. It is not a to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that something is urgent and immediate attention.

The same meaning is telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he may think it is a of life or death. The time chosen for the call its importance.

In social life, time plays a very part. In the United States, guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But this is not in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be .

The meaning of time from place to place in the world. , misunderstandings often arise between people from different cultures that time differently. For example, promptness (准时) is greatly in American life. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as or not fully responsible. In the US, no one would think of keeping a business partner for an hour; it would be too rude. A person who is five minutes late is to make a short apology.

1.A. wastes B. communicates C. travels D. runs

2.A. special B. ridiculous C. precious D. rare

3.A. custom B. deal C. problem D. duty

4.A. whenever B. though C. while D. once

5.A. gives B. escapes C. pays D. requires

6.A. compared with B. covered with C. attached to D. devoted to

7.A. story B. matter C. game D. view

8.A. reduces B. ignores C. doubts D. stresses

9.A. different B. small C. significant D. equal

10.A. plan B. invitation C. gift D. wish

11.A. true B. useful C. clear D. grateful

12.A. on time B. at length C. in advance D. by chance

13.A. remembered B. forgotten C. canceled D. opposed

14.A. varies B. separates C. rushes D. keeps

15.A. Meanwhile B. Otherwise C. Thus D. Besides

16.A. make B. kill C. save D. treat

17.A. complained B. valued C. seized D. influenced

18.A. impolite B. desperate C. helpless D. unlucky

19.A. working B. approaching C. waiting D. thinking

20.A. forced B. expected C. refused D. blessed























1.B 考查动词。A. wastes 浪费;B. communicates 交流;C. travels 旅行;D. runs 奔跑。通过上文的It speaks more plainly than words.可知,此处说的是时间会说话,而和说话有关的,选择B最为恰当,指时间以很多种方式与人交流。

2.A 考查形容词。A. special 特别的;B. ridiculous 荒唐的;C. precious 珍贵的;D. rare 罕见的、少有的。根据下文所举例子可知,这里指的是不同时间的电话给人们不一样的感觉,故此空选择A,意为:某事在什么时间做对于这件事有着特别的意义。

3.A 考查名词。A. custom 风俗、习性、惯常行为;B. deal 交易;C. problem 问题;D. duty 责任、职责。而根据下文的 to telephone someone very early in the morning.可知这是一种行为,故选择A,意为:在很早打电话不是惯常行为。

4.C 考查连词。A. whenever 无论何时;B. though 虽然;C. while 当……时、然而;D. once 一旦。根据对前后句的理解可知选择C。句意为:如果你很早打电话给一个人,此时这个人正在刮脸或吃早饭,这个时间的电话说明有紧急事情发生。

5.D 考查动词。A. gives 给予;B. escapes 逃脱;C. pays 付钱、给予;D. requires 要求、需要。根据上文的the time of the call shows that something is urgent可知事情紧迫那么也就需要立即关注,故选择D。

6.C 考查动词短语。A. compared with 和……相比较;B. covered with 被……覆盖;C. attached to 附属于,爱慕;D. devoted to 投入,致力于。根据句意:同样的意思被_____晚上11点之后的电话。选择C最为恰当,解释为:晚上11点以后的电话也是同样的意思。

7.B 考查名词。A. story 故事;B. matter 事件;C. game 游戏;D. view 观点。根据搭配选择B,构成短语 a matter of life or death,意为生死攸关的事情。

8.D 考查动词。A. reduces 降低;B. ignores 忽视;C. doubts 怀疑;D. stresses 强调。根据句意:选择打电话的时间_____它的重要性。选择D最为恰当,意为:打电话的时间也强调了它的重要性。

9.C 考查形容词。A. different 不同的;B. small 小的;C. significant 重要的;D. equal 平等的。根据上文可知,不同时间的电话也有着不同的意义,以及下文内容可知美国人的时间观念很强。故选择C,意为时间在美国人的生活中起着重要的作用。

10.B 考查名词。A. plan 计划;B. invitation 邀请;C. gift 礼物;D. wish 愿望。根据下文的介词to可知,选择B,构成固定搭配the invitation to,意为:……的邀请。句意为:如果在聚会前两三天被邀请参加聚会的话,客人会觉得没有被重视。

11.A 考查形容词。A. true 真实的、准确的;B. useful 有用的;C. clear 清楚地;D. grateful 感激的。根据下文可知,在其他国家,聚会的邀请如果提前一个多星期会被认为是愚蠢的。那么也就是说美国人的那种想法在其他国家并非如此。故选择A。

