
—We had ______ really damp October this year.
—I can’t remember ______ autumn when it rained so much.

A.a; 不填B.不填; theC.the; anD.a; an


解析试题分析:情景对话 句意为:--今年的十月气候非常潮湿
定冠词a/an和不定冠词the的主要用法。通常情况下,在星期,月份,球类名词,一日三餐等不加冠词(也就是零冠词),不过前提是这类名词前无任何修饰和限定词,如:play football, eat lunch, on Sunday等。如果这类名词前后有修饰成分存在,则可加冠词。如:a wonderful summer ,a cool Sunday, a delicious lunch等,同样此题一样是属于该情况,a( damp )October 或an autumn (when it rained so much.),中心词前后都有修饰成分,故选D


Eric and Doris King Turner are packing their bags for New Zealand. They're busy deciding what to pack and what to leave behind in Britain and are making plans to extend their new home in Nelson. Doris is looking forward to getting the garden into shape and Eric has his heart set on a spot of fly fishing. The difference is that Eric is 102, Doris is 87. Eric thinks he's Britain's oldest emigrant.

In January next year Eric King Turner and his wife of 12 years will wave goodbye to their neighbors, and set sail from Southampton on the voyage of a lifetime. The ocean liner (远洋客轮)Saga Rose will take six weeks to get to Auckland and the couple are expecting a red-carpet welcome from family.

Doris was born in New Zealand but gave up her homeland when the couple met and married in the late 1990s. But New Zealand is close to both their hearts and the attraction of family and friends, and the good fishing helped to persuade them to move.

Doris, who has five children and nine grandchildren, supported her husband's application to settle in New Zealand. The paperwork took five months. Eric says, "We not only had to produce a marriage certificate(证书) but we had to produce evidence that we were in a long and stable relationship!" He also said he was not asked about his age but had to show that he could support himself financially (财政上) in New Zealand.

"I like New Zealand. The way of life is very much the same as it is here but it is not so crowded." His wife has always been “a little bit homesick” but has never complained. Now the couple are in the middle of the task of sorting out possessions and selling their flat.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. They decided to leave all the things behind in Britain.

B. The wife always complained about the life in Britain.

C. The couple will set up their new home in Nelson.

D. Doris and Eric will go to New Zealand to hold the wedding.

The underlined word "emigrant" in Paragraph 1 probably refers to a person who___.

A. lives in a country forever                       B. moves from one place to settle in another

C. travels around the world                        D. visits many places in a country

What makes the couple's move to New Zealand special?

A. Their age.                                            B. The red carpet.

C. The ocean liner Saga Rose.                            D. Their marriage certificate.

The best title of the passage may be       .

A. Better late than never            

B. Eric and Doris King-Turner are packing their bags

C. To leave or not to leave, that's the problem

D. Eric, 102, leaves Britain with his wife

For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to an empty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of each day alone. They are called latchkey children. They’re children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad condition has become a subject of concern.

Lynette Long was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, “We had a school rule against wearing jewelry. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached. I was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant.” Slowly, she learned they were house keys.

She and her husband began talking to the children who had them. They learned of the impact(影响) working couples and single parents were having on their children. Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. One in each three latchkey children the Longs talked to reported being scared. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed in a closet. The second is TV. They’ll often play it at high volume. It’s hard to get statistics(情况, 材料)on latchkey children, the Longs learned. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

1. The main idea about “latchkey children” is that they _______. 

A. are growing in numbers              

B. are also found in middle-class neighborhoods

C. watch too much television during the day 

D. suffer problems from being left alone

2. Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence?

A. We had a school rule against wearing jewelry.

B. A lot of kids had chains around their necks.

C. I was constantly telling them to put inside their shirts.

D. They were house keys.

3. The main feeling these children have when they are at home by themselves is _______. 

A. tiredness       B. freedom      C. loneliness       D. fear

4. We may draw a conclusion that _______. 

A. latchkey children enjoy having such a large amount of time alone

B. latchkey children try to hide their feeling

C. latchkey children often watch TV with their parents

D. it’s difficult to find out how many latchkey children there are

A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students. It shows that most students considered understanding spoken English to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking. Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in. Reading remained as a significant(显著的)problem.

