
Kasey Kaczmarek: When I read “Would my dad love me?” by Martha, I related to how Martha felt about her father. I always wondered if my dad cared about me, or if he even loved me. All the kids would be with their dads and they would ask me where my dad was, and I would tell them that he was out of town. For all you kids who have a dad, tell him how much you love him because there are plenty of kids who would love to have a dad.
Armen Abidian: This article describes everything about me and my life. When I was about 3 years old, my mother and father had a big argument and got divorced. Now I’m 13 years old and I haven’t seen my father for 10 years. Just like Martha, I don’t know what he looks like now, whether or not he’s got married to a different woman, or if he has another child.
Emma Ramirez: When Martha talked about how “most girls have dads who take them to their practices, buy them things and play with them”, I thought I was one of those girls. I never stopped to think about how there are girls who have always dreamed of having those things but don’t have a father. After reading what Martha wrote, I told myself I would always appreciate the days I spend with my dad because I am very lucky to have a dad who does so much for me.
Stephanie Felix: This article reminded me of how much I missed my dad when I was younger. I really relate to this article because I used to always wonder about my dad, but not any more. Life without my father has made me more independent and responsible. By reading this article I remember all of this and I was able to understand what the writer was talking about

  1. 1.

    The above four passages are most probably______.

    1. A.
      comments on a book about a girl who has no father
    2. B.
      comments on Martha’s opinion about parents’ love
    3. C.
      four people’s thoughts after reading Martha’s article
    4. D.
      letters to Martha to comfort her
  2. 2.

    What does the passage suggest?

    1. A.
      Martha’s father didn’t love her
    2. B.
      Martha didn’t grow up with her dad
    3. C.
      Martha was brought up by her grandparents
    4. D.
      Martha’s parents got divorced when she was 13
  3. 3.

    What does Kasey Kaczmarek suggest kids do?

    1. A.
      Not ask other kids where their dads are
    2. B.
      Be kind to those kids who don’t have a dad
    3. C.
      Tell their fathers how much they love them
    4. D.
      Spend as much time with their fathers as possible
  4. 4.

    After reading what Martha wrote, Emma Ramirez______.

    1. A.
      decided to spend more time with her father
    2. B.
      told herself to appreciate all that she had
    3. C.
      realized how badly she behaved in the past
    4. D.
      found how lucky she was to have a dad
1.C 推理题。根据每一段的第一句When I read “Would my dad love me?” by Martha
This article describes everything about me and my life
When Martha talked about how “most girls have dads who take them to their practices, buy them things and play with them”,
This article reminded me of how much I missed my dad when I was younger.
2.B 推理题。根据文章最后一句By reading this article I remember all of this and I was able to understand what the writer was talking about.说明Martha没有和父亲在一起长大,在这本书里描述了这种情况,故B正确。
3.C 细节题。根据第一段最后2行For all you kids who have a dad, tell him how much you love him because there are plenty of kids who would love to have a dad.说明他建议孩子们向父亲表达自己的爱,故C项正确。
4.D 细节题。根据文章第三段最后一句I told myself I would always appreciate the days I spend with my dad because I am very lucky to have a dad who does so much for me.他为自己有意为父亲感到非常的幸运,故D正确。

One cold, rainy night in 1979, staying on the deck of the nuclear attack submarine(核攻击潜艇) USS Birmingham entering Hampton Roads Harbor, a soldier who was called Jeff Harris was suddenly hit by a huge wave that took away his ship’s ball cap.
Months later, while walking along Chesapeake Boulevard beach in Hampton, Will Miller, a Vietnam veteran(退伍军人) and Navy(海军) commander, happened to find Harris’ cap which was half-buried in the sand then. Knowing how important a ship’s cap was to its owner, Miller saved the hat, hoping one day to find its owner. The cap was packed away for years but recently appeared again at Miller’s home in Florida.
“It suddenly fell out of a box onto my computer keyboard, right in front of me,” said Miller. “I guessed it was telling me, ‘It’s time to get me home.’”
An extensive Internet search led Miller to a USS Birmingham website and finally to Harris. The two sent e-mails back and forth, and one night Miller’s phone rang.
“This is Jeff Harris,” the voice on the phone said. “You have my hat!”
The two sailors talked for almost half an hour, telling sea stories to each other and thinking of the common relationship between seamen.”
“Most non-seagoing people wouldn’t understand how much a sailor likes his hat,” Miller said. “Your hat protects you from sun, wind, salt and cold, and when you lose it, especially one with your ship’s name on it, it’s a big thing. I’m delighted to get it back to Jeff.”

