

If U.S.software companies don't pay more attention to quality, they could kiss their business good-bye.Both India and Brazil are developing a world-class software industry.Their weapon is quality and one of their jobs is to attract the top U.S.quality specialists whose voices are not listened to in their country.

      Already, of the world's 12 software houses that have earned the highest rating in the world, seven are in India.That's largely because they have used new methods rejected by American software specialists.For example, for decades, quality specialists, W.Edwards Deming and J.M.Juran had urged U.S.software companies to change their attitudes to quality.But their quality call mainly fell on deaf ears in the U.S -- but not in Japan.By the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was grabbing market share with better, cheaper products.They used Deming's and Juran's ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of total production costs.In U.S.factories, the cost of quality then was 10 times as high: 50%.In software, it still is.

      Watts S.Humphrey spent 27 years at IBM heading up software production and then quality assurance.But his advice was seldom paid attention to.He retired from IBM in 1986.In 1987, he worked out a system for assessing(evaluating) and improving software quality.It has proved its value time and again.For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon Electronics Systems was almost 60% of total software production costs.It fell to 15% in 1996 and has since further dropped to below 10%.

Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home.The Indian government and several companies have just founded the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute at the Software Technology Park in Chennai, India.Let's hope that U.S.lead in software will not be eaten up by its quality problems.

72.What country has more highest-rating companies in the world than any other country has?

A.India.                  B.The US.             C.Brazil.                 D.Germany.

73.Which of the following statements about Humphrey is true?

A.He is now still an IBM employer.B.He has worked for IBM for 37 years.   

C.India honors him highly.

D.The US pays much attention to his quality advice.

74.By what means did Japan grab its large market share by the 1970s and the 1980s?    

A.Its advertising was most successful.

B.Its products were cheaper in price and better in quality.

C.The US hardware industry was lagging behind

D.Japan hired a lot of Indian software specialists.

75. What is the writer worrying about?

A.Many US software specialists are working for Japan.

B.The quality problem has become a worldwide problem.   

C.India and Japan are joining hands to compete with the US.

D.The US will no longer be the first software player in the world

72---75   A C B D


Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.
Important words to learn:E Essential I improver A Advanced
noun [C] DEVICE 1 A a piece of equipment which is
used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place
8 type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of
fastening it to the foot which is worn by women
3 [USUALLY PLURAL]  type of flat shoe, like a BALIET dancer’s shoe when is worn by women 4 [USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat·shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports.
liquid or gas to move somewhere:our latest machine can
pump a hundred gallors a minute , o The new wine is
pumped into stirage tanks.o The heart pumos blood
through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION2[T]
INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information,
especially in a way that is not direce:She was pumping me
for details of the new projece.
Idioms pump sb’s hand to SHAKE someone’s hand
(="hold" their hand and move it up and down, espacially
In order to greet them)·pump lron INFORMAL to lift
Heavy weights for exercise: These days both men and
Women pump iron far fitnets.
Pharsal verbs pump sth into sth to spend    
Money trying to make something operate succesfully:
They had been pumpinh money into the business for some
Years without seeing any results.
Pump sth out(M)REMOVE1 to remove water or other
liquid from something using a pump:We took turns
to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,
forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping
out the same old propaganda.O The car radio was
pumping out music with a heacy beat.
Pump out sth someone’s stomach is pumped out, a
Poisonous substance is removed from it by being-sucked
Through a tube. She had to go to hospital    
Stomach pumped out.
Pump sth up [M] INFORMAL to make someone feel more
contident or excited: He was offering them advince and
trying to pump them up.O[R]The players were pumping
themselves up by singing the national anthem, before the
Pump sth up[M]1 to fill something with air using a
pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet?O I must
pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase
something by a large amount:The US was able to pump
up exports.O Let’s pump up the tolume a bit!
Pump-action /pamp ek/ n/adjective describes a device which operates by forcing song     especially air ,in or out of a closed space or container, a pump-action shotgun , a pump   action   
Pump priming noun specialized the activity of helping a business ,programm ,economy    etc   to  develop by  giving it money.  The government is carding small,pump-priming grants to single moter who are starting their own businesses.
noun a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sound like another word:she made a couple of dreadful puns.  This is a well-known joke based on a pun “What’s  black and white and red   all  over   A newspaper
Verb  to make a pun
Noun      (c)a forceful hit with a fist (="closed" hand) she gave him a punch lik on us in the nose effect
2 U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people ,I felt the performance speech presntation lacked punch DRnk  3  a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool  4  a piece of equoce  which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh anywhere?
Verb(t) hit 1  to hit someone or something with your FIST (="closed" hand);He punched him in the stomach.2 MALY US to hit with your fingers the bugins on a telephone or the kdys on a keys on a keyboard USE TOCL make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper  .This belt’s too big .I’ll have to punch an extra hole in it.
Idioms punch sb’s lights out informal to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock us to put a card into a special machine to record the times you amive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was mever heard from again.
What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?

