
  In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean,preparing for the worst,adventurer Peter Seiter wrote a farewell note to his family,put it in a wine bottle and threw it overboard. With a sense of bad feeling he wrote, " The ocean has a personality of its own. The place can be such a peaceful en?vironment to be in,yet it can be frightfully violent. I've experienced both."

  "I included my geographical coordinates (地理坐标) so if anything happened to me,they'd know my last place when I threw the bottle into the ocean”,says Peter. He also included some money with his message,asking whoever found it to use the money to post the letter to his family.

  Seventeen days later he reached his destination,having survived the dangerous seas. But he never thought that his message in a bottle could be found on shore,11 years later!

  Recently,American woman Katherine and a friend came across the bottle on a deserted beach in the Bahamas. Alongside it they found a life jacket. Assuming the worst,they broke the bottle open and spent 24 hours drying it out so they could read an adventurer's story and write to his family like he had requested.

  "I couldn't believe it―that after all these years my bottle turned up with its contents still undamaged," Peter said. Overjoyed,he wrote to the pair,saying he was alive and living in Australia with his wife and kids.

  Katherine posted him his letter,money and some broken glass from his bottle,placed in a tiny box as a special souvenir. The special souvenir now shares pride of place among photos of Peter's Atlantic voyage. "I can't express what this old letter means to me," Peter says, "It gives me a sense of hope and belief. It's something special to share with my children as they grow up."

(   ) 1. Why did Peter have the idea of a message bottle?

   A. He missed his family very much.

   B. He regretted running a risk on the ocean.

   C. He felt he might lose his life on the voyage.

   D. He hoped to share his experience with others.

(   ) 2. As for the survival of the message bottle,Peter         .

   A. gave up hope of finding it

   B. mentioned it in a novel

   C. did much research on it

   D. felt very certain about it

(   ) 3. Which of the following is true dbout the message bottle?

   A. Certain pieces of glass could be found in it.

   B. It had ever contained Peter's favorite wine.

   C. It was marked with a map of geographical coordinates.

   D. Perhaps there was water in it when Katherine found it.

(   ) 4. From the passage we can infer that         .

   A. it took Peter 17 days to finish his voyage

   B. in a way,Katherine is a very careful person

   C. without the life jacket,the bottle couldn't survive at all

   D. it was the first time Peter had traveled on the Atlantic Ocean

1-4   CADB      

A篇:本文是一篇趣闻——冒险家Peter Seiter惊喜地收到了他十多年前丢在大西洋上的漂流瓶。

1. C细节理解题。根据第一段"Peter Seiter wrote a farewell note to his family…"及"With a sense of bad feeling he wrote…"可知,皮特预感到他可能会有生命危险,因此他给家人写了一封告别信。

2. A细节理解题。根据第三段"But he never thought that his message in a bottle could be found on shore,11 years later!”可知,皮特没有想到这个漂流瓶能够(幸存下来并) 被找到。

3. D细节理解题。根据第四段"...spent 24 hours drying it out..."可知,漂流瓶被发现时瓶里可能有水。

4. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段"Katherine posted him his letter,money and some broken glass from his bottle,placed in a tiny box as a special souvenir."可以看出,凯瑟琳是一个细心的人。


 New technology comes to the aid of the disabled in many forms that will knock your socks off!

  A mobility robot is a robot that is designed to help disabled people move around. It might have wheels,but most often it will have legs so it can climb stairs and uneven ground. It might also take the form of a mobility suit,which is a kind of robot that surrounds your body,arms and legs. Here are some examples.

  Toyota Partner Robot This mobility robot can not only transport you around,you can also make it follow you around and use it to transport all the things you have bought when you are shopping. Even though it has wheels,it can still climb stairs since each wheel can move independently up and down.

  Twendy One The other amazing mobility robots in the top 10 can only help you move around. Twendy One is different. It can help you move around and help you do almost all your household chores. Thanks to Twendy One's ability to understand human instructions,it can help you toast bread,prepare your dinner and find all kinds of stuff for you.

  EL-E Fetch Bot The EL-E might not be a true mobility robot. It can't help you move around,but it can fetch things for you so you don't need to move anyway. All you need to do is to point a laser pointer at something and EL-E will race to get it for you. You can also point at another location to make EL-E move the item instead of giving it to you.  

  Bonus-BEAR Disabled people aren't the only ones who need to be transported around. Wounded soldiers might also need a lift back to base,so say hello to BEAR―Battlefield Extraction Assist Robot. The BEAR's two legs are designed so they can go anywhere a human can and the two arms can lift more than 250 pounds―enough to carry a wounded soldier.

(   ) 5. Toyota Partner Robot with wheels can still climb,that's because         .