  1. 1.

    What is the main idea of the story?

    1. A.
      A sailor looked for his hat for years
    2. B.
      Hats are important for sailors
    3. C.
      A sailor reunited with his hat years after losing it
    4. D.
      Friendship was based on a hat
  2. 2.

    Jeff Harris’s hat dropped off into the sea because of ______

    1. A.
      a sudden wave
    2. B.
      his carelessness
    3. C.
      a strong wind
    4. D.
      something wrong with his hat
  3. 3.

    Will Miller kept the hat for years because ______

    1. A.
      he wanted to leave it to his child
    2. B.
      it was valuable as a gift
    3. C.
      he wanted to return it to its owner
    4. D.
      he wanted to sell it one day
  4. 4.

    From the passage we can know Jeff Harris and Miller ______

    1. A.
      had been friends before the story happened
    2. B.
      didn’t know the importance of the hat
    3. C.
      often told sea stories to each other
    4. D.
      once worked at sea

Some scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.
The noise that affects sea creatures comes from a number of human activities. It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines. Such noises are added to natural sounds. These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves.
Decibels (分贝) measured in water are different from those measured on land. A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears. In water, a decibel level of one hundred and ninety-five would have the same effect.
Some scientists have suggested setting a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels in the oceans. They have observed that noises at that level can frighten and confuse whales(鲸鱼).
A team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that louder noises can seriously injure some animals.
The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing. This seriously affected the whales' ability to exchange information and find their way. Some of the whales even died. The explosions had caused their ears to bleed and become infected(被感染的).
Many researchers whose work depends on ocean sounds are against a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels. They say such a limit would mean an end to important industrial and scientific research.
Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals. However, many scientists don’t think that noise is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, which of the following is increasingly dangerous to sea creatures?

    1. A.
      The sound of cars
    2. B.
      The sound of voices
    3. C.
      Man-made noise pollution
    4. D.
      The sound of steps
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, natural sounds include all of the following EXCEPT______.

    1. A.
      sounds made by animals themselves
    2. B.
      ocean drilling
    3. C.
      underwater earthquakes
    4. D.
      the breaking of ice fields
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is discussed in the third paragraph?

    1. A.
      The same noise level produces a different effect on land and in the ocean
    2. B.
      Different places may have different types of noises
    3. C.
      The decibel is not a right unit (单位) for measuring underwater noise
    4. D.
      Different ocean animals may have different reactions to noises
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is true of whales?

    1. A.
      They won't be confused by noises
    2. B.
      They are deaf to noises
    3. C.
      Their ability to reproduce will be lowered by high-level noises
    4. D.
      Their hearing will be damaged by high-level noises
  5. 5.

    According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future?

    1. A.
      They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution
    2. B.
      They will protect animals from harmful noises
    3. C.
      They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels
    4. D.
      They will study the effect of ocean noise pollution

Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student. He liked running and jumping and won some medals at the sports meetings. So he was tall and strong. Suddenly war broke out and the young man joined the army. He was sent to the front and killed several enemy soldiers. Two years later he raturned to his home town and found a job at the police station. People had known about his bravery by then and they all liked the polite young man.
One day a few young men had drunk too much before they came in a cinema. They danced and sang there and the film couldn't be shown. Paul was ill that day and went to the hospital. When he was passing there, the young men were beating an old man. He went to stop them and they began to fight. He caught them all and sent them to the police station. Since then all the bad men in the town were afraid of the brave policeman.
It was a summer evening. The weather was hot and few people could stay indoors. Paul was on duty and sat by the telephone. Suddenly in rushed a beautiful girl with a book in her hand. She stood there, shaking in her shoes.
“What's the matter, madam? ”asked Paul.
“I wish you could protect me sir, ”answered the girl.
“Protect? ”Paul said in surprise. “For what? ”
The girl showed the book to Paul. The young man understood at once: it was a book about Ghosts(鬼)!

  1. 1.

    Paul won some medals because ____. 

