



W:What about those in England?

M:The fifty-pence’s the biggest, and the half-penny is the smallest.

W:Really? In America, the biggest is the fifty-cents, and the smallest is the cent.

1.What are the speakers doing?

A.Comparing goods.

B.Doing shopping.

C.Talking about coins.

M:This meat is like old leather! It’s enough to break every tooth in your head.

W:Perhaps you’d like to change your order, sir.The fish is very tender.

2.How does the man feel?




M:Tomorrow is the Tenth of June.It’s my birthday and I’m going to the George and Dragon.Would you like to come?

W:To celebrate your birthday? Of course I would.What group’s playing?

M:The Red Rose, I think.

3.What is the woman interested in?

A.The man.

B.The party.

C.The band.

W:Why are you so late?

M:My alarm clock failed to work again.

4.Why is the man late?

A.He could not walk fast.

B.He slept late last night.

C.His clock was out of order.

M:Where’s the book about cars I was reading last night? I laid it down on the table, and now it’s gone.

W:I don’t know.I cleaned early this morning and I don’t remember where I put it.

5.What is the man looking for?

A.A book about cards.

B.A book about furniture.

C.A book about cars.




M:Why aren’t you doing your homework?

W:I’ll do it later, Dad.I must get these things right first.Our group’s playing in a concert on Saturday.

M:Oh, is it? You’ll be making records next, will you?

W:We hope so.The man from “Dream Discs” is coming to the concert.So I’d better play well.

M:You’d better get on with your homework! You can practise the guitar all day Saturday.

W:Oh, Dad, you don’t understand at all.This concert could change my life.

M:It certainly could! You’ve got exams next month.Important ones.If you don’t pass them, you won’t get a good job.

W:I don’t want a boring old job in a bank.

M:Oh, don’t you? Whose boring old job paid for this house? And for what?

W:Yours, I know.But I’d rather be happy than rich.

6.What is the girl doing now?

A.Repairing a guitar.

B.Practising the guitar.

C.Preparing for making records.

7.What does the girl expect?

A.To be chosen by a band.

B.To pass the coming exams.

C.To get a job in a bank.

8.What is the man?

A.A school teacher.

B.A guitar player.

C.A bank clerk.



M:Hello, may I speak to Anna?

W:I’m afraid Anna isn’t in.

M:Is that Tracy speaking?

W:No, this is Jane.

M:Oh, I’m sorry…er…well, could you please leave Anna a passage for me?

W:Sure, what is it?

M:Well, I’ll meet Anna for lunch at my home.Would you ask her to see if she has my French dictionary? And if she does, tell her to bring it along.

W:All right.And where are you calling from?

M:My home.I’m Anna’s friend, Pat.

W:Thank you for calling, Pat.

M:And thank you, Jane.

9.Where is Pat calling from?

A.His home.

B.His school.

C.His office.

10.Who does Pat want to call?


B.His friend Anna.

C.Tracy and Anna.

11.Why can’t Pat speak to Anna now?

A.Because Anna is at work.

B.Because Anna is out for lunch.

C.Because Anna is not at home.


W:Good evening, sir.I’m Assistant Manager.I’m afraid we’ve had a complaint about the noise from your neighbour who’s trying to get some sleep.

M:Oh, I see.

W:Could you please ask your friends to be a little quieter so that our guests can get a good night’s sleep?

M:Oh, I’m so sorry.I suppose we were talking rather loudly.We won an important prize.We were having a celebration.

W:I’m pleased to hear it.Shall I have some coffee brought to you?

M:No, that won’t be necessary.We were just about to pack up anyway.

12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a hotel.

B.In a flat building.

C.In the manager’s office.

13.What is the woman pleased to hear?

A.The man’s apology.

B.The man’s story.

C.The man’s explanation.

14.What were the man and his friends about to do?

A.End their activity.

B.Leave where they were.

C.Apologize to their neighbor.


W:So, what do you think? How do you like New York?

M:I’m having a good time.I love it.I’m glad we came.

W:Yeath really like the stores and the shopping centers?.

M:I love the museums, too.

W:But the traffic is pretty bad.

M:Yeah.I hate all the traffic.It’s really noisy.

W:Listen, it’s almost dinner time.There are lots of restaurants around here.What do you want to try? Italian? Greek? Japanese? Chinese?

M:I can’t stand making decisions.You choose.

W:OK, let’s go American.Where is the nearest McDonald’s?

15.What do you know about the speakers from the dialogue?

A.They are native American.

B.They are tourists to New York.

C.They are from Japan.

16.What do they dislike here?

A.The museum.

B.The restaurants.

C.The traffic.

17.Which restaurants are NOT mentioned in their dialogue?

A.Chinese restaurants.

B.Thai restaurants.

C.American restaurants.


  Scientists are trying to make desert into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.

