
Tom is considered ________.But no one knows which country he is in.

  1. A.
    to have studied aboard
  2. B.
    to study abroad
  3. C.
    to be studying aboard
  4. D.
    to be studying abroad


  A good teacher is many things to many people.In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded (要求) the most discipline (纪律) from their students.

  I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school.I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person.I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door.It was a simple sign that said,“Laborato ry-in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized (强调), not the last seven.”In other words, I guess, labor(劳动) for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

  She prepared her work very care-fully and demanded us to do the same.We got lots of homework from her.Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the home-work load would be reduced, but it con tinued just the same.She checked our work by stamping her name at the bot tom of the papers to show that she had read them.

  I think sometimes teachers who de mand the most are liked the least.But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit (有益于) the students.


Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?

[  ]


A patient teacher.


An honest teacher.


A strict teacher.


A hard-working teacher.


The teacher put up the sign over her classroom door ________.

[  ]


to remind the students that this room was a laboratory


to advise the students to follow the disciplines


to warn the students not to be careless


to tell the students to work hard in the classroom


When the teacher’s arm was broken, she ________.

[  ]


gave her students the usual am ount of homework


gave her students less homework


asked her students to check the homework themselves


gave her students more homework


What’s the writer’s opinion of dis cipline?

[  ]


It makes the students dislike their teachers.


It does good to the students in the long run.


It’s too much for young children.


It does more harm than good to the students.


  A good teacher is many things to many people.In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded(要求)the most discipline(纪律)from their students.

  I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school.I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person.I remember very vividly(清晰地)a sign over her classroom door.It was a simple sign that said,“Laboratory-in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized(强调), not the last seven.”In other words, I guess, labor(劳动)for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

  She prepared her work very care fully and demanded us to do the same.We got lots of homework from her.Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the home work load would be reduced, but it con tinued just the same.She checked our work by stamping her name at the bot tom of the papers to show that she had read them.

  I think sometimes teachers who de mand the most are liked the least.But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit(有益于)the students.


Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?

[  ]


A patient teacher.


An honest teacher.


A strict teacher.


A hard-working teacher.


The teacher put up the sign over her classroom door ________.

[  ]


to remind the students that this room was a laboratory


to advise the students to follow the disciplines


to warn the students not to be careless


to tell the students to work hard in the classroom


When the teacher’s arm was broken, she ________.

[  ]


gave her students the usual amount of homework


gave her students less homework


asked her students to check the homework themselves


gave her students more homework


What’s the writer’s opinion of dis cipline?

[  ]


It makes the students dislike their teachers.


It does good to the students in the long run.


It’s too much for young children.


It does more harm than good to the students.





[1]Tere is always a way to be friends with everyone.Don't be afraid to talk to people.meetitrangers is the best way to make new friends!

       [2]If the group you want to be friends with is a shy group,  and you' re a little more sciable, never ask them "Why don't you talk?" or "Why are you quiet?" They hate that. It'srude. Don't do it.If you' re shy and you want to get into a sociable gToup, then just try to get a little attention, but try not to overdoit.No one likes a show -off. And remember that each group will be different. Observe what is appropriate for each group, and act accordingly, but don't change yourself just to fit in.

       [3] Always be outgoing, and going out.Be outgoing, and you will                     within a group.Go out a lot so that you will hang out wkh different groups. Being friends with everyone is time and energy consuming, because you must be friendly, outgoing, and willing to hang out, leaving very little time to yourself.That is something you have to consider before go- ing and trying to be so popular.

       [4] However, being friends with everyone can be difficult.You may feel tom between  friends ;  who to hang out with ifit can' t be done at once. And if for any.reason you cannot con- tinue with the demanding time schedule, friends will fade rapidly. Make sure to have a couple strong friends, or it may be possible for all of your friends to become just acquaintances.

       [5] Just remember: Don't forget who your real friends are. Don' t become friends with  someone just because they are a cheerleader or reaily popular.

76.What' s the best title of this passage?  ( Please answer within 10 words)


77.Which sentence( s)  in this passage could be replaced by the following one?  .

       Though you should make some mecessary changes in making friends, you still stick to who you are.


78.Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. ( Please  answer within 5 words)


79.What' s your advice about making fnends with others? Why?  ( Please answer within 30 words )


80.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


A good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded (要求) the most discipline (纪律) from their students.

I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, “Laborato­ry—in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized (强调), not the last seven.” In other words, I guess, labor(劳动) for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

She prepared her work very care­fully and demanded us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the home­work load would be reduced, but it con­tinued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bot­tom of the papers to show that she had read them.

I think sometimes teachers who de­mand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit (有益于) the students.

1. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?

A.A patient teacher.                                B.An honest teacher.

C.A strict teacher.                                  D.A hard-working teacher.

2. The teacher put up the sign over her classroom door ___.

       A.to remind the students that this room was a laboratory

       B.to advise the students to follow the disciplines

       C.to warn the students not to be careless

       D.to tell the students to work hard in the classroom

3. When the teacher’s arm was broken, she ___.

A.gave her students the usual am­ount of homework

B.gave her students less homework

C.asked her students to check the homework themselves

D.gave her students more homework

4. What’s the writer’s opinion of dis­cipline?

A.It makes the students dislike their teachers.

B.It does good to the students in the long run.

C.It’s too much for young children.

D.It does more harm than good to the students.

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