
In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally    1   them and the job they do-although there are certain people who do not believe that the police should have the power that they do.
What does a policeman actually do? It is not a(n)   2 job to describe. After
all, a policeman has a number of jobs in one. A policeman often has to control traffic,either on foot in the center of a town, or in apolice car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time   3up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop   4  motorists and help when there is an accident.
A policeman has to help keep the   5 , too. If there is a fight or some other
disturbance, we   6  the police to come and restore order. And they often have to7  situation at great risk to their own   8 .
We expect the police to solve crimes, of course; so an ordinary policeman,
9  he is not a detective(侦探), will often have to help   10 and arrest criminals.
And who do we call when there is an emergency-an air crash, a   11 , a
road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. So a policeman has to be   12  to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the   13 world.
The police do an absolutely necessary job. They do it   14  well and I
support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could  15  do
the job of a policeman.  
1.A.dislike        B.join          C.appreciate     D.admire
2.A.funny          B.pleasant      C.interesting    D.easy  
3.A.walking        B.driving       C.wandering      D.searching
4.A.resting        B.tired        C.speeding       D.drunken
5.A.peace          B.silence       C.situation      D.condition
6.A.wait for       B.call          C.think of       D.expect
7.A.turn to        B.avoid         C.deal with      D.treat
8.A.safety         B.families      C.future         D.friends
9.A.although       B.as if         C.however        D.even if
10.A.get rid of    B.question      C.look for       D.sentence
11.A.power failure B.fire          C.thunder storn  D.thief
12.A.provided      B.promised      C.prepared       D.presented
13.A.future        B.modern        C.real           D.whole
14.A.extremely     B.specially     C.surprisingly   D.particularly
15.A.hardly        B.forever       C.ever           D.never


小题1:C。speeding motorists是超速的机动车辆。
小题1:D。“wait for”是等待某人,call是打电话召某人,think of是想起,expect sb to do sth是期待某人做某事。
小题1:C。警察面对情况是要处理的,所以要用deal with; treat是对待、治疗的意思。
小题1:A。警察处理情况也有危险威胁他们安全,所以应选safety, their own safety。
小题1:D。although与even if都有“虽然……但是”之意,但even if有强调之意,此处强调警察的作用。
小题1:C。 “look for”是寻找之意,“get rid of”摆脱,question质问,sentence判处,此处是警察寻找并追捕犯罪分子。
小题1:B。前文说“emergency”是紧急情况,A、B、C、D中只有a  fire是紧急情况。答案为B。
小题1:B。in modern world在现代生活。
小题1:A。extremely是very的意思,此处praise警察的工作是very well。
小题1:C。这句话否定前移,应为“I think that I could not…”A、D都是否定之意,双重否定表肯定,故排除,forever不合语境。
Sons who have fond childhood memories of their fathers are more likely to be emotionally stable(稳定的) in the face of day-to-day stresses, according to psychologists(心理学家) who studied hundreds of adults of all ages.
“As our study shows, fathers do play a unique(独特的) and important role in the mental health of their children much later in life,” Psychology professor Melanie Mallers of California State University said.
For this study, 912 adult men and women between the ages of 25 and 74 completed short daily telephone interviews about that day’s experiences over an eight-day period. The interviews focused on the participants’ psychological and emotional distress (i.e., whether they were nervous, sad, etc.) and if they had experienced any stressful events that day.
The participants were also required to answer questions such as, “How would you rate your relationship with your mother during the years when you were growing up?” and “How much time and attention did your mother give you when you needed it?” The same questions were asked about fathers.
People who reported they had a good mother-child relationship reported three percent less psychological distress(忧虑) compared to those who reported a poor relationship, according to Mallers.
Men who reported having a good relationship with their father during childhood were more likely to be less emotional when reacting to stressful events in their current daily lives than those who had a poor relationship, according to her findings.
Also, the quality of mother and father relationships was significantly associated(有关) with how many stressful events the participants faced on a daily basis. In other words, if they had a poor childhood relationship with both parents, they reported more stressful incidents over the eight-day study when compared to those who had a good relationship with their parents.
Mallers theorized why healthy or unhealthy relationships may have an effect on how people handle stress as adults. “Perhaps having caring parents equips children with the experiences and skills necessary to more successfully navigate(导航) their relationships with other people throughout childhood and into adulthood.” She said.
小题1:What can we know about the recent study from the passage?
A It was led by Melanie Mallers.