12.C 考查短语。A. on time 准时;B. at length 终于;C. in advance 提前;D. by chance 偶尔。既然是聚会的约定自然是在聚会之前,故选择C,表示提前约定。

13.B 考查动词。A. remembered 记得;B. forgotten 忘记;C. canceled 取消;D. opposed 反对。根据常识可知,如果约定时间过早的话会被遗忘,故选择B。

14.A 考查动词。A. varies 改变、变化;B. separates 分隔、隔离;C. rushes 奔跑;D. keeps 维持。根据上一段内容可知,不同的国家时间的意义也不同,故选择A,意为:时间的意义会随着地方的不同而不同。

15.C 考查副词。A. Meanwhile 同时;B. Otherwise 否则;C. Thus 因此;D. Besides 除此之外。上一句意为时间的意义会随着地方的不同而不同,下一句意为来自不同国家的人们之间的误会也出现。两句话之间存在因果关系,故选择C。

16.D 考查动词。A. make 制作;B. kill 杀死;C. save 节约、挽救;D. treat 对待。根据下文内容可知,不同的人对待时间的看法也不同。故选择D。

17.B 考查动词。A. complained 抱怨;B. valued 重视;C. seized 抓住;D. influenced 影响。根据下文的If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as or not fully responsible.可知,美国人认为不准时是不负责任的表现,故准时是受重视的。所以选择B。

18.A 考查形容词。A. impolite 不礼貌的;B. desperate 绝望的;C. helpless 无助的;D. unlucky 不幸的。通过下文的or not fully responsible可知此处所填的词应该和not responsible相似,故选择A,表示不准时被视作是不礼貌,不负责任的行为。

19.C 考查动词。A. working 工作;B. approaching 接近、到来;C. waiting 等待;D. thinking 认为、想。通过上文可知,美国人很看重准时,以及下文的it would be rude,可推断出此处指的是不准时,也就是说让生意伙伴等待。故选择C。

20.考查动词。A. forced 强迫;B. expected 期待;C. refused 拒绝;D. blessed 祝福。根据上文可知在美国,人们很看重准时,也就是说,如果一个人迟到的话,别人会期待他道歉。故选择B。


Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

He seems an unlikely hero, especially one that would save a kid from the jaws of a wild cougar (美洲豹) .

Shen Huigang is just now getting recognition for his bravery in fighting off a cougar on Vancouver Island, Canada, during a family outing on Aug .30.

Shen, also known as Ian, was then an exchange student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University enjoying the afternoon on a beach near Ucluelet, a small town on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

With him was a friend, Myles Hagar, and Hagar’s two grandchildren.

Silently and suddenly a cougar appeared out of nowhere.

By the time the two adults spotted the cat, believed to be young but still weighing 30 to 35 kilograms, it already had the head of 18-month old Julien in its mouth. Instinctively﹙本能地﹚, the young man gestured as if he were ready for a fight, and tried to scare the beast off with the bag in his hands.

On hearing the noise Shen made, the animal dropped the kid and Hagar grabbed his grandson from the cougar’s jaws. Shen and Hagar gradually chased the animal back into the woods.

“We also moved slowly to our vehicle, as we waved our fists and bags, pretending we wanted to fight with it,” Shen said. “The vehicle wasn’t far away but it felt like it took us a century to travel the short journey.”

“Any hesitation, at any moment, even a second delay, would have resulted in certain death for Julien. The cougar was just about to break his neck and carry him away to be eaten in the forest.” Hagar said. Julien has since made a full recovery.

Parks Canada spokeswoman Arlene Armstrong told the National Post newspaper of Canada in an interview in August. “The two men acted properly by maintaining eye contact with the big cat and aggressively scaring it off.”

1.Why is Shen Huigang getting recognition on Vancouver Island?(No more than 9 words )

2.What happened to Julien by the time the two adults saw the young cougar?(No more than 9 words )

3.Why did the cougar give up eating the kid? (No more than 7 words )

4.How can you act properly when you are fighting with a wild cougar? (No more than 11 words )

Scientists have discovered a special biological behavior in dolphins(海豚) that could lead to a treatment for late-onset diabetes(晚发的糖尿病) in humans. Studies on dolphins found that healthy dolphins switch into a diabetic-like state overnight when they are not feeding, but return to normal when they eat the following morning.

The extraordinary finding has led scientists to suggest that dolphins have “genetic switch” that allows them to imitate diabetes while they are not feeding for a night, without suffering any ill effect.

If researchers can identify a similar genetic pathway in human, they may be able to develop drugs to effectively switch off diabetes. Some 2.2 million people in Britain have type 2 (or late-onset) diabetes, a figure that is expected to reach 4 million by 2025 as a consequence of rising levels of obesity(肥胖).

