阅读下列短文, 请按短文的内容以第三人称单数的主语用英语复述一下 Susan 的经历。
What happened to me yesterday morning almost drove me mad. While I was cooking, I had to look after my little son. He was playing with something near the table. Just then the telephone rang and I hurried over to answer it.
"Hello, Susan, this is Jane speaking. Next Wednesday will be my birthday. I'd very much like to invite you and your husband to join us." "Thank you, I would like to..." I was happily saying good-bye to her when I heard a loud noise and Tom's crying. I hung up quickly and went over only to find that the table-cloth with some broken crockery (陶器) was on the floor and Tom's finger was bleeding. As soon as I stopped his bleeding and cleaned the floor, a burning smell came out of the kitchen; the meal got burnt! I was wondering what to do next when my husband unexpectedly brought guests home for dinner!