

My friend Kenny and his family had just returned from Disney World. “I saw a sight I’ll ________ forget,” he said. “I want you to know about it.”

He and his family were ________ Cinderella’s(灰姑娘)castle. It was packed with kids and parents. Suddenly all the children rushed to one ________ . If it had been a boat, the castle would have tipped over. Cinderella had ________ .

Kenny said she was a beautiful young girl with each hair ________ , white skin, and a sweet smile. She stood in the garden of ________ , each wanting to touch and to be touched.

For some reason Kenny ________ and looked toward the other side of the castle. There was a boy who might be seven or eight years old. His ________ was hard to determine because of his height. Dwarfed(侏儒)in height, he stood ________ quietly, holding the hand of an older brother.

It was very ________ that he wanted to be with the children. He ________ to be in the middle of the kids reaching for Cinderella. But can’t you feel his ________of being turned down? Fear of being laughed at again?

But Cinderella ________ the little boy. She immediately began walking in his direction. ________ but firmly inching through the crowd of children, she became ________ . She walked quickly across the floor, bent down and placed a ________ on his face.

“I thought you would ________ the story,” Kenny told me. I did. It ________ me of the one you and I had heard of before. The names are ________, but isn’t the story almost the same? In both cases a gift was given. In both cases love was ________ . In both cases the lovely one performed a gesture beyond words.

1.A. alwaysB. oftenC. everD. never

2.A. outsideB. insideC. besideD. behind

3.A. sideB. stepC. wallD. stop

4.A. leftB. startedC. enteredD. disappeared

5.A. in lengthB. in placeC. in peaceD. in advance

6.A. studentsB. girlsC. parentsD. kids

7.A. turnedB. whisperedC. jumpedD. shook

8.A. nameB. appearanceC. ageD. mind

9.A. thinkingB. watchingC. listeningD. searching

10.A. strangeB. stupidC. humorousD. obvious

11.A. longedB. failedC. regrettedD. pretended

12.A. pleasureB. angerC. fearD. amusement

13.A. protectedB. noticedC. supportedD. saved

14.A. RudelyB. HardlyC. RelaxedlyD. Politely

15.A. tiredB. busyC. freeD. astonished

16.A. kissB. handC. giftD. touch

17.A. catchB. appreciateC. followD. inspire

18.A. warnedB. informedC. remindedD. cheated

19.A. differentB. importantC. necessaryD. unique

20.A. separatedB. dividedC. expandedD. shared


Have you ever found yourself in this situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child – a bit of nostalgia(怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.

Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listen-and-repeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing the words.

All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15 minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.

Why Hungarian, you ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.

Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy 3, or memorable 4, tune 5.

Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburgh’s website Dr. Ludke writes, “This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”

1.The “song” mentioned in the first paragraph is intended to__________.

A. recall the past

B. attract the readers

C. introduce the topic

D. compare the childhood with the present

2.According to the passage which language doesn’t share the same root with Germanic or Romance languages?

A. Hungarian B. Spanish C. Italian D. English

3.Based on the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that __________

A. singing is the best way to learn a language.

B. the brain probably works best when the foreign language learners sing the words.

C. a listen-repeat method is very effective for any language learner.

D. Dr. Katie Overy and Dr. Ludke disagree with each other.

4.In which situation can the finding of the research be applied?

A. A mother is going to teach her baby how to speak.

B. A child is going to have his first music lesson.

C. A student is going to learn a new English song.

D. An American is going to learn some Chinese.

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Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

Star Ratings:★★★ Location: East Lundy’s Lane


Relax and unwind at the Best Western Cairn Hotel. This resort-style hotel is located just minutes from the airport. At the Best Western Cairn Croft, guests can enjoy a large number of recreational facilities, including children’s activities, sightseeing and a swimming pool. Business travelers can also take advantage of spacious meeting and banqueting facilities for hosting corporate events. All rooms come with basic amenities(便利设施). From CN¥439 per night.

Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

Star Ratings:★★★ Location:Montreal


Conveniently located just 20 minutes from the airport, the Clarion Hotel&Suite Downtown Montreal is a moderately-priced three-star hotel that provides services to both business and leisure travelers. The Clarion has spacious meeting facilities and modern business centers for business travelers. It also has a sauna and whirlpool where guest can relax. All rooms come with basic amenities, including cable TV and a kitchenette. From CN¥553 per night.

Delta Bow Valley Hotel

Star Ratings:★★★ Location:Calgary


The Delta Bow Valley Hotel is located a couple of blocks north of Olympic Plaza, east of James Short Park, and north-east of the Petro-Canada Centre. Apart from business and recreational services such as a business centre, fitness centre and restaurant, all rooms in the Delta come with a mini-bar and in-house movies. From CN¥l, 227 per night.

1.What do all four of the hotels have in common?

A. They all provide a room with a mini bar.

B. They all have the same number of rooms

C. They are all close to the airport

D. They all have a three star ratings.

2.Which hotel offers facilities for children’s activities?

A. Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

B. Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

C. Aava Whistler Hotel

D. Delta Bow Valley Hotel

3.If you want to check in to a hotel at three o’clock in the morning you can stay at ______.