  Why is more and more land becoming desert? Scientists think that people make deserts.

  People are doing bad things to the earth.

  Some places on the earth don’t get much rain.But they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don’t let the wind blow away the dirt.When a bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water.Without plants, the land can become desert more easily.

18.Why is land becoming desert little by little according to the passage?

A.Because plants can’t grow there.

B.Because there is not enough rain.

C.Because people do bad things to the earth.

19.Why are green plants very important to dry places?

A.Because they don’t let the wind blow the earth away?.

B.Because they hold water.

C.Both of the above.

20.From this passage, what can we learn?

A.Plants can keep dry land from becoming desert.

B.All places without a lot of rain will become deserts?.

C.It is better to grow crops on dry land than on wet land.





1.Why doesn't the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A.Because he is a stranger to the city.

B.Because he doesn't want to tell her the way.

C.Because he doesn't feel like talking with her.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.They are in an office.

B.They are in the street.

C.They are at home.

3.Why doesn't the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A.Because he is using it.

B.Because he hasn't brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn't want to lend it to the woman.

4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A.A dictionary.

B.A pan.

C.A rubber.

5.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To wash some clothes for the man.

B.To carry his box.

C.To look after his child.




6.What are the two speakers talking about?




7.What is Peter worried about?

A.English people.

B.His English.

C.Going out.


8.When is Mary's birthday?

A.On August 15th.

B.On August 16th.

C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin?

A.At 2∶00 p. m.

B.At 2∶20 p. m.

C.At 1∶40 p. m.

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No, she won't, because she'll meet her sister at the station.

B.Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.

C.Not sure.Perhaps she won't be able to come.


11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum.

B.In a shop.

C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about?

A.A country.


C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Ten years.


14.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy.

C.Everyone there.

16.What's the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurt himself on the head.


17.What was the young father doing?

A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor.

C.He was working with an old neighbor.

18.What were they talking about?


B.Their houses.

C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A.Because it was pulled by a string.

B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone.

20.What did the young father learn from the old man?

A.He needn't be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children.

C.He learned how to plant a tree.




1.How much will the woman pay if she buys one pound of tomatoes?




2.What does the woman carry with her?

A.Some books and a handbag.

B.A big box and a handbag.

C.A handbag, a big box and some books.

3.Why did the woman feel worried?

A.Because she couldn't buy a new shirt.

B.Because she dirtied the man's new shirt.

C.Because she was not able to wash the shirt.

4.What is the woman's job?

A.A bank clerk.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A tourist guide.

5.What is the woman?

A.The boy's teacher.

B.A teacher.

C.The boy's mother.




6.What will the boy most probably do tomorrow?

A.Go to school.

B.See a doctor.

C.Stay at home.

7.How many times did the boy take the medicine before he saw the doctor?

A.Twice a day.

B.Three times a day.

C.Once a day.


8.What does the woman want to find out?

A.How often people travel.

B.How people spend their holidays.

C.What kind of people prefers to travel abroad.

9.Who always stay(s)at home on holiday?

A.The man's parents.

B.The man.

C.The man's wife.

10.Which of the following has the man never visited during his holiday?

A.His family.

B.The exhibitions in museums.

C.The museums in foreign countries.


11.In which way does the box go faster but cost more?

A.By sending it second class.

B.By sending it first class.

C.By sending it to a foreign country.

12.What does the man need to know before making a decision?

A.Weight and stamps.

B.Price and time.

C.Forms and value.

13.What else is the man advised to do?

A.To put down a return address.

B.To buy second class stamps.

C.To pay the right amount of money.


14.Where is Tom now?

A.At the college now.

B.At the hospital.

C.At TV studio.

15.Which day is Tom's birthday?




16.What's the woman going to do?

A.To think about a good idea for Tom.

B.To give up the chance of helping Tom.

C.To help Tom leave the hospital as soon as possible.

17.Why does the woman ask Tom to put on his clothes?

A.She worries about Tom to get a bad cold.

B.She knows Tom used to wear more clothes in autumn.

C.She'll take Tom to see other children who'll have their tonsils(扁桃体)out.


18.What does Ling Bing mainly want to do?

A.To introduce himself to others.

B.To talk about the way he learns English.

C.To ask others to learn from him.

19.How does Ling Bing improve his spoken English?

A.By listening to English programs on the radio.

B.By keeping a diary in English.

C.By communicating with others in English.

20.Which of the following is most useful in learning English?

A.It's necessary to remember something.

B.There's no need to learn English grammar at all.

C.Thinking in English can help you remember something important well.




1.Why does the woman want to try on another hat?

A.She doesn’t like the style.

B.She wants one of the right size.

C.She doesn’t like the colour.

2.How much is the red book?




3.Where are the speakers probably?

A.At a store.

B.At a zoo.

