

第五部分: 单词拼写(共10小题,满分5分)

81. This v________ became active last year with a series of eruption.

82. Motorists are warned to slow down and take extra care in f _______ conditions.

83. How can a responsible father d ______his wife and two children and be here alone?

84. To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. And no one can r_____ you in my heart.

85. His writings have been_________ (影响) by his mother.

86. Your v______ is too small; you need to learn more words.

87. Why do I always become the t_____ of the thief?

88. The performance of the host, i_______ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with cold silence, however.

89. I didn’t dare to speak aloud or even w________ to her what was in my mind.

90. Even the best doctor in the country can not c_____ him of his disease .

81.volcano   82.foggy   83.deserve   84.replace   85.influenced   86.vocabulary   87.target    88.intended   89.whisper  90.cure  



卷II (非选择题,共40题)

第五部分 单词拼写(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)


91. These measures are strongly ________ (支持) by environmental groups.    91. ____________

92. The weather during the last few days has been ________ (完美).               92. ____________

93. She was a ________ (客人) at the wedding.                                            93. ____________

94. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” Webb said ________ (温柔).                          94. ____________

95. Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of ________ (行李).           95. ____________

96. Her bedroom ________ (窗帘) were drawn.                                            96. ____________

97. Can you see something red ________ (漂浮) in the distance on the water?  97. ____________

98. Don’t ________ (信任) him — he’s not telling the truth.                          98. ____________

99. During the school holidays the children enjoyed their ________ (自由).     99. ____________

100. Smoking is ________ (禁止) in public places.                                       100. ___________

101. The pickpocket was sent to ________ (监狱) for a year.                          101. ___________

102. There are many questions that she will not be ________ (愿意) to answer.       102. ___________

103. In the evenings, we ________ (聚集) around the fireplace and talked.             103. ___________

104. When he was 35 his ________ (婚姻) broke up.                                     104. ___________

105. He attacked the ________ (贪婪) boss for treating him unfairly.                     105. ___________

106. I didn't want to join in, but Kenneth ________ (坚持).                                  106. ___________

107. He left his homeland for ________ (政治) reasons.                                107. ___________

108. The three young people are charged with attempted ________ (谋杀).             108. ___________

109. They used to work as ________ (水手).                                                       109. ________

110. You may be ________ (身体) and mentally tired after a long flight.         110. ________

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