
3.He resignedfrom the government and became a businessman.

分析 他从政府部门辞职,成了一名商人.

解答 答案:resigned.

点评 首字母填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.同时还要注意提示字母.

The Haynes Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization invites you to attend our latest fund(基金)-raiser.
The Fourth Annual(每年一次的)Haynes School Auction(拍卖)!
Saturday,May 10
6:00p.m.-11:00p.m.in the school hall
6:00p.m.-6:30p.m.:All items for auction are previewed.
6:30p.m.-7:00p.m.:Silent auction begins.
7:00p.m.-7:30p.m.:Highest bidders(出价人)from silent auction are determined.
7:30p.m.-11:00p.m.:Main auction begins.
Items up for bid in the silent auction range in value from﹩5.00to﹩30.00.
Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:
●Airline tickets to a place of your choice
●Weekend getaways at first-class hotels
●Season tickets to the Chicago Bears football game
●﹩50gift tickets to local gift shops,restaurants,and salons
●Theater tickets to The Merchant of Venice
Don't miss the boat!Book your tickets today.
Last year,tickets sold out in five days!
Tickets are sold on a first-come,first-served basis.
﹩15.00per person
All the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.

69.Which of the following is not mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?D
A.A weekend stay at a hotel.
B.A ticket to a restaurant.
C.Airline tickets.
D.A movie pass to the local cinema.
70.The more items that are given or bought for auction,B.
A.the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction
B.the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab
C.the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction
D.the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction
71.Which of the following is most likely to happen at the year's auction?B
A.The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.
B.Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.
C.All items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.
D.More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.
72.The phrase"first-come,first-served"tells you thatA.
A.tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them
B.people can buy the tickets on the first day only
C.the person who is first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge
D.food and drinks will be served at the auction.
15.The Children's Groundwater Festival,first organized by the Groundwater Foundation 19 years ago,is celebrated every year in Nebraska,a state of the central United States in the Great Plains.After organizing the festival for 16 years,the foundation passed the program on to the local community of Grand Island,Nebraska.The festival is an annual event for fourth and fifth graders of Nebraska.It is an interesting and energetic day filled with handson education.Water magic,folk singers and musicians,storytellers,and bird shows add to the happy atmosphere during the festival.There are also some educational activities:
Gooey Garbage:Children build a landfill (废物填埋场) and  learn  how  a  properlybuilt  landfill  can  protect groundwater.
Water Races:Children learn about water pollution by racing a drop of water through a model.
Well in a Cup:By building a small aquifer (蓄水层) in a cup,children learn about aquifers and drinking water wells.
Taster's Choice:Children drink different types of water,from tap water to bottled water.Then they are taught about the treatment process of each type of water.
There's No New Water:Students are taught to make a special glass container and learn about the water cycle.
The Children's Groundwater Festival not only has a great influence on Nebraska's people.So far,similar festivals have been held in nearly 40 American states,Mexico City,several provinces in Canada,and New Delhi,India.People everywhere are realizing the importance of educating young people to learn and care about groundwater.
For more information about this festival,remember to watch our program tomorrow evening.I'll be waiting for you.
24.We can learn from the passage that the Children's  Groundwater FestivalA.
A.offers both fun and educational activities
B.was started in 1978 by the Groundwater Foundation.
C.is now organized by the Groundwater Foundation.
D.is aimed at educating college students to care about  groundwater
25.How long does the Children's Groundwater Festival last?A
A.One day.
B.Two days.
C.One week.
D.Two weeks.
26.Which of the following activities can help children know how bottled water is made drinkable?B
A.Gooey Garbage.
B.Taster's Choice
C.Well in a Cup.
D.Water Races.
27.The passage is most probably taken fromC.
A.a radio program   
B.one of Nebraska's local newspapers
C.a TV program     
D.a magazine about environment.
12.Though Alberta's Banff National Park is home to a large and healthy wildlife population,it also welcomes about 3.5million visitors every year.Besides,4.5million humans drive through without stopping,all passengers on the busy Trans-Canada Highway that cuts through the park.That's why roadkill(animals that have been killed by cars on the road) was a common sight on the world's longest national road.
Banff first put up wildlife fencing on each side of the highway.Then,since 1996,they've opened six wildlife overpasses and 38underpasses,which have allowed for more than 140,000wild life crossings.
Though these crossings are normally closed to all humans,as a tourists I was lucky to be allowed to see Banff's Red Earth Overpass with road ecologist(生态学家) Trevor Kinley.As a project manager with Parks Canada,he told me that so far,they have recorded 10,000safe animal crossings on this overpass alone.That's 10,000animals lives saved and a whole lot of roadkill prevented.
Labib Salama,an animal lover,worries that forcing so much wildlife into using just a few bridges and tunnels(passages under the ground) is putting some animals'lives into danger.They probably become easy meals for their natural enemies on either side.However,the truth is that there are no more killings around the crossings than there are anywhere else in the park.
Walking over the Red Earth Overpass,I was surprised how natural the area seemed.The noise disappeared,as did the road.The forest has filled in the area so that anyone crossing would really have no idea they were crossing a main highway along the way,I found the fresh tracks of black bears,grizzlies,wolves,elk,deer,and marten.Somehow,all these animal tracks made me so happy,knowing that they were passing safely under and over the longest road in Canada.
21.What was the problem facing Banff National Park?C
A.Some animals were in danger of dying out
B.Too many people went to visit the park.
C.Highway cars took many animals'lives.
D.Visitors were often hurt by wild animals.
22.Labib Salama worries that some animals mayC.
A.fall off the bridges         
B.be killed by passing cars
C.be eaten by others easily    
D.refuse to use the tunnels
23.How is the area around the Red Earth Overpass?A
24.What does the author think of the Wildlife crossings in Banff?D
A.They've made it easier for visitors to walk around.
B.They've destroyed the environment in the park.
C.It is a waste of money to build them.
D.It is a good way to protect animals.

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