B 912 adults who were over twenty-five joined in it.
C It lasted as long as eight days.
D It was funded just by California State University.
小题2:Which of the following may the participants be asked about in telephone interviews?
A Their physical condition.      B Their parenting(育儿) skills.
C Their emotional distress and stressful events.
D Their childhood relationships with teachers.
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A Many people with good parent-child relationships still can’t keep emotionally stable in stressful incidents.
B Men with a good mother-child relationship were more likely to be emotionally stable when reacting to stressful events.
C Women were better at getting along with their parents than men when they were young.
D People with good childhood relationships with parents suffered(遭受) fewer stressful incidents.
小题4:What can be concluded from the findings of the study?
A Childhood memories of parents have a lasting effect on one’s ability to handle stress.
B Adults with good childhood relationships with parents will live happily and successfully.
C The mother-child relationship is more important than the father-child relationship.
D The quality of parent-child relationships determines(决定) how people handle stress as adults.
Basketball is a sport enjoyed by millions of people in at least 100 countries. It’s one of the  26  sports in the world. It began in 1891.
Dr. James A. Naismith, the father of basketball, was a teacher of YMCA training school. It trained the people to work in YMCAs. Officials at the school were   27  about the low attendance during the   28  months. They   29  that people didn’t attend then   30  the school did not have a good sports program in winter. So they asked Dr. Naismith for   31 . He came up with a new indoor game.
Naismith studied games being played at that time. He found that all the most   32  games used a ball. So a ball would be part of his new game, he decided. But   33  the ball or hitting it would be too   34 for indoors. So he put two   35  up on the poles. The players had to try to   36  a ball into them. Naismith then made thirteen   37  for the game. Twelve of them are still in   38  today. Just seven   39  after the game began professional basketball teams were   40 . And that’s how basketball was born.
A.most beautifulB.most usefulC.most necessaryD.best known
A.a sportB.helpC.moneyD.student
  Does your pet have a slim figure? According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), about half of all dogs and nearly 60% of all indoor cats are overweight. Larry Kornegay, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, says he sees an overweight pet nearly every day, and unusually the owner is overweight. So talking about the topic can be touchy. “I talk about their pet’s health. Still, some clients take it personally.”
Here are some tips for pet weight loss:
See the vet(兽医). Have your vet put together a plan and treat any existing medical problems. Pain relief and diet changes may be required for arthritic(患关节炎的) pets, which will allow for exercise to at least begin.
Skip the crash diet (an attempt to lose weight quickly by strictly limiting the diet). A special weight-loss diet may be suggested. For example, look for the supplement which burns fat and builds muscle mass in foods. Never place any pet on a crash diet, especially cats, which can suffer a potentially fatal liver disease as a result. There’s a safe weight-loss drug for dogs you can ask your vet about.
Dine alone. “Cut out treats and resist temptation by keeping pets out of the room you’re dining in,” says Chicago vet Sheldon Rubin. You can buy low-calorie treats for dogs and cats. Rubin also recommends mini carrots, small apple slices or blueberries for dogs. What’s important is finding other ways, aside from food, to show your love. Play with your cat using an interactive toy, and take your dog for walks. Walks are great for bonding, and good for you. Studies show people are actually more willing to lose weight themselves if it also will help their pet.
Feed pets at special times. Pre-measure food carefully—don’t give them a larger meal than ever—and leave it in various places, so pets sniff it out and use the stairs. It’s fun, and it’s good exercise.
小题1:. The underlined word “touchy” in Paragraph 1 probably means__________
小题2:. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Overweight people usually like overweight pets.
B.Pets’ weight is easier to lose than humans’.
C.Cats have a greater chance of serious liver disease.
D.Overweight people often ignore their pets’ weight.
小题3: Which of the following methods is healthy for your pets?
A.Providing them with mini carrots or blueberries.
B.Keeping them with you when you’re dining.
C.Supplying them with larger meals or drinks.
D.Leaving the food in a fixed place for your pets.
小题4:. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.How to feed pets without a crash diet.
B.The importance of pet weight loss.
C.How to help pets lose weight.
D.The problems that pets will meet.
As a teenager, I didn’t get along well with my mother before. She   36  every aspect of my life, leaving me unable to have my   37  space.
About two years ago, I had a   38  with her. I just couldn’t control my bad temper that day. I said something   39  to mum. Mum was hurt, but she went away without saying anything.
