
Hawking's Five Easy Steps for Making Yourself a Genius
As we all know,Stephen Hawking writes the book A Brief History of Time that explains the origin of the universe. The book spent 147 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List and has sold 10 million copies. He is,most agree,very smart.
In his recently published autobiography My Brief History,Hawking offers five life lessons on how to become a genius.
1)Don’t miss opportunities by being too cool
“We showed an air of complete boredom and the feeling that nothing was worth making an effort for. One result of my illness has been to change all that. When you are faced with the possibility of an early death, it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do. ”Seize the moment,as Oxford types would say.
2)Keep it simple
When writing A Brief History of Time,he tried to make science understandable for the rest of us. “I was sure that nearly everyone is interested in how the universe operates,but most people cannot follow mathematical equations(数学公式). ”He has trouble with them,too. “This is partly because it is difficult for me to write them down,but mainly because I don't have an inborn feeling for equations. My aim in the book was to describe these mental images in words. It is such an easy book that everybody can understand it.” The moral:You don't have to be a genius to know everything.
3)Have fun
Hawking has a long history of being a joker,and he has placed lots of bets with other scientists on the nature of black holes. One was with Cal-Tech scientist John Preskill. After paying off his bet by giving Preskill a baseball encyclopedia,Hawking wrote,“but maybe I should have just given him the ashes. ”So lighten up! Geniuses like bad jokes too.
4) Always look for a silver lining (even if you are seriously ill)
Hawking's disease has slowly robbed him of the ability to walk,move his arms,even speak. But,Hawking says,“in some ways I guess my disability has been an assist:I haven't had to lecture or teach students, and I haven't had to sit in meetings. So I have been able to devote myself completely to research.”In other words,Hawking was given lemons,and he made Champagne.
5)Don’t work too hard at school
小题1:The passage tells us the facts about A Brief History of Time EXCEPT that ________.
A.it explained the origin of the universe
B.it has sold 10 million copies up to now
C.it spent 147 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List
D.it included Hawking's five life lessons on how to become a genius
小题2:According to the passage,which of the following statements is guiding you to be a genius?
A.Place lots of bets with your friends.
B.Seize the moment to learn everything.
C.Find something good even in bad situations.
D.Get to know everything including math equations.
小题3:Hawking shows his viewpoint by ____________.
A.making comparisonsB.quoting a famous saying
C.listing the numbers and equationsD.talking about his own experience


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:As we all know,Stephen Hawking writes the book A Brief History of Time that explains the origin of the universe. The book spent 147 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List and has
sold 10 million copies. 可知ABC都是对的,而从第二段的句子:In his recently published autobiography My Brief History,Hawking offers five life lessons on how to become a genius.可知他给出5个人生的经验是在My Brief History,里面的,所以选D。
小题2:推理题:从第四个经验:Always look for a silver lining (even if you are seriously ill)可知霍金建议人们要在逆境中找到好的事情,选C
Some time ago,I was diagnosed with breast cancer and reacted in the way most people would.The first thing came to mind was a “death sentence”.  However,I found out later it was truly “an awakening” for me,especially after being diagnosed with colon cancer a few years later,but still alive to tell about them both.I began to question God.Why was I chosen to suffer this double challenge?What had I done in life so bad to have this placed upon me?I was unhappy with the way I look and the intolerant pain I had to experience each day,but instead of sighing over my fate,I decided to look on the positive sides of it.
I knew that I was about to face a new beginning,new hope,do and see more with a whole new perspective on life.I also began thinking of the individuals that are no longer among us and how there will always be someone worse off than I am.Who am I to complain?I still have my life.
During my treatments,I experienced something of a miracle that I had to write down.I took that experience and turned it into a poem and I called it “Peace”.I took that poem along with many others I had composed during my breast cancer period and submitted them for publication.The book of poems was accepted and published under the title “True Simple Poems of Life,Faith and Survival”.
I continue to write and hope that my poetry may encourage other unfortunate people and my writing continues to give me strength.I've had another inspirational children's book published called “If Only I Could Fly,Said Mattie­bee”.
I would never have become a writer,producing inspirational stories,if I had not gone through all that I did.I'm a true example that you can survive cancer,not once,but twice,providing that you catch it in time.It won't all be easy,but you must have faith and allow that faith to direct your path.
I truly believe when you survive a terrible tragedy or a horrible disease like cancer,it's for a reason—you have a purpose,and I want to live and find out exactly what that is for me.
小题1:How did the author feel about her disease at first?
A.Optimistic. B.Pessimistic.