A.Talk withB.ask for information.C.Listen toD.Provide with evidence
When Sally says“The TV propram kept pumping out commercials”,she may be______.
What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?
A.sums of moneyB.Raw materials
C.informative and significantD.intereing and powerful
When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not_____.
A.fluent and impressiveB.logical and moving
C.informative and significantD.interestitng and powerful

Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 53-56.
Important words to learn: E Essential I Improver A Advanced
shoot [?u:t]
▲verb (shot, shot) WEAPON→1 E to fire a bullet or an arrow, or to hit, injure or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet or arrow at them: If he’s not armed, don’t shoot. ⊙The kids were shooting arrows at a target.⊙She was shot three times in the head.⊙He has a license to shoot pheasants on the farmer’s land. ⊙A policeman was shot dead in the city centre last night. ⊙ The troops were told to shoot to kill. SPORT→2 A to try to score points for yourself or your team, in sports involving a ball, by kicking, hitting or throwing the ball towards the goal: He shot from the middle of the field and still managed to score. MOVE QUICKLY→3 A to move in a particular direction very quickly and directly: She shot past me several meters before the finishing line. ⊙ He shot out of the office a minute ago ─ I think he was late for a meeting.⊙They were just shooting off to town so we didn’t stop to speak.
shooter ['?u:t?] noun[C]He’s thought to be the best shooter in the league.
▲idioms have shot your bolt UK INFORMAL to have already achieved all that you have the power, ability or strength to do and to be unable to do more: He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.
? shoot yourself in the foot to do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself
? shoot your mouth off INFORMAL to talk too much in a loud and uncontrolled way: It’s just like Richard to go shooting his mouth off about other people’s affairs.
? shoot for the moon US to ask for the best or the most you could hope for: You might as well shoot for the moon and ask for a promotion as well as a raise.
? shoot questions at sb to ask someone a lot of questions very quickly, one after the other: He shot questions at me so quickly that I didn’t even have time to answer.
? shoot the breeze US INFORMAL to talk with someone or a group of people about things which are not important: We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze.
▲ phrasal verbs shoot sth down to destroy an aircraft or make an aircraft, bird, etc. fall to the ground by shooting at it: He was killed during the war when his plane was shot down.
shoot sb down to shoot and usually kill someone, showing no sympathy: I saw Tom shoot him down like a dog in the street.
shoot for/at sth US to try to do something: It’s worth taking chances when you’re shooting at a chance of fame and wealth.
shoot out If opposing groups or people armed with guns shoot it out, they shoot at each other until one of the groups or people is dead or defeated.
shoot through AUSTRALIAN INFORMAL to leave a place very quickly, especially in order to avoid having to do something
shoot up INCREASE→INFORMAL to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly: David has really shot up since I saw him last. ⊙Prices shot up by 25%.
▲ noun PLANT→1[C]the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from a seed, or any new growth on an already existing plant: Two weeks after we’d planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear. ⊙FIGURATIVE The first green shoots (="hopeful" signs) of economic recovery have started to appear.
FILM→2[C USUALLY SINGULAR] when photographer take a series of photographs, usually of the same person or people in the same place: We did a fashion shoot on the beach, with the girls modeling swimwear. WEAPON→3[C]an occasion on which a group of people go to an area of the countryside to shoot animals
shooting ['?u:ti?] noun 1 A [U]when bullets are shot from guns or other weapons: We heard some shooting in the night. 2 A [C]when someone is injured or killed by a bullet shot from a gun: There have been a number of shootings in the capital this week. 3[U]the sport of shooting animals or birds: pleasant/grouse shooting ⊙ He goes shooting most weekends.
【小题1】What does the phrase “green shoots” mean in “You will be bound to see that the green shoots of your English level start to grow.”?

A.Great efforts.B.Signs of improving.
C.Learning ability.D.Change in method.
【小题2】Fill in the blank in the sentence “When it is achieved, there will be other plans to _________.”
A.shoot atB.shoot upC.shoot downD.shoot through
【小题3】If you are suffering from the consequence of the plan without full consideration, we say you are __________.
A.shooting the breezeB.shooting your mouth off
C.shooting yourself in the footD.shooting questions at somebody
【小题4】Choose a word to complete the sentence “__________ is one of the oldest sport events, which is popular with people both at home and abroad.”

