
Students should be encouraged to use ____Internet as ____resource.

A. 不填; a     B. 不填; the    C. the; the    D. the; a


解析:此题考查冠词的用法。题意为:学生们应该被鼓励把网络作为一种资源来利用。the internet 表示一类事物,a resource表示是资源的一种。







Dear Tom,

Very pleased to know that you’re coming to study in Beijing.

Here is an _____ (介绍) to a school of Chinese. Compared              76. __________

with other schools, it is a suitable one that you can go to _____,     77. __________

it is very _____ (方便) for you to get there by No. 16 bus.          78. __________

Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching h                        79. __________

a week. _____class, you can enjoy sports and activities                            80. __________

with other students. S    with a Chinese family will                                  81. __________

provide you with a chance to _____ (练习) your Chinese                          82. __________

and _____ more about the Chinese family life. The time suits           83. __________

you and 3,000 yuan is paid per month. I’ll get in t    with                       84. __________

them _____ you show interest in this school.                                       85. __________

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.  


                                   Li Hua






Dear Tom,

Very pleased to know that you’re coming to study in Beijing.

Here is an _____ (介绍) to a school of Chinese. Compared                 76. __________

with other schools, it is a suitable one that you can go to _____,     77. __________

it is very _____ (方便) for you to get there by No. 16 bus.              78. __________

Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching h                    79. __________

a week. _____class, you can enjoy sports and activities                       80. __________

with other students. S    with a Chinese family will                         81. __________

provide you with a chance to _____ (练习) your Chinese                   82. __________

and _____ more about the Chinese family life. The time suits           83. __________

you and 3,000 yuan is paid per month. I’ll get in t    with                84. __________

them _____ you show interest in this school.                                85. __________

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.  


                                   Li Hua

?第Ⅱ卷  非选择题(共35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)



Dear Tom,

Very pleased to know that you’re coming to study in Beijing.

Here is an _____ (介绍) to a school of Chinese. Compared                  76. __________

with other schools, it is a suitable one that you can go to. _____,              77. __________

it is very _____ (方便) for you to get there by No. 16 bus.         78. __________

Next, the classes are very small. There are 24 teaching h                79. __________

a week. _____class, you can enjoy sports and activities                       80. __________

with other students. S    with a Chinese family will                    81. __________

provide you with a chance to _____ (练习) your Chinese                 82. __________

and _____ more about the Chinese family life. The time suits        83. __________

you and 3,000 yuan is paid per month. I’ll get in t    with                   84. __________

them _____ you show interest in this school.                                  85. __________

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


                                   Li Hua