

79. The professor's answer was __________ (模棱两可的) which made the students present feel puzzled.

80. She ________ (喷) some perfume over her hair before she left for the party.

81. Mike bought his daughter a toy bear as a _________ (纪念品) when he went to Hong Kong Disneyland.

82. The college student decided to volunteer at a company, so he could __________ (积累) experience to help get a job after graduation.

83. The weather in England is quite c____________. You can even experience four seasons in one day.

84. People have a t___________ to forget things as they grow older.

85. Elizabeth r__________ her mother facially, but is quite different in character.

79. ambiguous   80. sprayed           81. souvonir  

82. accumulate 83. changeable      84. tendency 85 resembles


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