Which is sillier: denying we ever went to the moon or trying to convince the true nonbelievers?
Once upon a time – July 20, 1969, to be specific – two men got out of their little spaceship and wandered around on the moon for a while. Ten more men walked on the moon over the next three and a half years. The end.
Unfortunately, not quite. A fair number of Americans think that this whole business of moon landings really is a fairy tale. They believe that the landings were a big hoax (骗局) staged in the Mojave Desert, to convince everyone that U.S. technology was the “bestest” in the whole wide world.
Which is the harder thing to do: Send men to the moon or make believe we did? The fact is the physics behind sending people to the moon is simple. You can do it with computers whose entire memory capacities can now fit on chips the size of postage stamps and that cost about as much as, well, a postage stamp. I know you can because we did.
However, last fall NASA considered spending $15,000 on a public-relations campaign to convince the unimpressed that Americans had in fact gone to the moon. That idea was mostly a reaction to a Fox television program, first aired in February 2001, that claimed to expose the hoax. The show’s creator is a publicity hound (猎狗) who has lived up to the name in more ways than one by hounding Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon. Mr. X (as I will call him, thereby denying him the joyous sight of his name in print) recently followed Buzz Aldrin around and called him “a thief, liar and coward” until the 72-year-old astronaut finally lost it and hit the 37-year-old Mr. X in the face.
Anyway, NASA’s publicity campaign began to slow down. The nonbelievers took the campaign as NASA’s effort to hide something while the believers said that $15,000 to convince people that the world was round — I mean, that we had gone to the moon — was simply a waste of money. (Actually, the $15,000 was supposed to pay for an article by James E. Oberg, an astronomy writer who, with Aldrin, has contributed to Scientific American.)
If NASA’s not paying Oberg, perhaps it could put the money to good use by hiring two big guys to drag Neil Armstrong out of the house. Armstrong is an extremely private man, but he is also the first man on the moon, so maybe he has a duty to be a bit more outspoken about the experience. Or NASA could just buy Aldrin a commemorate plaque (纪念匾) for his recent touch on the face of Mr. X.
【小题1】We can learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3 that some Americans believe _______.

A.moon landings were invented
B.U.S. technology was the best
C.moon landing ended successfully
D.the Mojave Desert was the launching base
【小题2】According to the writer, which of the following is to blame for the story about the hoax?
A.NASA’s publicity campaign.B.The Fox television program.
C.Buzz Aldrin.D.James E. Oberg.
【小题3】According to the writer, Mr. X _______.
A.told a faithful story B.was not treated properly
C.was a talented creator D.had a bad reputation
【小题4】The believers think that NASA’s publicity campaign is ________.
A.proof to hide the truth
B.stupid and unnecessary
C.needed to convince the non-believers
D.important to develop space technology
【小题5】The tone of the article is _______.
A.angry B.conversationalC.humorousD.matter-of-fact

下面文章有5处需要填入合适的内容。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出最恰当的内容 。

A. Keep your expectations realistic

B. Call a friend right before the date

C. Show up on time

D. Dress comfortably

E. Make eye contact

F. Telling the truth

Many of us get nervous just at the mention of a first date, but it really doesn't have to be such a big deal if you' re prepared. That's where this article comes in. After interviewing hundreds of singles all over the U.S about their first date experienced, we've put together a list of first date dos and don' ts to help out.

1. ___________

Staring at your hands, at the table, or at the guy in the blue shirt sitting at the next table doesn't exactly say "I dig you". You might do that out of shyness on your part, but keep in mind that the person sitting in front of you might not understand that and take it personally. Of course don't stare too hard, it might look a little freaky, but make sure your eyes meet often enough to keep both of you going.

2. ____________

It' s never cool when someone keeps you waiting, so don't keep them waiting either. And NO-a fashionably late entrance will NOT make you look better. You'll just look rude and inconsiderate. If you' re feeling anxious before a date, keep in mind that your date might be feeling anxious as well, so don' t prolong their suffering any more than necessary.

3. _____________

As exciting as dating someone new can seem, you' re better off not expecting to meet Prince Charming right off the hat. If you keep your expectations realistic, good date will be a pleasant surprise and lousy date won' t matter as much.

4. _____________

By comfort, I don't mean sweatpants and laundry-day underwear. But it is a first date, so you don' t want to be overdressed either. What if your date shows up in jeans and a sweater and you' re all about sequins, silk and spike heels? Instead, you should definitely go for a nice and attractive yet comfy outfit, with comfortable shoes. If you hit it off and go walking around, you want to avoid being cold or getting blistered feet. You can easily go for a casual but sexy look and pass the first date treat with flying colors.

5. _____________

If you didn't feel any sparks flying between the two of you, tell your date gently but honestly. Nobody's feelings should have to get hurt. On the other hand, if you did feel that you clicked, forget about the supposed "dating rules" that say you should wait a few days before calling him or her again. Listen to your heart and go ahead and call if you want to. If the feeling is mutual, your date will be happy, and maybe even relieved, that you picked up the phone first.


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