

My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.

The first two there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang________ for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them.

As we were ________ on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them ________off at the walls or floor. However, one lady ________ my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren’t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t ________ like that. As we got ________ with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. ________ she was singing, she was also ________ out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my________ were to my students. People who worked at the care center could ________ to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling ________ about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about.

Justin also ________ the same lady. The difference between us is that he ________ on her needs, but I didn’t. During the last song, “Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her ________ and with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take my ________ to let you know that.” This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No________ can completely describe that touching moment.

It ________ a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin’s example of a complete, selfless attitude toward another was a ________ that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself ________ to have witnessed his lesson.

1.A. rooms B. buildings C. floors D. groups

2.A. bravely B. beautifully C. madly D. shyly

3.A. singing B. meeting C. gathering D. dancing

4.A. glared B. shut C. paid D. stared

5.A. looked B. caught C. escaped D. hurt

6.A. appear B. hear C. sound D. feel

7.A. higher B. nearer C. faster D. louder

8.A. As B. Because C. Since D. Though

9.A. moving B. reaching C. coming D. spreading

10.A. interests B. abilities C. feelings D. responsibilities

11.A. speak B. attend C. object D. compare

12.A. guilty B. sure C. afraid D. scary

13.A. feared B. avoided C. helped D. noticed

14.A. called B. acted C. insisted D. kept

15.A. tears B. hands C. eyes D. face

16.A. body B. flower C. time D. cheek

17.A. words B. poems C. expressions D. songs

18.A. made B. wasted C. caused D. took

19.A. message B. lesson C. activity D. class

20.A. clever B. foolish C. lucky D. right



Hot lava flows down a Hawaiian mountainside. Farther up the slope, volcanologist(火山学家)Ken Hon picks his way slowly across the____surface. The hot lava(岩浆)is slippery to walk on. “It’s like walking on ice,” Hon says. “But the bottom part of your boots starts to____ a little. You’ll get burned____you fall.”

Hon plants his feet carefully and slowly. He’s____ data on the lava flowing out of Kilauea, a volcano that has been erupting since 1983. ____the lava’s movements can save lives on the slopes below. But Hon must be____. New waves of lava are flowing down toward him. Every few minutes he looks up to see ____the streams are and makes sure the____lava hasn’t cut off his escape route.

“It’s___out there, like the heat from an oven,” Hon says. “Up close, you have to wear firefighters’ clothes____the clothes you’re wearing don’t catch fire or melt.”

“Back in 1990, lava entered the town of Kalapana. The lava moved slowly but steadily,” Hon says. “We____ evacuate(疏散) people from about 150 homes. The lava____forward and consumed all of the houses.” ____, everyone escaped. But today Kalapana is buried under 30 feet of lava.

Volcanoes aren’t____to Hon. They’re fascinating and exciting. “My____thing is to come out at the edge of a lava lake. Sometimes I’ve had to sleep with a gas mask on.” Still, Hon knows how to keep____ and knows when the lava is ____. “All of a sudden, it gets really bright inside your____!” he says, laughing. But the____is worth it, because the more Hon and other scientists can____volcanoes, the safer they can keep the people who live around these powerful forces of nature.

1.A. calm B. frozen C. flat D. rough

2.A. bend B. sink C. melt D. fly

3.A. though B. because C. if D. unless

4.A. collecting B. providing C. exchanging D. sharing

5.A. Knowing B. Stopping C. Filming D. Remembering

6.A. smart B. careful C. silent D. creative

7.A. where B. how C. which D. what

8.A. hardening B. moving C. cooling D. amazing

9.A. powerful B. crowded C. empty D. hot

10.A. or B. while C. but D. so

11.A. had to B. ought to C. should D. could

12.A. leaned B. inched C. put D. looked

13.A. Strangely B. Fortunately C. Hopefully D. Gradually

14.A. similar B. interesting C. scary D. important

15.A. lucky B. main C. worrying D. favorite

16.A. safe B. busy C. comfortable D. quiet

17.A. different B. distant C. close D. slow

18.A. bag B. tent C. car D. house

19.A. change B. view C. result D. danger

20.A. think of B. talk about C. learn about D. hear of


Just like the animals we shelter, people are very special to us. The Animal Shelter of Sacramento County has 300 active volunteers and always wants to add more. If you have a few hours each week and a love for dogs and cats, we at the shelter welcome your coming.