A. Aava Whistler Hotel

B. Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

C. Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

D. Delta Bow Valley Hotel

She is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become somewhat mysterious, and not so open as before. She has a diary that she keeps under lock and key. Her mother can’t help worrying about her: what if she falls in love, which is too early for a girl of her age? After all, she is reaching the “dangerous stage”. These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother’s mind.

One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. As this was the first time, her mother agreed, but she couldn’t help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that moment the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window and there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the girl came in, the mother was watching TV, pretending nothing had happened. “Mom, I’m back.” “Yeah.” “Sorry to be late. Still sitting up?” “Yes, oh, that… who’s that boy?” The daughter was silent for a moment. “Ah. It’s my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mom, I’m going to bed.” “All right. Go to sleep early.”

Next morning when the mother went to the daughter’s room to do some cleaning, she found her diary left at her pillow. Finally she opened it. It read: Mom, it’s love that made you ask, but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn’t.

Holding the diary, the mother fell into thought.

1.Which is the correct order according to the story?

a. She took a lift back in her monitor’s car.

b. She went to see a film with her schoolmate.

c. She wrote in her diary to tell her mother.

d. Her mother worried about her daughter’s returning late.

A. b,d,a,c B. d,b,a,c C. b,a,d,c D. b,d,c,a

2.Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. The girl knew her mother wouldn’t ask her the question about the boy.

B. What the daughter did recently had worried her mother.

C. The mother didn’t read her daughter’s diary the next day.

D. The girl’s diary was always unlocked.

3.The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should______.

A. care about what their children really think and feel

B. talk with their children about their early love

C. not give much freedom to their children

D. keep silent about their children’s early love

4.From the diary, we can see the daughter ______.

A. thanked her mother for asking her

B. thought her mother cared about her very much

C. thought it was her mother's duty to ask

D. thought her mother's understanding is better than simple love

For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success in life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-aholic kids who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek the same kind of approval from their friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car.

The implication (含义) of saying “You are the prettiest girl in class,” or talking about the goals she scored but not her overall effort, is that you love her only when she looks the best, scores the highest, achieves the most. And this carries over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of over praise on 400 fifth graders while she was at Columbia University. She found that kids praised for “trying hard” did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”.

“Praising attributes (品质) or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that quality, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges,” says Dweck, now at Stanford University. “They figure they’d better quit while they’re ahead.”

1.The underlined words “Praise-aholic kids” refer to kids who are ______.

A. tired of being praised

B. extremely fond of being praised

C. very proud of being praised

D. worthy of being praised

2.The author quoted Dr. Dweck’s words in the last paragraph in order to make the article ________.

A. more persuasive B. better-organized

C. better-known D. more interesting

3.We can infer from the passage that _____.

A. praise for results works better than praise for efforts

B. praise for efforts should be more encouraged

C. praising a child’s achievements benefits his or her success in life

D. praising a child’s abilities encourages him or her to take on challenges


My mom died when I was two years old. She died in an accident when ______ to visit her parents. I was in the backseat, and I wasn’t______ .I don’t remember anything about her. The only few things I know are from the ______ my dad tells me. I ______ with only my dad and myself. I love my dad, but sometimes it was ______,like being in elementary school when Mothers’day was coming, kids would decorate cards, and so on. To make it ______ , there was “tea party with mom ” day for 2nd and 3rd grade when kids and their ______ would come during the school day and have ______ and snacks. Except that my dad would let me ______ those days, we would do something ________together like going to Disneyland. I never exactly felt ______ even though I didn’t have a mom.

My dad worked very hard. My mom died right as he______ from Harvard law, and he tried to be both a good_______ and a great dad ,but also he tried to play both ______ as dad and mom . I remember all the other girls in my 2nd grade class had hair braided (辫子), and I ______ that too. So my dad would braid my hair every morning before ______ . It makes me smile just to______it.

I think about not having mother occasionally, and ______ it does bother me ,like the ________ that on Mothers’ day my dad and I visit my moms’ grave , and bring her ______ yellow roses .

Maybe I don’t have exactly what I want, but I have what I need .

1.A. walking B. flying C. running D. driving

2.A. saved B. deserted C. hurt D. interrupted

3.A. stories B. decisions C. experiences D. adventures

4.A. set off B. grew up C. pulled up D. settled down

5.A. useless B. impossible C. dangerous D. difficult

6.A. worse B. less C. closer D. slower

7.A. friends B. moms C. classmates D. neighbors

8.A. meal B. lunch C. beer D. tea

9.A. spend B. forget C. end D. name

10.A. easy B. important C. fun D. similar

11.A. brought up B. shown off C. lifted up D. left out

12.A. returned B. failed C. graduated D. stopped

13.A. lawyer B. guide C. actor D. businessman

14.A. games B. roles C. tapes D. tricks

15.A. wanted B. understood C. started D. accepted

16.A. weekends B. lunch C. school D. games

17.A. turn to B. ask for C. look for D. think about

18.A. always B. sometimes C. recently D. again

19.A. schedule B. plan C. fact D. thought

20.A. favorite B. available C. actual D. common

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