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Recently many people have suggested schools and universities keep their gymnasiums and playgrounds open in the holidays for citizens to take exercise. The common people welcome the suggestion warmly while many schools and universities are against it.
One possible version:
Recently many people have suggested schools and universities keep their gymnasiums and playgrounds open in the holidays for citizens to take exercise. The common people welcome the suggestion warmly while many schools and universities are against it.
Supporters think that the government advocates all citizens should take exercise to keep fit, so schools and universities should provide space and facilities for the common people, and that healthy citizens can save the money spent on medical care or treatment.
However, many headmasters and presidents worry that will make it harder to keep the campus safe and that the facilities in gymnasiums might be damaged.
Personally, I am in favor of the suggestion because it is more important for citizens to enjoy health. By keeping the gymnasiums and playgrounds open, schools and universities can serve society better as well as make full use of the resources.