Children 10 years of age or older are allowed to take part in some of our programs as youth volunteers when accompanied (陪伴) by an adult. The adult car be a parent, or guardian (监护人) 18 years of age or older

Youth Volunteer Opportunities

Youth volunteers may fill the position of dog nuzzler, cat snuggler, or kennel aide, if there are openings (空缺). Please call our volunteer information hotline at 1-800-290-5992 to hear a recording of the positions available.

Dog Nuzzlers

Dogs need human care and exercise to keep their health and level of comfort around people. Dog nuzzlers walk and clean the dogs staying at the shelter. Dog nuzzlers must be knowledgeable about dogs and able to deal with medium-sized to large-sized dogs. Youth volunteer dog nuzzlers must be able to work at least two hours between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. on Sundays.

Cat Snugglers

Help our cats keep their lovely qualities by giving them lots of attention. Cat snugglers must be knowledgeable about cats and their needs. Youth volunteer cat snugglers must be able to work at least two hours between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. on Saturdays.

Kennel Aides

Providing food and water for the animals at the shelter is a demanding job. Kennel aides assist the Animal Shelter staff in feeding the animals in our care. Kennel aides must be able to work at least two hours between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. on either Saturdays or Sundays.

1.The main purpose of this text is to .

A. look for youth volunteers

B. call on people to protect animals

C. introduce what the voluntary work is

D. teach people how to care for animals

2.Any young person who wants to work shelter should .

A. work all day long

B. be over 18 years old

C. call its information hotline first

D. have rich experience of raising animals

3.What' s the duty of a kennel aide?

A. To walk the animals. B. To train the animals.

C. To feed the animals. D. To treat the animals.

One of the most important things in the world is friendship. In order to have friends, you have to be a friend. But how can you be a good friend at school?

Listen — Listen when they are talking. Don’t say anything unless they ask you a question. Sometimes it’s not necessary for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.

Help them — If your friend is ever in need of something, be there to help them. You should try to put them first, but make sure you don’t do everything they want you to do. Try to take an extra (额外的) pencil or pen with you to classes in case (以防) they forget one. Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need.

Be there for them — Try to make something for your friend to help make them feel better in hard times. Making cards and encouraging them are among the nicest things you can do for a friend. Marilyn Monroe, a famous U.S. actor, once said, “I often make mistakes. Sometimes I am out of control. But if you can’t stay with me at my worst, you are sure not to deserve (值得) to be with me at my best.” Always remember this! If you don’t want to stay with your friends when they’re in hard times, then you don’t deserve to be with them when they’re having a good time!

______ — Try to make plans with your friends. Go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. By planning things together, you both can have a good time. And you’ll remember these things when you’re all old!

1. While your friend is talking to you about his or her feelings, you should _____.

A. give him or her some advice

B. just listen unless asked

C. calm him or her down

D. share your feelings as well

2.When we provide help for our friends, we should _____.

A. try to do everything for them

B. put them before ourselves

C. change their bad habits first

D. ignore their faults

3.What can we learn from Marilyn Monroe’s words?

A. Life without a friend is death.

B. A friend is easier lost than found.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D. A man is known by his friends.

4.Which of the following can be put in the blank of the last paragraph?

A. Make plans.

B. Enjoy yourself.

C. Understand your friends.

D. Play with your friends.

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to find a good friend.

B. How to help friends in trouble.

C. How to be a good friend.

D. How to make more friends.

When I was a boy my father told me that he could do anything he wanted to.Dad said that he wanted to be the first to develop color prints in our city, and so he did.

When I was 16,dad looked closely at the violin I played and said that he wanted to make one.He read about violinmaking,and then became a violinmaker at the age of 43.He bought the tools and materials,opened a small store and set Mom up as the shopkeeper,while he worked at a local company.He retired from the company 17 years later and continued to make violins and other instruments.

Dad often guessed why the Stradivarius violins sounded so beautiful.Some experts told him that it was the special varnish(油漆)that gave the instruments their beautiful sound.Dad argued that chemists could analyze the varnish—if that was the answer.

One of Dad’s friends asked him which kind of wood was used to make violins.When dad explained that the top was made of spruce(云杉),his friend said that he had all old piece of spruce which dad might be interested in.

He worked for the next 12 months making a violin from the wood that his friend had given him.It proved to be an excellent violin and it would become Dad’s masterpiece.He believed that the secret of the Stradivarius sound was in the wood itself.

Later, the instrument was stolen. Dad’s spirit was broken and he stopped making instruments. But he kept the music shop until he was 80 years old,selling guitars and violins.