    1. A.
      he was a middle school student
    2. B.
      he was tall and strong
    3. C.
      he kept doing morning exercises
    4. D.
      he was good at running and jumping
  2. 2.

    Paul was ____ after he joined the army.

    1. A.
      a good athlete
    2. B.
      a brave soldier
    3. C.
      a polite policeman
    4. D.
      a brave policeman
  3. 3.

    Paul sent the young men to the police station because ____.  

    1. A.
      they made some trouble(闹事)at the cinema
    2. B.
      they drank much in the restaurant
    3. C.
      they wouldn't see the filin
    4. D.
      they wanted to fight with him
  4. 4.

    Paul sat by the telephone that evening because ____. 

    1. A.
      he was waiting for an important call
    2. B.
      he was going to call somebody
    3. C.
      he was on duty
    4. D.
      he wasn't afraid of hotness

The air bag is a piece of safety equipment in cars. It was first designed by John W. Hetrick in 1952. Like many inventions, he came up with the idea as a result of an event that had occurred in his life. He says:
“In the spring of 1952, my wife, my seven-year-old daughter, Joan, and I were out for a Sunday drive in our 1948 Chrysler Windsor. About three miles outside Newport we were watching for deer jumping across the road. Suddenly, there was a large rock in our path. I hit the brakes and we went into a ditch(壕沟).
“As I applied the brakes, both my wife and I threw our hands up to keep our daughter from hitting the car. There was soft mud in the ditch, so the car wasn’t damaged, and no one was hurt.”
“During the ride home I couldn’t stop thinking about the accident. I asked myself,‘Why couldn’t some object come out to stop you from striking the inside of the car?’As soon as I got home that night I drew some sketches(草图). Each evening for the following two weeks, I’d add or reduce something from the sketches.”
Hetrick applied an event he had observed while in the Navy to the design of the air bag. He was repairing a torpedo(鱼雷) which had a cloth covering. When the compressed(压缩的) air that was in the torpedo was let out, the covering was suddenly filled with air and was shot to the ceiling.
With this knowledge, he developed his design until he was able to obtain a patent on the invention on August 5, 1952. The idea was similar to the air bag designs of today. Compressed air is stored in a container and when a traffic accident occurs and the car slows down at a rapid enough rate, the air will be released into the air bag. The idea was ingenious, but Hetrick’s air bag never would have functioned properly. It was really a breakthrough, but it would require years and years of designing and testing by some top car designers before it could be used

  1. 1.

    The car accident Hetrick was involved in ______.

    1. A.
      damaged his car
    2. B.
      happened in 1948
    3. C.
      was caused by a deer
    4. D.
      caused no harm to his family
  2. 2.

    Hetrick’s experience in the Navy______.

    1. A.
      turned out to be dangerous
    2. B.
      was helpful to his invention
    3. C.
      involved designing torpedoes
    4. D.
      inspired him to design an air bag
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “ingenious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What do we know about the air bag Hetrick designed?

    1. A.
      It came into use in the 1950s
    2. B.
      It performed perfectly in car accidents
    3. C.
      It prepared the way for air bags nowadays
    4. D.
      It took Hetrick about two months to develop it
  5. 5.

    The text is mainly about______.

    1. A.
      the great inventor Hetrick
    2. B.
      The invention of air bags
    3. C.
      a terrible car accident
    4. D.
      road safety in the 1950s

Electrical devices(仪器)could soon use power made by human energy. Scientists say they have developed an experimental device that produces electricity from the physical movement of a person walking. British scientist Max Donelan and other scientists in Canada and the United States developed the device.
The device connects to a person’s knee. As the person walks, the device captures energy each time the person slows down. To do this, the device helps with the slowing down movement of the leg. The movements of the walking person push parts of a small machine
that produces electricity. Using the device, an adult walking quickly could produce thirteen watts of electricity in just a minute. Donelan says walking at that speed could produce enough power to operate a laptop computer for six minutes.
There are several possible uses for the device. Developers say it could help people who work in areas without electricity to operate small computers. The device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers(起搏器). It could even be used to assist in the movement of robotic arms and legs.
The experimental version of the device weighs about one and a half kilograms, but it is too costly for most people to buy. But the researchers hope to make a lighter, less costly version. An improved version shou1d be ready in one year.
The developers hope the device will one day help developing countries. Near1y twenty five
percent of people around the world live without electric power.
A similar product was invented in 2005 by Larry Rome of the University of Pennsylvania. He created a bag carried on a person’s back that also produces power from wa1king.The knee device does not produce as much electricity as the bag. But the bag requires the walker to carry a load of twenty to thirty kilograms

  1. 1.