   A. it can understand human instructions

   B. it is one of the top ten mobility robots

   C. its wheels can move up and down independently

   D. it is designed to have two long arms and legs

(   ) 6. What Twendy One is different from the other robots is         .

   A. to do housework   B. to fetch something

   C. to climb stairs   D. to move around

(   ) 7. According to the passage,which of the statements is NOT true?

   A. A mobility robot can give disabled people much more help.

   B. When EL-E Fetch Bot fetches for you,a laser device is needed.

   C. Bonus-BEAR can be used to lift and carry the heavy.

   D. The four robots can all help people transport around.

(   ) 8. What does the underlined part mean in Paragraph 1?

   A. Influence you a lot. B. Surprise you greatly.

   C. Protect you in many ways. D. Accompany you everywhere.

  It's time to be water efficient!

  As populations increase across Australia and the rest of the world,demand for water will also increase. If we don't reduce each individual's demand for water (both directly and through embodied water) ,the water situation will become dire.

  It is obvious that we cannot increase demands for water much more without detrimental (有害的) effects to the environment,society and the economy.

  It's all too easy to blame someone else for the water situation―"if 70% of water is used for agriculture then that's what we should target"―but it's not that easy. We all depend on the food and resources that agriculture provides,and while there are definitely opportunities to increase water efficiency on the farm,the solution will take more than that.

  We each share responsibility for the sustainable management of our water resources,which means using less water at home,in the workplace,at school,on holidays,on the farm... everyone,everywhere,every time.

  It's time to become water efficient!This involves reassessing our relationship with water,and learning to use it more sparingly. On the most basic level,it requires a behavioural change,and assigning a value to water that truly reflects its worth.

  We can also unlock economic benefits of being water efficient. There are many real world examples given in the case studies on this site.

  Everybody has a responsibility to save water,if future generations are to enjoy a similar standard of living to the one we enjoy now. In fact,many of the impacts associated with water use are likely to have an effect on our own lives!

  Www. savewater. com. au has been designed to help you respond to the challenge to become water efficient. It acts as a central repository for relevant information and further advice,so that you can actually achieve significant savings. It also showcases those companies with products that will assist you in your goal.

(   ) 5. You will probably find the article in         .

   A. a newspaper   B. a TV programme

   C. radio broadcast   D. Internet

(   ) 6. What can we do to save water?

   A. Find more water resources.

   B. Use less water everywhere,every time.

   C. Realize the importance of saving water.

   D. Unlock economic benefits of being water efficient.

(   ) 7. What is NOT the reason to save water?

   A. There are more and more people in the world.

   B. The water resources are limited.

   C. Agriculture needs more water.

   D. The water is very important for us.

(   ) 8. What is the main idea of this passage?

   A. Water is very important for the human.

   B. Everybody has a responsibility to save water.

   C. It's time to be water efficient.

   D. Let's save water for our future generations.

Once there were two brothers,John and Tom,whose father died. They divided the land in half. Over time,the older brother John married and had six children,while the younger brother Tom never married.

One night,Tom lay awake. "It's not fair that each of us has half the land to farm," he thought. "My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do."

So that night Tom went to his silo,gathered a large bag of wheat,and climbed the hill that separated the two farms and over to his brother's farm. Leaving the wheat in John's silo,he re?turned home,pleased.

Earlier that very same night,John was also thinking , " In my old age my wife and I will have our grown children to take care of us,while my brother will probably have none. He should at least sell more grain from the fields now so he can provide for himself with dignity in his old age."

So that night,too,he did the same as Tom..

The next morning,Tom was surprised to see the amount of grain in his silo unchanged. "I can not have taken as much wheat as I thought," he said,confused. "Tonight I'll be sure to take more."So it was the same with John.

After night fell,each brother did the same thing as last night. The next morning,the brothers were again puzzled at the unchanged silo. But they decided to do it again.

The third night,each brother gathered a large pile of wheat,and went to his brother's silo. At the top of the hill,under the shadow of the moon,each brother noticed a figure in the dis?tance.

Who could it be?

(   ) 5. Why did Tom think it's unfair for him to have half the land?

   A. Because his brother had a big family to support on half the land.

   B. Because he wanted to get more land,for he was younger.

   C. Because his parents loved his brother more than him.

   D. Because his brother had six children to help farm the land.

(   ) 6. What call we learn from the passage?

   A. Tom stole a large bag of wheat from John's.

   B. Both of the two brothers did the same thing that night.

   C. Tom was disappointed to see the grain stolen.

   D. The brothers decided to sell their grains in their own way.

(   ) 7. When the two brothers found the unchanged grain,they felt         .

   A. disappointed   B. frightened

   C. confused   D. pleased

(   ) 8. The author writes this passage in order to         .

   A. tell us a story about the two brothers

   B. introduce the two brothers' wisdom

   C. bring out an interesting topic

   D. present the brotherhood between them

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