When I was   40  at home. I started to recall the happy time we spent together and realized that I should   41 . But when I saw mum, the   42 moments pushed all the thoughts of saying sorry out of my head. I came back to my bedroom, feeling distracted (心烦意乱的). That night I didn’t’  43  well.
The next day, I got up earlier than usual. And I   44  a letter beside my bed. It was mum! In this letter, mum   45  how she loved me and how she worried about me. The   46  of mum’s love raced through my mind when I read it. I couldn’t help crying out. I went out of the bedroom and saw mum standing there   47  me.
“I am sorry, mum, Please   48  me!” I said with a guilty conscience (愧疚感). Then I saw tears of   49  coming into mum’s eyes. We embraced (拥抱) emotionally. That moment was totally  in my   50 forever.
From then on,    51  there is argument between us, we will write our feelings and thoughts to each other. Then we can   52  and soon get on well.
By telling my story, I just want   53  people to know that if you have problems with you parents, try to find the   54 . Never think that you have nothing to talk with them. They are the persons who always love you and stand   55 you! Maybe they’ve hurt you before, probably just because they didn’t know how to express love.
A.took notice ofB.took care ofC.took hold ofD.took the place of
A.pointing atB.smiling atC.waiting forD.looking for
Why must we pay taxes? The answer is that the government needs money for many things, for example to pay its soldiers, sailors and airmen, to build roads, bridges, offices, schools, etc and to buy goods from abroad; and only the people of the country can supply the money.One of the most important taxes is income-tax which a person pays according to the amount of his income-tax.Whether he is a businessman, a doctor, a lawyer, a shopkeeper, a miner, or anything else.This is called a “direct” tax, because it is paid in money direct to the government.
Another tax is paid on goods such as watches, jewellery, new clothes, tobacco, wine, etc, when they are brought into a country, such a tax is paid as part of the price of these goods if they are later sold in shops.We call it “indirect” tax, because it is paid indirectly through the shopkeeper.
People usually complain about having to pay taxes, but they forget that the money is spent on the things that they and their families need.We need policemen to catch thieves, to see that men obey the laws, to direct traffic, etc, and they must be paid what they earn; children need education and there must be schools and teachers; we want our streets to be kept clean, and the wages of men who do this kind of work have to be paid.Above all, the country must always be ready to defend itself against attacking enemies, and we cannot have an army without paying for it.
Taxes, therefore, cannot be avoided.We buy our own food and clothes and pay for our own amusements, but there are several things that the State finds the money for, and that are necessary for us if our society is to continue.So we have no real cause to complain when we are asked to supply money to be spent for the good of ourselves and for our fellow-citizens.
小题1:Indirect tax means _______.
A.tax that one pays direct to the government
B.tax that is not paid directly to the government
C.tax that is paid as an extra amount added to the price of certain goods
D.Both B and C
小题2:Which of the following is right?
A.Taxes are paid to the sellers.
B.Income-tax is an indirect tax.
C.The tax on new clothes is paid in money direct to the government.
D.Tax is amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.
小题3:People have no real reason to complain about having to pay taxes because _______.
A.some shopkeepers are very rich
B.they need money to buy goods from abroad
C.their children need education
D.the money is spent on the things that they and their families need
Surfing the Internet for fun will make you a better employee, according to an Australian study.
The University of Melbourne study shows that people who use the Internet for their own reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not. Study author Brent Coker said, “Surfing the Internet at times helps increase an employee’s attention.”
“People need to relax for a bit to get back their attention,” Coker said on the university’s website. “Having a short break, such as a quick surfing of the Internet, helps the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total Internet attention for a day’s work, and as a result, increases productivity(生产效率),”he said.
According to the study of 300 workers, 70 percent of people who use the Internet at work surf the Internet for their own reasons during office hours. Among the most popular surfing activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos. “Firms spend a lot of money on software to block their employees from watching video, using social networking sites or shopping online,” said Coker. “That’s not always a good idea.”
However, Coker said the study looked at people who surfed the Internet in moderation (适度), or were on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office. “Those who spend too much time surfing the Internet will have a lower productivity than those without,” he said.
小题1:What does the University of Melbourne study mainly show?
A.People who surf the Internet are good employees.
B.Not everyone surfs the Internet for fun during office hours.
C.Surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity.
D.The Internet is becoming more and more important in people’s life.
小题2: According to Paragraph 3, Brent Coker would most probably agree that______.
