

Today we had the honor of invite Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Beijing University, to give


us an English lesson. All of us were deeply impressing by this unforgettable English lesson. The


professor began the class in an amusing English story, which attracted our attention at once. He spoke


slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well. Great inspired, most of us took a active part in


classroom activities. After class, many students being interviewed spoke highly of him. They said never


before they experienced such interesting a class. From his lesson, we came to a conclusion what it is not


so difficult to learn English whether we find a good way.


Today we had the honor of invite Professor Hudson,a foreign teacher


from Beijing University,to give us an English lesson. All of us were


deeply impressing by this unforgettable English lesson. The professor


began the class in an amusing English story,which attracted our attention


at once. He spoke slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well.


Great inspired, most of us took a active part in classroom activities.

Greatly                        an

After class, many students being interviewed spoke highly of him. They


said never before Λ they experienced such interesting a class. From his

had                   so

lesson, we came to a conclusion what it is not so difficult to leam English


whether we find a good way.


     Today is Sunday. The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life.                                    1._________
At about 9:00 am, I go to the bookstore with my friends,                                              2._________
there was a lot of new books, but I didn't know which one to buy,                                3._________
because these books were all useful to me. At last, I chose two.                                   
At 10:00 am, we went to the cinema, the film calling Titanic was very                            4. _________
popular. It took us about 3 hours to see. Having seen the film,                                      5. __________
and  everyone was deeply moved. Some friends even burst                                          6. __________
out tears. From the story, I understand that love is noble and valuable.                          7. __________     
That's a real wonderful film. It is very worth seeing again.                                              8. __________
                                                                                                                                   9. __________
What a happy day! I hope tomorrow I will be even happy!                                          10. _________

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