C.At a theater.

4.What probably caused the woman’s stomachache?

A.The seafood.

B.The medicine.

C.The cold.

5.What does the woman say about Susan?

A.She is a fast worker.

B.She has not finished her work.

C.She didn’t do the homework on her own.




6.What are the speakers probably doing?

A.Watching a match on TV.

B.Listening to a programme on the radio.

C.Reading advertisements in the newspaper.

7.What kind of person does the company need?

A.A junior sales manager.

B.A general manager.

C.A secretary.

8.What will the man most probably do next?

A.Make an application for the job.

B.Go and look for another job.

C.Give the job a serious thought.


9.How often does the woman watch a football match?

A.Every day.

B.Once a week.

C.Once a month.

10.What is the man’s favorite sport?




11.What do we know about the woman?

A.She does not play football.

B.She’s a good basketball player.

C.She used to watch football a lot.


12.What is the nationality of the Bronte sisters?




13.Why are the Brontes’ novels popular around the world?

A.They are creative.

B.They are full of humor.

C.They are interesting.

14.What did the Brontes like to do when they were young?

A.Write poems.


C.Read essays.


15.When did the woman start architecture studies?

A.Last week.

B.Last month.

C.Last year.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.English is very useful in the woman’s job.

B.The woman will work in England after graduation.

C.The woman’s English is very good.

17.What has made the woman choose architecture as a career?

A.Her teacher’s suggestion.

B.Her parents’ expectation.

C.Her personal qualities.


18.What will the weather be like in Britain today?

A.Wet and windy.

B.Quite dry.

C.Sunny but cool.

19.Where will the weather be quite cold today?

A.Southern Europe.

B.Northwestern Europe.

C.Eastern Europe.

20.How will the weather be in the east of Europe tomorrow?





第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。

1.How long can a book be kept in all?

A.2 weeks.


C.6 weeks.

2.What was the match like?

A.It is too terrible.

B.It is full of fun.

C.It is successful.

3.What is probably the relationship between the speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Father and daughter.

4.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a furniture shop.

5.Why couldn't the man help the woman?

A.He thinks the woman can manage it herself.

B.His mother didn't ask him to do that.

C.He has got an appointment.

第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各小题。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


6.What will the boy probably do this weekend?

A.He will probably study for the coming exam.

B.He will probably sleep over at a friend's home.

C.He will probably go to the waterfall.

7.According to the mother, what is the boy forbidden to do?

A.to go out.

B.to swim.

C.to play with his classmates.


8.Where is the woman rushing to?

A.To the office.

B.To the bus stop.

C.To the police station.

9.What was the woman doing at the bus stop?

A.She was reading.

B.She was rushing.

C.She was chatting.


10.Where are they planning to go in the morning?

A.To a park.

B.To an art museum.

C.To a shopping center.

11.Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?

A.The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.

B.The zoo is free to visitors that day only.

C.There are unusual animals there.

12.Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?

A.She wants to buy souvenirs of their visit.

B.She wishes to visit a shopping center.

C.She wants to buy a gift for her friend.


13.What's Sarah's favorite subject?




14.What are they mainly talking about?

A.Choosing a job.

B.Choosing a university.

C.Choosing a major.

15.What does Sarah do in her spare time?

A.See movies.

B.Create pictures for computer games.

C.Build Internet site.

第三节 听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在相应题号后的横线上写下第16至第20题的相关信息,每空填一词。听对话前,你有20秒钟的时间读题,听完后你将有60秒的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。




1.What did Lucy learn to play this summer?

A.The guitar.

B.The piano.

C.The violin.

2.What does the man think of Professor Black?




3.Where are the speakers?

A.At a shoe shop.

B.At a clothing store.

C.At a hairdresser's.

4.How probably is the weather now?




5.Who has found the change of prices?

A.Morris and Jill.

B.The woman.

C.The man.




6.Where was the man born?

A.In the US.

B.In Argentina.

C.In Korea.

7.What can we know about the man's parents?

A.They first met in Chili.

B.They like to live abroad.

C.They are working in Yale.


8.How did the speaker contact the woman?




9.How will their relationship develop?

A.They will be husband and wife.

B.They will have a fight and break up.

C.They will keep in touch by email.


10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.American Education.

B.Travel plans.

C.Graduation plans.

11.What does the man say about private schools?

A.They are expensive.

B.They are traditional.

C.The students there are serious.

12.What do we know about the man?

A.He's got a scholarship.

B.He wants to be a teacher.

C.He likes parties.


13.How much does a man dressed in theme need to pay for the ticket?




14.What will be available for free?


B.Soft drinks.

C.Drink container.

15.What can we learn from the talk?

A.Parents are not allowed to attend.

B.The social event will begin at 7∶30 p.m.

C.Students with good behavior are encouraged to attend.



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