    The second paragraph mainly talks about______.

    1. A.
      who developed the device
    2. B.
      how the device works
    3. C.
      several possible uses for the devices
    4. D.
      how much electricity the device can produce
  2. 2.

    Compared with the device designed by Larry Rome, this new device______.

    1. A.
      produces power without adding more loads to the walker
    2. B.
      can produce more power in a much shorter time
    3. C.
      needs to be equipped with a battery
    4. D.
      can help the walker wa1k faster
  3. 3.

    From the passage, we can learn that the electrical device can______.

    1. A.
      help housewives operate the washing machine
    2. B.
      make it much easier for us to go online
    3. C.
      produce more electricity than that invented by Larry Rome
    4. D.
      be applied in medicine to operate heart pacemakers

It’s not uncommon in America for a person to belong to some kind of volunteer group. Donating one’s time and services is very much a part of the American way of life. Most charitable activities are organized by churches and groups around the nation and even encouraged by the government. The helping hand is extended to the poor, the homeless and the disabled. Some people work to teach youngsters how to read. Others open up soup kitchens to feed the homeless. Volunteers also take care of the disabled by making reading tapes for the blind and working in orphanages(孤儿院)to help children without parents.
High school students are often encouraged to become volunteers and many school club activities center around volunteer services. Students may work with disabled children during a summer program, or participate in a club activity which helps to bring meal to senior citizens who are shut-ins. With their sense of idealism(理想主义)students are often eager to donate their spare time. They see such activities as a way of becoming involved in the community and the adult-world. Social action for them becomes as   important as their academic studies.
In a like manner, throughout the year,fund raising drives are also conducted by schools and community groups to raise money for a worthy cause. They may respond to a recent earthquake in a foreign country, a flood somewhere within their own, or another natural disaster which has left people destitute and homeless. They may organize drives to collect food, clothing and medicines to serve an immediate need. Today even the Halloween custom of ‘trick or treat’has become an occasion to collect money for a charitable cause.
The motive to help those less fortunate comes from the poor origins of the American nation. Those immigrants who were poor and downtrodden(受压迫的)became dependent on the kindness of their neighbors to make a new life for themselves.
American volunteers work throughout the world in less developed countries. They volunteer by serving as a champion of goodwill both at home and abroad, which no doubt enriches both his life and those whom he serves

  1. 1.

    Which of the following charitable activities is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    1. A.
      Some people open up soup kitchens to feed homeless people
    2. B.
      Some students bring meals to old people who can’t go out easily
    3. C.
      Some people collect money to help a foreign country with a recent earthquake
    4. D.
      Some students donate books to children in mountainous areas
  2. 2.

    Why are American high school students eager to do voluntary work?

    1. A.
      Because they want to participate in some social activities
    2. B.
      Because they want to go to better universities
    3. C.
      Because they can get higher scores at school
    4. D.
      Because they can realize their dream sooner
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “destitute” in Paragraph 4 probably means

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    American charitable activities started because______.

    1. A.
      Americans are always ready to share with others
    2. B.
      Americans are mostly kind
    3. C.
      poor immigrants needed help badly
    4. D.
      poor Americans couldn’t live on without help
  5. 5.

    What’s the best title of the passage?

    1. A.
      The Call from the Poor
    2. B.
      Voluntary Work in the US
    3. C.
      Ways to help the Poor
    4. D.
      American Volunteers Around the World