The information gained helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course.  Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation(动机), we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching in their own country. To use the same method would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation, especially if it has failed in the past. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.

Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining(保持)or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about halfway through the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, so finally we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.


65.What is the text mainly about?

A.Foreign students have more problems.

B.There are many ways to improve English.

C.Teaching should meet students’ needs.

D.English learning problems should be studied again.

66.Writing became a bigger problem when foreign students ___________.

A.had to write their papers

B.became better at speaking

C.became less interested in reading

D.had fewer problems with listening

67.We may infer from the last two paragraphs that ___________.

A.different teaching methods should be used

B.grammar-based teaching seems to be encouraging

C.English courses are necessary for foreign students

D.teaching content should be changed halfway

68.The word “it” underlined in the last paragraph refers to “___________”.





I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal (谷类食物), eggs or toast. While others had Cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from other kids' too. But at least I wasn't alone in my sufferings. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.
My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, then we be gone one hour or less—not one hour and one minute. And she always insisted upon us telling the truth. Now you can see how mean she was.
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning. We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook. We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath, while the other kids always wore their clothes for days. I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.
Through the years, things didn't improve a bit. We could not lie in bed, “sick” like our friends did, and miss school. Our marks in school had to be up to par(达到正常水平). Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.
As the years rolled by, we were one by one put to shame. We were graduated from high school. With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout.
My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education. And whom do we have to blame for the terrible way we turned out? You're right, our mean mother. She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults.
Now I am trying to raise my three children. I am filled with pride when my children think I am mean because, you see, I had the meanest mother in the world.
【小题1】What does the sentence “But at least I wasn't alone in my sufferings.” mean?

A.The author's mother was only mean to her.
B.The author's mother suffered her.
C.The author's mother was mean to her sister, brothers and her.
D.The author wasn't alone because of suffering.
【小题2】Why was the author's mother mean to her children?
A.Because she wanted her children to be top students in school.
B.Because she wanted her children to bring home colored report cards like her friends did.
C.Because she wanted her children to drop out.
D.Because she wanted her children to do their best at school and be educated and respected citizens.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Some of the children weren't able to go to college because of their mean mother.
B.Mother didn't let the author tell lies.
C.Mother asked the author to wear clean clothes.
D.The author could not miss school even if she was ill.
【小题4】The passage was written in a way of _______ tone?

Twelve years ago yesterday, my mother gave birth to the most beautiful girl.  31 , we were later given the  32  that this little girl, who was three and a half months old, would only have 14 days on the earth. It’s hard to understand what kind of  33  you have when you find out that you’re  34 something that you don’t even know.

As time went on, the number of days kept growing, which gave us  35 . When the doctors said that we could take her home, that was  36 reality hit. We had no  37 .

I am from a small town with  38 hospitals, but when you don’t have money, you just don’t  have it. My mother tried for days to get the money, but nothing  39 each time. A caseworker(社会工作者) was even doing her best. It’s  40 that it almost felt as if we had to  41  a baby from the hospital.

One day the caseworker walked into her boss’s office to  42  again. As she walked out,  43 down yet again, out of nowhere a man walked up to her. He  44 her a handful of money and said, “Please give this to the lady in  45 , so she can take her daughter home.” She looked down at her hand with tears in her eyes. As she looked back up to thank him, he was  46  . They searched all over that hospital and he was no where to be  47 .

Thanks to the guy that I will  48 know, we could take home that  49 baby girl that was only given 14 days to live, and celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday. I am grateful to this man and feel that his act of  50 should be shared with everyone.










































A.came up

B.set up

C.made up

D.gave up




















































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