A.the longer a person’s mind rests ,the better attention he will have
B.surfing the Internet is the best way to increase productivity
C.workers should have a long break during office hours
D.Workers should let their minds rest now and then
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as one of the most popular surfing activities?
A.Watching videos.B.Reading online news.
C.Reading online novelsD.Playing online games.
小题4:The underlined word “block” in Paragrap4 means “_____”.
小题5:What can we infer form the last paragraph?
A.Spending too much time surfing the Internet reduces productivity.
B.Those who never surf the Internet have the lowest productivity.
C.Most people don’t surf the Internet in moderation during office hours.
D.People should spend as little time as possible surfing the Internet.
Transport Guide
The Brisbane City Council (BCC) is responsible for bus and ferry services with in the city limits and suburbs. Most buses will either arrive at the city or an interchange where connecting buses can be caught.BCC buses operate from 5:30 am to 11:00 pm Monday to Thursday and 5:30 am to 12:00 a m on Fridays. On weekends and public holidays buses operate less frequently Pre-paid bus tickets can be purchased from the QUT (Queensland University of Technology)bookshop, the campus news agency, most other news agencies and general stores, and any BCC Customer Service Centre. Short-term students at QUT cannot use their ID cards to gain a discount fare on BCC public transport. You will need to buy an adult ticket to travel. Bus fares are dependent on the number of zones you have to travel. There are several types of ticket:
Cost (AUD)
Off-peak Daily
Ten-Trip Saver
Single: one way ticket to reach your destination, including transfers within 2 hours.
Daily: unlimited travel within the zones.
Off-peak Daily: discounted unlimited travel between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm and after
7:00 pm Monday to Friday, and all day on weekends and public holidays.
Weekly: unlimited travel within the zones for one week from the date of issue.
Monthly: unlimited travel within the zones for one calendar month from the date of issue.
Ten-trip Saver: 10 trips at any time within the zones on buses and ferries only.
Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from:
Public Transport Information Centre
69 Ann Street (corner of George St)
Brisbane City
Phone l3 12 30(Transport Information Service)
小题1: The transport guide above is most likely provided by       
A.Public Transport Information CentreB.the Brisbane City Council
C.Queensland University of Technology.D.BCC Customer Service Centres
小题2: We can learn from the passage that        
A.buses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidays
B.regular students at QUT need to buy adult tickets
C.Pre-paid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information Centre
D.Ten­-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time
小题3:An exchange student staying at QUT for five days has to travel between zones every day.What type of ticket would he probably buy?
A.Single.B.Weekly.C.Off-peak Daily.D.Ten-trip Saver.
Walking down any of Shanghai’s main shopping streets this week, newcomers might think the locals have been celebrating Christmas for centuries. Christmas may not be a customary holiday in China, but businessmen in Shanghai know it will bring something more valuable than tradition: people are willing to spend money. Most Chinese may feel little connection with the Christmas celebration, but with most shops offering discount (折扣), the message couldn’t be clearer-- it is the season to part with one’s hard-earned cash.
Much of that marketing drive is directed towards thousands of foreigners and foreign companies that call Shanghai home. But for Shanghai’s 13 million locals, regardless of personal interest, there seems no avoiding the season’s commercial greetings. Along some major roads, nearly every shop window displays some symbols to the holiday: a man-made fir tree(杉树) with lights, or a snowman.
With an increasing number of westerners arriving in the city for work, young Shanghainese, eager to keep pace with the latest western fashions, have begun to show their interest in Christmas. But some people still don’t think Christmas is an important festival in China. At least it is less important than the New Year and China’s Spring Festival.
小题1:Why are people willing to spend money during Christmas?
A.They have earned a lot of money.
B.Goods are much cheaper during this period of time.
C.It is time for shops to sell goods.
D.Businessmen like Christmas.
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Christmas is the season people will hold their hard-earned money tightly.
B.Most Chinese people think they have something to do with Christmas.
C.Christmas is the season for common people to earn money.
D.Few Chinese people feel they are connected with Christmas celebrations.
小题3:Why do some young Shanghainese show great interest in Christmas?
A.They think themselves connected with Christmas celebrations.
B.They think Christmas is more important than New Year’s Day.
C.They want to follow the up-to-date western fashions.
D.They want to part with their hard-earned cash during Christmas.
小题4:From the first paragraph we know that _______.
A.It is difficult for most people to earn money.
B.It is easy for most people to earn money.
C.Only foreigners in Shanghai celebrate Christmas.
D.Christmas will be as important as China’s Spring Festival.

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