My father never wanted his children to know what he did for a living.Dad worked in Plant C.Lying beside lake Erie, it saw him in at sunrise and out at nightfall.Sometimes my mother would take my siblings (兄弟姐妹) and me to the public beach in our hometown of Ashtabula. she'd gather us round and point to the smokestacks, coughing clouds into the sky.
"Wave to daddy!" she'd shout. Four little hands would shoot into the air.I never knew what Dad did in Plant C, but during 34 years of hard work, he had surgery (手术) on his shoulder and hand.At 48, he had his first heart attack.He retired in 1993, right after the last kid graduated from college.But the damage was done.A few years later, the next heart attack killed him.
I saw my dad in Plant C only once, when I took dinner to him.That night, I looked at my father, covered in sweat and coal, and for the first time I knew why he was so often angry for no reason.
Recently my father' s friend, Toby Workman, walked me there.I knew my father never wanted me to see it.At every station, he described the job and the danger.It was like listening to a foreign language.I walked past many DANGER signs.Toby put his hand on my shoulder."look," he said, "you need to understand something.Your dad was a maintenance mechanic.He worked the most dangerous job.If something broke, he fixed it."
A few days later, my daughter graduated from college.I gave her the hard hat Toby handed to me as I left, and this notes: " Whenever you feel something difficult, put this on, look in the mirror, and remember your roots."

  1. 1.

    How many siblings does the author most probably have?

    1. A.
      Three siblings
    2. B.
      Two siblings
    3. C.
      One sibling      D: Four siblings
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is TRUE of the facts about the author's father?

    1. A.
      He didn't suffer a heart attack until he retired.
    2. B.
      He worked in Plant C for 48 years in all.
    3. C.
      He was hardly angry in his daily life.
    4. D.
      He did physical work in Plant C
  3. 3.

    When Toby Workman described the author' s father' s job, the author ______.

    1. A.
      felt familiar with the job
    2. B.
      didn’t quite understand
    3. C.
      wanted to learn a foreign language
    4. D.
      decided to do the same work
  4. 4.

    The author gave her daughter the hat, hoping that her daughter could ______.

    1. A.
      remember her grandfather
    2. B.
      overcome all difficulties by wearing it
    3. C.
      get encouraged by her grandfather
    4. D.
      follow her grandfather' s work

Over three million people will do their Christmas shopping entirely online this year without once visiting an actual shop, a poll (民意调查) has found. Overcrowding and long queues in shops are forcing people away from the high street as the hassle (烦扰) of Christmas shopping becomes too much.
The number of people turning their backs on the high street is almost one million higher than it was last year, according to the poll by YouGov. Last Christmas 2.4 million shoppers did not do any of their shopping in actual shops. The figure this year is predicted to be around 3.4 million, equal to around 7 percent of the adult population.
Over a third of people said that the main turn-off about shopping on the high street is 0ver-crow-ding. Meanwhile almost a quarter said that long queues at the cheek-out are the worst thing about it.
Of the 2.065 people pored, even those who are stir taking to the shops plan to spend less time in them this Christmas. Around 31 percent of shoppers who plan to spend at least some time on the high street will spend less than half of their shopping time in actual shops, using the rest of the time to shop remotely via the internet. This compares to 28 percent of people last year. Meanwhile the proportion of people spending over half of their shopping time in high street shops has dropped from 41 percent last year to 39 percent this year. Just 2 percent of people said that they are looking forward to dealing wi.th store staff this festival season.
Guy Boxall, senior product marketing manager at Casio Business Solutions Division, which commissioned the research from YouGov, said that despite the fall in people visiting the high street,humans are "social creatures" who actually like spending time together.
"Although the high street is facing a big challenge Christmas, retailers (零售商) should see this research as a challenge to improve the in-store shopping experience, rather than the nail in the coffin. We are social creatures, and the desire to spend time with each other, particularly at Christmas, is never going to go away," said Mr. Boxall

  1. 1.

    According to the poll, in this year's Christmas ______.

    1. A.
      about 7 % of the population will do both online and actual shopping
    2. B.
      about 31% of shoppers will do half of their shopping in actual shops
    3. C.
      about 39% of shoppers will do more than half of their shopping in actual shops
    4. D.
      over three million shoppers will quit actual shopping just because of the long queues
  2. 2.

    What's the meaning of "turn-off" in Para.5?

    1. A.
      Something that makes people lose heart
    2. B.
      Something that makes people lose face
    3. C.
      Something that makes people lose interest
    4. D.
      Something that makes people lose courage
  3. 3.

    It can be inferred from Mr. Boxall's words that ______.

    1. A.
      retailers should reduce their in-store goods
    2. B.
      retailers wiR be pessimistic about the result of this research
    3. C.
      retailers should focus on the advantage of in-store shopping
    4. D.
      retailers will make more profits this Christmas than last Christmas
  4. 4.

    Wheat's the writer's attitude towards Christmas online shopping?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

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