
Every child is unique and has interests and wants that are specific to him or her. As parents of many children, it takes a lot of effort to identify the special qualities of each child and use them to be an effective influence in their young lives. What’s more , parents need to work to guide each child into their place in the family and make sure that the child is content and able to grow as a person.
Establishing  tasks in the home for each child helps  begin to lay  relational boundaries  in place. Each child should have an area  that becomes his or hers to maintain. Household chores (家务活 ) fall into this category. However, an order for answering the phone or doorbell can also be a task.  Reward each accomplished task in small ways like a compliment ( 赞扬). Money is not as  effective as personal attention.
Don’t buy a gift or treat for one without including the others. Even on birthdays give every child a small gift that they can enjoy opening while the birthday child opens his or her pile of gifts or larger gift. It’s not a really pricey thing. Our children never felt left out at the other child’s birthday or special occasion.
When buying clothes or other necessities, it can often be too much of a budget strain ( 紧张) to buy everything for all at once.  Make sure every child understands that their turn will come. If you buy back to school clothes, be certain to have each one a new outfit to wear by the first day of school.  Start early so each child can receive  parental attention before heading out.
Don’t fall into the trap of bragging ( 夸耀) on A’s by a smart or overachieving child and ignoring the C’s of a average child. Encourage them to do their best and brag on their best , not the letter grade received.
72. The passage is intended for________.
A. the only child in a family           B. the children who have sisters or brothers
C. the parents with more than one child   D. the parents with only one child
73.According to the passage, if a child does a good job at home, parents should__________
A. buy him /her a gift as soon as possible    B. try to take good care of him /her
C. give him /her some money as a reward    D. give him /her praise
74. On birthdays the author would like to_____.
A. give each child a small gift           B. give the birthday child a gift only
C. give all children gifts except the birthday child
D. give the birthday child smaller gifts than others
75. What does the author mainly want to tell readers in the passage?
A. Children should learn to do housework.
B. Be fair while making each child feel special.
C. Parents should encourage their children as much as possible.
D. Parents should buy their children new clothes before the first day of school.

72--75  CDAB




  At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the sports of canoe (划船) racing was added to the list of international competition. The  31  team in the four-man canoe race was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man named Bill Havens.

   As the time for the Olympics  32 , it became clear that Bill’s wife would give birth to their first child at about the  33  that the U.S. team would be competing in the Pairs games. In 1924 there were no planes form Paris to the United States, only  34  ships. Bill found himself in a dilemma (左右为难的困境).

Bill’s wife insisted that he go to Paris.  35 , competing in the Olympics was a lifelong dream. But Bill felt  36  and, after much soul-searching, decided to remain home, where he could  37  his wife when the child arrived. He considered being at her  38  his highest priority (优先考虑的事), even higher than going to Paris to fulfill his  39 .

The team won the gold medal in Paris. And Bill’s wife was  40  in giving birth to their child.  41 , Bill could have competed in the event and returned home  42  to be with he when she gave birth.

People said, “What a shame!” But Bill said he had no  43 . For the rest of his life, he  44  he had made the better decision.

Bill Havens knew what was most important to him. Not everybody  45  that out. Not everybody has the strength to say no to something he or she truly  46  in order to say yes to something that truly  47 . Peace begins to  48  our lives when we learn to say yes to the things that really matter.

Twenty eight years later, Bill  49  a telegram. It was from Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram read, “Dad, I won. I’m bringing home the gold medal you  50  while waiting for me to be born.”

A. new B. favorite      C. special       D. weak

A. arrived  B. passed C. neared D. ended

A. moment   B. opportunity       C. time    D. promise

A. fast       B. old     C. small  D. slow

A. In all     B. After all     C. As a result  D. As usual

A. honored   B. worried      C. conflicted   D. delighted

A. persuade       B. accompany C. support      D. satisfy

A. place       B. side    C. door   D. mercy

A. duty B. promise      C. dream D. demand

A. favoring       B. successful   C. safe    D. late

A. In addition    B. For example      C. In fact D. At last

A. on time       B. in time       C. on purpose D. in need

A. judgments   B. excuse C. choices       D. regrets

A. believed      B. wished       C. wondered   D. proved

A. puts     B. takes   C. figures       D. gives

A. trusts     B. wants  C. understands       D. respects

A. matters       B. happens      C. appears      D. continues

A. turn into     B. look into    C. settle on    D. rely on

A. discovered    B. wrote  C. sent    D. received

A. grasped       B. offered       C. took    D. lost

We are all interested in equality,but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality,others,still in the name of equality,want only to destroy it.

Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils.The standards may be changed—no examination is perfect--but to have no external(外部的)tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards.There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in external examinations or in any contr schools or on teachers.This would mean that everything would depend on luck every pupll would depend on the efficiency(效率),the ideal and the purpose of teacher.

Without external examinations, employers will 1ook for employees from highly respected schools and from families known to them--a form of favoritism will  replace equality.At the moment,the bright child from an ill—respected schoo1 can show certificates(证书)to prove he or she is suitable for a job,while the lack of a certificate shows the unsuitability of a dull child attanding a well—respected schoo1.This defence of excellence and opportunity would disappear if external examinations were taken away,and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s fame(名誉),unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored schoo1.

The opponents(对手)of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils.According to these  people,there must be no special,different,academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area:all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection.The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.

The word “favoritism” in paragraph 3 is used to decribe the phenomenon that _____. 

A.bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.

B.Pooor children with certificates are favored in job markets.

C.Children attending ordinary schools achieve great success.

D. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs.

What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?    

A.Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation. 

B. Schools for bright children would lose their reputation

C.There would be more opportunities and excellence.

D.Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.

The opponents of the examination system will agree that _____.

A.Computers should be selected to take over many jobs.

B.Special classed are necessary to keep the school standards.

C.Jobs should not be assigned by systematic selection.

D.Schools with academic subjects should be abolished.

The passage mainly focuses on ____.

  A. schools and certificates   B opportunity and employment

C. examinations and equality  D. standards and reputation


In the early 1800’s, a boy named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) with several other children. Every day was  31  working and Christmas was the one day of the year  32  the children did not work and received a gift — an orange. The children  33  it so much that they kept it for weeks, and even  34 — smelling it,  35  it and loving it. Usually they tried to preserve it for so  36  that it often went bad before they ate it.

This year John knew he would soon be  37  enough to leave. He would save the orange until his birthday in July. If he preserved it  38 , he might be able to eat it on his birthday. 

Christmas day finally came. The children were so  39  as they entered the dining hall. In his excitement, John knocked over something, causing a big  40 . Immediately the master shouted, “John, leave the hall and there will be no orange for you.” John's heart  41 . He turned and ran back to the  42  room so that the children wouldn’t see his tears. 

Then he heard the door open and the children entered. Little Elizabeth with a  43  on her face held out her small hands. “Here John,” she said, “this is for you.” As John  44  his head, he saw a big juicy  45  all peeled and quartered … Each child had sacrificed(舍弃) their own orange by 46  a quarter and had created a big, beautiful orange for him. 

John never forgot the sharing, love and personal  47  his friends had shown him that Christmas day.  48  that day, after he became rich, every year he  49  send oranges all over the world to children everywhere. His  50  was that no child would ever spend Christmas without a special Christmas fruit! 

A. forced     B. passed C. taken  D. spent

A. as    B. when  C. while  D. which

A. needed    B. wanted       C. valued D. liked

A. months    B. days    C. years   D. seasons

A. tasting     B. watching    C. pressing     D. touching

A. much      B. soon   C. long    D. far

A. old   B. strong C. tall     D. experienced

A. seriously  B. carefully    C. secretly      D. softly

A. nervous   B. excited       C. pleasant      D. eager

A. cry B. disappointment  C. surprise      D. noise

A. jumped  B. stopped      C. broke  D. settled

A. cold      B. small  C. old     D. lonely

A. look      B. tears   C. comfort      D. smile

A. shook    B. lifted  C. put     D. turned

A. gift       B. surprise      C. orange       D. wonder

A. sharing  B. breaking     C. eating D. taking

A. feelings B. affairs C. relation      D. sacrifice

A. In return forB. In case of     C. In memory of    D. In search of

A. must      B. would C. might  D. should

A. desire    B. idea    C. meaning     D. thinking

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