Tina and I had been good friend for years£®We often did things together£¬so one day Tina didn't talk to me and just sat by herself£®I don't know what was wrong£®I thought about what I had done and said recent£®Was Tina upset because I had done well in the history test than her£¿No£¬she was happy that I did well in school£®I decided find out what was the matter£®I walked over to there Tina was sitting£®"Tina£¬"I said softly£¬"is anything wrong£¿"He answered sadly£¬"Yes£¬my cat died on last night£®"I finally knew the reason what she didn't talk to me and comforted her£®
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½â´ð Tina and I had been good friend for years£®We often did things together£¬so one day Tina didn't talk to me and just sat by herself£®I don't know what was wrong£®I thought about what I had done and said recent£®Was Tina upset because I had done well in the history test than her£¿No£¬she was happy that I did well in school£®I decided¡Äfind out what was the matter£®I walked over to there Tina was sitting£®"Tina£¬"I said softly£¬"is anything wrong£¿"He answered sadly£¬"Yes£¬my cat died on last night£®"I finally knew the reason what she didn't talk to me and comforted her£®
3£®don't¸Ä³Édidn't£»¿¼²é¶¯´ÊµÄʱ̬£¬¸ù¾Ýʱ¼ä×´Óïone day¿ÉÖªÓ¦¸ÃÓùýȥʱ£¬¹Êdon't¸Ä³Édidn't£®
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We all want to achieve happiness£®£¨36£©F Yes£¬many things including money£¬a good home£¬great food£¬children£¬good education£¬etc are important parts of life£¬but we cannot always control all of them£®However£¬there are a few simple things that are in our control£¬can change our life and make us happy£®
Accept the facts as they are£®Do not get frustrated trying to change things that are not to your liking£®£¨37£©CYou can find a way to improve on them but there is no point in stressing on what you cannot control£®The way you choose to react can either make you and people around you happy or make them miserable£®
Focus on what you have and not on what you don't have£®We tend to think of things that we don't have and forget to enjoy what we have£®For example£¬you may want a bigger house with separate rooms for each kid£®But if you take a look back at your present house£¬you already own most of the things that you really need and can bring happiness to you£®£¨38£©BSo value them£®
Enjoy every moment£®£¨39£©D Journey is always more enjoyable than the destination£¨Ä¿µÄµØ£©£®Our life is a journey£®Even though we want to achieve a lot of things and have set too many goals for ourselves£¬we should still have fun reaching those goals£®
£¨40£©E It may be as simple as a cold drink of water after a workout£®If you can be happy with very small things like seeing the sun in the morning£¬you are sure to be happy for most of the days£®
A£®Take chances£® B£®They are your friends and family£® C£®Facts are facts and you cannot wish them away£® D£®You do not have to achieve something to feel the joy£® E£®Have a desire for small things that are going to happen£® F£®So we spend our lives trying to get material things to make us happy£® G£®You can learn something valuable as long as you try your best to reach your goal£® |