The tissues of people with type 2 diabetes have become resistant to insulin(胰岛素) so they lose the ability to control sugar levels in their blood. The condition can damage the heart, eyes, kidneys(肾脏) and nerves and contribute to 5% of all deaths, according to the World Healthy Organization.

Dolphins appear to imitate diabetes to keep high levels of blood sugar when food is rare. Like humans, dolphins need some sugar in their blood for their brains to function normally. Venn-Watson’s team analyzed 1,000 blood samples(样本) from 52 dolphins while they didn’t eat anything overnight and fed in the morning. At night time, the dolphins’ metabolism(新陈代谢)changed greatly and showed similar characteristics to that seen in people with type 2 diabetes.

“It is our hope that this discovery can lead to new ways to prevent, treat and maybe even cure diabetes in humans,” said Stephanie Venn-Watson, director of clinical research at the National Marine Foundation in San Diego.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Humans get some idea of treating diabetes from dolphins.

B. Dolphins can switch into a diabetic-like state overnight.

C. Humans can suffer the same disease as dolphins.

D. Dolphins should be fed regularly to avoid diabetes.

2.The key to applying the finding to curing human diabetes lies in ____________.

A. producing insulin in a larger amount

B. developing drugs from healthy dolphins

C. identifying a similar genetic pathway in human

D. analyzing more blood samples from hungry dolphins

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Scientists have found a similar genetic switch in humans.

B. More British people will suffer type 2 diabetes due to obesity.

C. 2.2 million people with type 2 diabetes die in Britain every year.

D. Dolphins imitate diabetes to avoid a high blood sugar level.

4.What will happen to dolphins if not fed for a night according to Venn-Watson?

A. Their metabolism breaks down.

B. They become resistant to insulin.

C. Their heart and kidneys are damaged.

D. They keep high levels of blood sugar.

Like many other parts of our lives today, education has become a global enterprise. In microcosm(微观世界), my school is proof of just how global. Monkseaton High School is an ordinary state-funded school of 850 students in the unfashionable part of northeastern England. Over the past seven years it has sent 12 students to American universities --- two of them to Harvard. Monkseaton has, in turn, attracted students from other countries, including Germany and Latvia. Monkseaton now almost routinely receives inquiries from students in Eastern European countries. Obviously, learning English is a big draw, but his pattern of student movement was unheard of five years ago.

The brain drain is a universal phenomenon, and countries that don’t face up to the new reality will be losing some of their most precious resources. The northeast of England is its poorest region, and has experienced a severe loss of highly qualified professionals-to-be. Some of the most able 18-year-olds are going to other parts of Britain, even to other countries. What is happening here is happening to Britain as a whole. Most noticeably, there is a growing trend of British students taking degrees in American universities. This year the number will break the psychological barrier of 1,000 students for the first time.

And what is happening at the secondary-school level is happening to higher education. Wherever they come from, today’s students have a very different perspective on education from their parents. Because of television, the Internet and their travels, these students see the world as a much smaller place than their parents once did. They are more confident in accepting the challenge of moving from one country to another, from one culture to another; in many cases they can even apply to schools over the Internet. Students are also more aware of the overall cost of education and are looking for value for money. Plus, for many, education linked to travel is a better option than education at home.

1.Why does the author say education has become a global enterprise?

A. Monkseaton High School used to be a very unfashionable school in the Northeast England.

B. Monkseaton High School is now one of the state-funded middle schools in England.

C. Monkseaton High School has sent two top students to the Harvard University in U.S.

D. There is now an extensive exchange of students among different countries.

2. What can we infer about northeast England from the passage?

A. It is one of the poorest regions in England.

B. It has experienced a severe loss of professionals.

C. It will face a more serious brain drain in the near future.

D. It is losing its young talents to other parts of the world.

3. According to the passage, students today have different perspective from their parents on the following EXCEPT that _________________.

A. education linked to travel is much better than education at home

B. overall cost of education should be considered against money value

C. moving from one culture to another is a welcomed challenge

D. the Internet is more popular and easier to access in the near future

4. The students today tend to see the world as a much smaller place NOT because __________.

A. they are having more exposure to the television programs

B. they are having easier access to the Internet

C. they are having frequent travels to the other parts of the world

D. they are having better communication with their parents

5. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to __________.

A. tell us the benefit of globalization of education

B. analyze the causes for students’ moving trend in Great Britain

C. criticize the universal phenomenon of brain drain worldwide

D. draw attention to students’ moving from one country to another

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