Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about it£®In the morning I left a note on the table from my mum and it said£¬"Today is my birthday£®Don't forget it!"
When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go home£®When I open the door£¬there wasn't anybody in the house£®There was only a note saying£¬£ºWe can't go home early tonight£¬Mum and Dad£®"I was so sadly that I couldn't eat anything£®I just did my homework but waited for them£®
And then£¬things was changed completely£®It was about time for dinner£¬my mother called and told me to go to the restaurant near our house£®When I got there I couldn't believed my eye£®Everybody was there£ºmy parents£¬my relatives£¬my friends and even my classmates£®There was so many gifts and a big cake£®How a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever£®
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½â´ð Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about it£®In the morning I left a note on the table from my mum and it said£¬"Today is my birthday£®Don't forget it!"
When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go home£®When I open the door£¬there wasn't anybody in the house£®There was only a note saying£¬£ºWe can't go home early tonight£¬Mum and Dad£®"I was so sadly that I couldn't eat anything£®I just did my homework butwaited for them£®
And then£¬things was changed completely£®It was about time for dinner£¬my mother called and told me to go to the restaurant near our house£®When I got there I couldn't believed my eye£®Everybody was there£ºmy parents£¬my relatives£¬my friends and even my classmates£®There was so many gifts and a big cake£®How a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever£®
5£®And¸ÄΪBut£»¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê£¬·ÖÎöÉÏÏÂÎÄ£¬Ç°Ãæ½²µ½¸¸Ä¸¶¼²»ÔÚ¼Ò£¬"ÎÒ"·Ç³£Äѹý£¬ºóÃæһת½²µ½"ÊÂÇéÍêÈ«·¢ÉúÁ˱仯"£¬ËùÒÔÕâÓ¦µ±ÊÇתÕÛ¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓÃbut£¬but thenÒâΪ"È»¶ø"£®
6£®È¥µôwas£»¿¼²é¶¯´ÊµÄÓï̬£¬·ÖÎö¾ä×ӽṹ¿ÉÖª£¬Ö÷Óïthings ÊǶ¯´Êchange µÄʹÓÃÕߣ¬ÒªÓÃÖ÷¶¯Óï̬£¬¹ÊÈ¥µôwas£®
9£®was¸ÄΪwere£»¿¼²é¾Í½üÒ»ÖÂÔÔò£¬ÔÚthere be ½á¹¹ÖУ¬Î½Óﶯ´ÊÓëºóÃæµÚÒ»¸öÖ÷Óï±£³ÖÒ»Ö£¬¼´ÕâÀïÓë so many gifts ±£³ÖÒ»Ö£¬¹ÊÓø´Êýwere£®
10£®How ¸ÄΪWhat£»¿¼²é¸Ð̾¾ä£¬¸Ð̾¾äÓÐwhatÒýµ¼ºÍhowÒýµ¼Á½ÖÖÐÎʽ£¬howºóÃæ¸úÐÎÈÝ´Ê»ò¸±´Ê£¬whatºóÃæ¸úÃû´Ê£¬ÕâÀïa surprising birthday partyÊÇÃû´ÊÐÔ¶ÌÓËùÒÔÇ°ÃæÒªÓÃwhatÒýµ¼£®
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Her mother welcomed her into this world with tears of £¨43£©C£¬for she was not the son her mother had desired£®Her father felt blessed to have a sweet little daughter like her £¨44£©A£®As she grew up£¬she£¨45£©D joy to the whole family£®Her grandparents made her life a princess£¬but her mother never showed any £¨46£©B to her£®She never really got a chance to £¨47£©A a special mother-daughter bonding£®£¨48£©C£¬she was always surrounded by her friends£®But what she £¨49£©A for was some tender words of love from her mother£®
As she grew up£¬she found her own ways to£¨50£©D her sorrow of such mental hurt£®At college£¬she found some close friends to£¨51£©A a lifelong friendship with£®Her friends felt £¨52£©B of her and remarked how lucky she was to live like a princess£®Later she married a young bachelor who £¨53£©B her a brighter future£®There were several ups and downs in their £¨54£©D but his support brought fresh £¨55£©A to her life£®She shared a magical relationship with her daughter£¬and thus she £¨56£©C as a baby when her daughter married and immigrated abroad£®She said her daughter had helped her £¨57£©C the sorrow of her past£®Our conversation was £¨58£©C interrupted by a call£®It didn't take long for me to £¨59£©B who the caller was£®It must be her £¨60£©A£®
41£®A£®warnings | B£®greetings | C£®suggestions | D£®opinions |
42£®A£®celebrating | B£®expecting | C£®receiving | D£®foreseeing |
43£®A£®gratefulness | B£®excitement | C£®sorrow | D£®astonishment |
44£®A£®though | B£®yet | C£®therefore | D£®otherwise |
45£®A£®took | B£®admitted | C£®fetched | D£®brought |
46£®A£®patience | B£®love | C£®comfort | D£®terror |
47£®A£®share | B£®welcome | C£®increase | D£®improve |
48£®A£®Pitifully | B£®Regretfully | C£®Fortunately | D£®Normally |
49£®A£®longed | B£®prepared | C£®searched | D£®thanked |
50£®A£®predict | B£®avoid | C£®resist | D£®overcome |
51£®A£®develop | B£®take | C£®compare | D£®fight |
52£®A£®tired | B£®envy | C£®afraid | D£®ashamed |
53£®A£®answered | B£®promised | C£®advised | D£®informed |
54£®A£®quarrels | B£®studies | C£®relations | D£®lives |
55£®A£®hope | B£®disaster | C£®applause | D£®agreement |
56£®A£®laughed | B£®whispered | C£®cried | D£®argued |
57£®A£®off | B£®with | C£®through | D£®in |
58£®A£®casually | B£®gradually | C£®suddenly | D£®frequently |
59£®A£®detect | B£®guess | C£®imagine | D£®conclude |
60£®A£®daughter | B£®mother | C£®father | D£®brother |
-You will have to tolerate extreme cold and the long absence of sunlight£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | it | B£® | this | C£® | that | D£® | one |
-Yes£¬he was£®He______ his old friends for a long time£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | didn't see | B£® | wouldn't see | C£® | hasn't seen | D£® | hadn't seen |
A£® | Force | B£® | Forcing | C£® | Forced | D£® | To force |
-Oh really£¿I__________£®I'll go and visit her tomorrow£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | don't know | B£® | didn't know | C£® | won't know | D£® | haven't known |