小题2:When did the author begin to notice the positive sides of her tragedy?
A.After she was diagnosed with colon cancer.
B.After she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
C.After she wrote her first poem.
D.After she became a writer.
小题3:In the author's opinion,________.
A.no one is luckier than her
B.God doesn't treat everyone fairly
C.writing poetry is the best way to deal with cancer
D.being alive is lucky for her
小题4:We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the author developed breast cancer a few years after colon cancer
B.writing only helped the author alone
C.the author wrote stories as well as poems
D.If Only I Could Fly,Said Mattie­bee is a poem
Sometimes people call each other "freaked-cat", but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream.Although the cat doesn't realize this, its body is getting ready for action.If the danger continues, the animal will do one of two things.It will defend itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.
Something like this also happens to people.When we are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions (feelings), our bodies go through many physical changes.Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react.We, too.get ready to defend ourselves or run.
Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face.If we give way to our feelings and let them take over, we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger —or hit somebody—and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut?
It isn't always clever to express your feelings freely.
Does this mean that it's smarter always to hide our feelings? No! If you keep feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense.Physical illness can develop.It can actually be bad for your health.(It isn't good to keep pleasant feelings inside either; all feelings need to be expressed.)
Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don't just go away.It's as if you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them.but before long you' d smell them.And if you opened the cupboard, chances are that you'd see little fruit flies flying all over them.They'd be rotten.
You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard.You can hide them and you can pretend they don't exist, but they'll still be around.And at last you'll have to deal with them.just like those bananas.
小题1:The best title for this article is_____.
A.Emotions Affect Our Bodies
B.What Happens to A Frightened Cat
C.What Happens to An Excited Person
D.Feelings That People Have
小题2:What does the word "freaked" mean in the first sentence?
小题3:According to the passage, we may conclude that we human beings_____.
A.have fewer problems than animals
B.have the same problems as animals
C.have more problems than animals
D.have cleverer problems than animals
小题4:If you hold in your feelings,_____.
A.gradually they'll disappear
B.they won't exist any more
C.they will fly all over
D.your body stays tense
小题5:The author wrote this article in order to_____.
A.tell us that it isn't good to keep feelings inside
B.give us some advice on how to express our feelings
C.make us face the problem that we have to deal with feelings
D.make us know that it isn't always wise to express our feelings freely
Compassion is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translate compassion into action. An experience last weekend showed me this is true, I work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderly. These old people are our main customers, and it’s not hard to lose patience over their slowness. But last Sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lesson. This untidy man walked up to my register(收款机)with a box of biscuits. He said he was out of cash, had just moved into his room, and had nothing in his cupboards. He asked if we could let him have the food on trust. He promised to repay me the next day.
I couldn’t help staring at him, I wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before, and what he would be like if luck had gone his way. I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the world, I told him that I was sorry, but store rules didn’t allow me to do so. I felt stupid and unkind saying this, but I valued my job.
Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke up. If anything, he looked more pitiable. “Charge it to me” was all he said.
What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft and safe and easy. Compassion, on the other hand, is caring in action. I thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed either, then I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself. I reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion.
小题1:The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the biscuits ________.
A.promised to obey the store rules
B.forgot to take any money with him
C.hoped to have the food first and pay later
D.could not afford anything more expensive
小题2:Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?
A.Kind and lucky.
B.Poor and lonely.
C.Friendly and helpful.
D.Hurt and disappointed.
小题3:The writer acted upon the store rules because ________.
A.he wanted to keep his present job
B.he felt no pity for the old gentleman
C.he considered the old man dishonest
D.he expected someone else to pay for the old man
小题4:What does the writer learn from his experience?
A.wealth is more important than anything else.
B.Helping others is easier said than done.
C.experience is better gained through practice.
D.Obeying the rules means more than compassion.
小题5:How would the old men feel at the end of the story?
A.Sad and disappointed.B.Happy and lucky.
C.Depressed and unlucky.D.Surprised and grateful.
John Smith,an office worker,lives in Washington.He inherited (继承) a million dollars when he was 23,but he wasn’t happy at all.When his college friends were looking for their jobs,he didn’t have to.Jack decided to living a simple life like everyone else.He gave $l0,000 of his money to a charity (慈善机构) to help poor children live a better life.Today he is 36.He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car only,but he is very happy.
Up to now John has helped some children from poor countries all over the world,by sending them each $200 a month.The money was used for the children’s study, food, medicine and clothing.John receives a report each year on the children’s progress.They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.
