
Enjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater.These days,musicians are performing in private homes,at haircutting shops,at airports...even on ferry boats.

Musicians like house concerts.At music clubs,they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol.People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music.

Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the O' Hair Salon,Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials.Then,they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space.The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon,near the hair dryers and make-up table.

"This is our first show at a hair salon,"Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last week's performance.Frank said she and band members Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time "interacting" with the audience.

Concerts in people's homes,or small businesses such as O' Hair's,are becoming more popular,musicians say. "There is a more relaxed atmosphere,"said Domenic Cicala,a musician who opened up his O' Hair Salon to concerts. "People really get to know the artists."

At house concerts,people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers.Often,the hosts or guests will provide food and drink.

"People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend,"said Matt Hart,with Aubrey Zoli making up Local Strangers,a folk-rock group based in Seattle.At many such concerts,the musicians do not need microphones. Yet,every word of their songs can be heard.

1.Why do musicians like house concerts?

A. Because private homes are easier to get to.

B. Because people pay more attention to their music.

C. Because they can do other things while performing.

D. Because they don't have to bring their microphones.

2.What impressed Sarah Frank most at her last week's performance?

A. The small performance space. B. Her first show at a hair salon.

C. Their "interacting" with the audience. D. The more relaxed atmosphere.

3.How many music groups are mentioned in the text?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Musicians struggle to make a living

B. People really get to know the artists

C. Musicians find new places to perform

D. Concertgoers won't go to music clubs


Even nowadays there is a lot of misunderstanding between nationalities. Let's have a look at what the following people have to say.

Maria Conti: I find the English people insincere, cold and unfriendly. They keep saying "Thank you", "I'm sorry" even when they don't know each other. They are even polite to their own relatives. Except for helping you find your way in the streets, they aren't really friendly and never invite you to their houses.

Giannis Stinios: On the contrary I found them broad-minded and friendly.I was invited to people's houses and they all showed great interest in my ideas,Greek life and people.In England I learned that it was possible to be warm, friendly and polite at the same time.

Judy Brown: I lived in both Italy and Greece for a few years.At first there were a few misunderstandings between my foreign friends and myself. For example, I once gave a Greek friend a present for her birthday party.I was rather sorry that she did not unwrap it immediately. What's more, she even didn't thank me until I asked her if she liked it.I've learned from different experiences that a lot of foreigners find our attitude to what we English people call politeness rather insincere. They feel that politeness isn't necessary between friends.

1.According to Maria Conti, it is ________.

A. insincere to keep saying "Thank you" and "I'm sorry"

B. necessary for relatives to be polite to each other

C. unfriendly for the English people to help you find your way in the streets

D. not polite for the English people to invite her to their houses

2.Giannis Stinios is from ________.

A. England B. Greece

C. Italy D. America

3.When the English people receive gifts from their friends or relatives, they ________.

A. wrap them at once

B. unwrap them immediately

C. put them away at first

D. always ask their friends or relatives if they like them

4.According to Judy Brown’s experience, ________.

A. what the English people call politeness is a truth

B. the English people are less polite than the people in other countries

C. ideas of what are good manners are the same in different countries

D. ideas of what is politeness are not always the same in different countries

Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, but in some cases your sleeping position may be important to your health.

When Side-Sleeping( Right or Left)Is Helpful

1.Back sleeping is associated with snoring because while you are on your back, your tongue moves back into your throat. For this reason, sleeping on your side(either right or left)or on your stomach is recommended to prevent snoring.

Neck and back pain are very common problems that could be affected by sleep position.

2.Pillows or other sleep aids might be used to keep the back in a more natural position while sleeping.

When Sleeping On the Left Is Not Recommended

You may have chronic heart failure or have had a heart attack.3.Sleeping on your right side may lower your heart rate and your blood pressure. Sleeping on your left side may have a negative effect on sympathetic nervous activity.4.

Important Points to Remember About Left-Sided Sleeping

Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, and most people change positions while sleeping and find themselves waking in a different position than the one in which they fell asleep.5.Then you can try sleeping with a pillow behind your back to prevent you from rolling over.

A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.

B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.

C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.

D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.

E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.

F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.

G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.

Drinking can make teens feel good, but that lasts only a short time. Alcohol clouds your brain and limits your ability to make decisions. Excessive drinking gradually makes your brain shrink and can cause serious damage. Over-drinking can cause learning disabilities and damage your memory. It distorts your vision and leads to blackouts. Teenagers often think that drinking will give you more energy, but alcohol isn’t an energy drink; it’s a depressant.
Drinking and driving is one of the top causes of death for teen boys. An alcohol-related motor vehicle crash kills one person every 33 minutes and injures someone every two minutes. The rate of teenagers driving drunk is so high that the government is trying to pass new laws restricting(限制) teen driving.
When we get to high school, friends start pressuring us to drink. High school students see alcohol a way to become popular. I created a survey at my school. Twenty-four of the 63 respondents predicted they would drink in high school. Eleven said maybe, and 28 said they don’t plan on drinking. Regardless of what they say now, things can change. Teens starting high school want to fit in.

Some people will do anything to be accepted, including potentially hurting themselves. They think that one drink won’t do anything. A little bit of alcohol probably won’t kill you, but it can lead to poor decisions. High school is the time to experiment with what you want to do in life, but if you’re experimenting with alcohol you could hurt someone, including yourself.

1.The government is passing laws to restrict teen driving because _________.

A. Teens’ drunk driving cause deaths easily

B. Many teens like driving

C. Alcohol weakens the driving skills of teens

D. Most teens are poor in driving skills

2.Some students in high school start drinking mainly because _________.

A. They think drinking is quite interesting

B. They want to fit in with the surroundings

C. They want to imitate adults around them

D. They don’t think high school an important period

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Most teens in high schools like drinking

B. Teens who drink are mostly forced to do so

C. One little sip of alcohol ruins one’s memory

D. The start of drinking potentially damages one’s life

4.We may infer from the passage that __________.

A. Drinking can make teens feel good for a long time.

B. Drinking is becoming very common in high schools.

C. Surrounding people and environment affects teens in drinking.

D. Drinking is bad to one’s brain but good to one’s body.

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