The violin has been missing for more than 25 years.Somewhere a musician is playing a late-20th-century violin with an excellent tone.The owner today may never understand why this Ordinary-looking violin sounds so much like Stradivarius.

1.In Paragraph l,the writer mentioned his father's developing color prints to

A.let others know that he believed his father

B.show that his father would like to make violins

C.prove that his father could do anything he wanted to

D.give an example showing that his father was an inventor

2.What did the writer's father think about Stradivarius violins?

A.They were made by experts.

B.The wood of the violins was special.

C.The way of making them was unusual.

D.The varnish was different from the others.

3.From the underlined sentence,we learn that the writer's father

A.found another new job

B.wanted to become famous

C.lost interest in instruments

D.liked the violin very much

4.What could be the best title of the passage?

A.My Experienced Father

B.My Father and His Violin

C.The Secret of Making Violins

D.The New Owner of the Violin


Shakespeare City Walk

This 90-minute leisurely walking tour does not go to the Globe Theatre (because everyone already knows it) , but instead uncovers less known monuments and locations in the City of London with connections to Shakespeare’s life, his friends, his loves and his work.

The Shakespeare City Walk takes place on Fridays at 11 a.m. at Temple tube station.

Address: Meet at Temple tube station, London

Telephone: +44(0)790 5746733

Camera Walk

Learn how to take better photos as you explore London with a professional photographer on a Camera Trails tour. Walk around Brick Lane and Spitalfields on the Urban East tour, or take photos of Big Ben and St Paul’s Cathedral on the South Bank tour.

Address: Trafalgar Square, London

Telephone: +44(0)798 957 9336

The Celebrity Planet

See celebrity (名人) homes, famous film locations, music landmarks and places linked to pop history on a Celebrity Planet tour. Find out about stars in Notting Hill, Mayfair, Primrose Hill or Chelsea, or try a Harry Potter, James Bond or Beatles tour.

Address: 40 Porchester Square, London

Telephone: +44(0)20 7193 8770

Email: info@thecelebrityplanet.com

Sandemans New London Tours

Sandemans New London Tours offer a completely free tour of Royal London, including the Changing of the Guard. There’s also an Old City of London Tour, and a Grim Reapers of London Tour. Our expert guides work for tips, you contribute to the pollution problem of London’s cars and buses.

Email: info@neweuropetours.com

1.What is TRUE of the Shakespeare City Walk?

A. It takes place five days a week.

B. It consists of not so much famous destinations.

C. It lasts about half a day.

D. It includes a visit to a famous theatre.

2.If you want to take some wonderful photos of Big Ben, you may _____.

A. receive some professional training

B. go to Temple tube station

C. join the Urban East tour

D. join the South Bank tour

3.Sam is a movie fan. He will probably ______.

A. go to 40 Porchester Square

B. call +44(0)790 5746733

C. call +44(0)798 957 9336

D. email info@neweuropetours.com

We always read reports about costs of oil going up and we will think this is our most valuable material. However, water is the most valuable resource(资源). People in the Middle East are more worried about this than oil. Maybe the next war will be about water.

In the future, to control the quality and quantity(数量), you will use different water for different usages. The water used to wash your car, water your flowers or wash your clothes doesn’t need to be as clean as the water you drink.

One in five people live in countries without enough fresh water and in 25 years, the number is believed to be one in every three people. Our world population is increasing. What do you suppose this will suggest for us in the future? Population control?

Traditional management of the water industry has been out of date since the 1990s. When technologies develop so rapidly in the world, we have loads of information for technologies in the business world, but in the water industry we don’t have any.

Britain and France have already taken measures to successfully improve their water industries. All the water services in Britain have been provided by private(私有的) companies since 1991. Since then, improvement has been made in the rules for their water quality and pricing.

What can you do now for the future? Using water more efficiently(有效地) in your house can make a great difference not only to the world but to your money. Even if you don’t have to pay much now, you will when you start to pay big prices for different water usages.

1.Water shortage is getting more serious because ______________.

A.the world population is growing up.

B.there will be more wars about water.

C.people don’t have efficient management of the water industry.

D.water services will be provided only by private companies.

2. Britain has improved their water quality by ___________.

A.raising the price of water.

B.reducing water pollution.

C.changing the management of the water industry.

D.opening more private companies for water services.

3. Which is the author’s suggestion for us?

A. Paying less money for water

B. Buying more water for future use.

C. Using different water for different usages.

D. Using as little water as possible in cooking.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Save water and save money

B.Easy ways to cut down on your water usage

C.Why you should teach your children to save water

D.Water is our precious resource—start to save it now

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