When John first heard about these children,he wanted to help them.“It was nothing special,” he said.“Until I went to these countries and met the children I was helping,I didn’t know anything about their life.” Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa.He said that the meeting was very exciting.“When I met her.I felt very ,very happy."he said.“And I saw that the money was used for a good cause.It brought me happiness.I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children.”
小题1:John didn’t need to look for a job ___________.
A.before he went to collegeB.after he went to Africa
C.because he got a lot of moneyD.before he received a report
小题2:John has sent them each $200 a month to help some poor children _______.
A.near WashingtonB.in European countries
C.only in AfricaD.throughout the world
小题3:John learned about the children’s progress by ________.
A.visiting them each yearB.getting a report every year
C.staying with themD.talking to them in English
小题4:The underlined words “for a good cause ”means“­­­­­­­­________” in Chinese.
小题5:What’s the main idea of the story?
A.Help others,and you will feel happy.
B.It’s necessary to write letters to poor children.
C.Live a simple life,and you can give others help.
D.It’s the most important to help the children in Africa
Every night, my mother would come to my room, lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead.
I don't remember when it first started     me --her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did make me annoyed, for they felt work - worn and     against my young skin.Finally, one night, I shouted at her: “Don' t do that any more --your      are too rough!” She didn’t say anything in    .But never again did my mother close out my day with that     expression of her love.
Time after time, with the     years, my thoughts returned to that night.I'm not a little girl any more.Mom is in her mid - seventies, and those hands I     thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my         
Now, my own children are   . Mom no longer has Dad. It was late on that Thanksgiving Eve, as I went to sleep in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand     before stealing across my face to brush the     from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so      touched my brow.In my    , thousands of times, I     the night my young voice complained.     Mom's hand in my hand, I said how     I was for that night. I thought she'd remember, as I did,     Mom didn't know what I was talking about. She had forgotten — and      —long ago.
That night, I fell asleep with a new     for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the     I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.
A.familyB.neighborC.husband D.home
A.memoryB.opinionC.history D.diary
A.andB.while C.becauseD.but
We live in a fast-paced and anxiety-filled world that oftentimes seems to shift beneath our feet. Thus we are sometimes affected by fears or anxiety impacting our life. For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety. After I left university, I made friends with a Moroccan woman at work. One day she invited me to    her and her family back home. I wanted to, but I would have to travel there     and I knew we would be in a very rural area. How would I cope with my    ?
Then one day it     to me that I had a life to live. I could choose to let anxiety     me or I could go to Morocco and     something different. I was 23 years old and had never been out of the UK alone. The journey to Morocco     something inside me. I managed to cope with my anxiety. The sense of     was overwhelming and still to this day when I get afraid of going somewhere alone, I remember how     it felt when I arrived in Morocco.
Upon arrival I was so     for the generous welcome I received. My friend’s family had arranged a welcome party. The people were so loving toward me. As a moment of     felt in a faraway village, this reminded me that I was “good enough”, which helped to     my anxiety.
Waking up the next day, in the morning light, I saw the area where we were. I was     by how rural it was – and the realization that these people had very few     .
In the days afterwards, I traveled around Morocco. We went to Marrakesh and     the Atlas mountains. We had the most amazing food – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
At the end of my     something inside me had changed. I realized I had not felt anxious for nearly two weeks.
Experiencing a different culture far away from home helped me to realize what is important in life, what really    , and with that my anxiety    . When I returned home I was much more active in     my anxiety. Working with people, helping them     their anxiety, is how I can share the love I found in Morocco.
A.send B.consultC.call D.visit
A.alone B.soon C.free D.safe
A.workB.curiosity C.homesickness D.worries
A.appeared B.hit C.struckD.occurred
A.impress B.control C.reach D.persuade
A.enjoy B.experienceC.takeD.experiment
A.changed B.moved C.supported D.impressed
A.achievement B.fear C.disappointment D.embarrassment
A.good B.ashamed C.afraid D.proud
A.sorry B.confused C.confident D.thankful
A.doubt B.luck C.love D.surprise
A.improve B.hold C.protect D.reduce
A.inspired B.moved C.pleased D.shocked
A.lands B.difficulties C.resources D.friends
A.discovered B.explored C.examined D.recognized
A.opportunity B.rush C.stay D.life
A.rules B.exists C.matters D.hurts
A.disappeared B.expanded C.remained D.removed
A.expressing B.challenging C.forgetting D.remembering
A.drop B.notice C.pass D.overcome
We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects(缺陷) that can never be changed. “I’m impatient.” “I’m always behind.” “I always put things     !” You’ve surely heard them. Maybe you’ve used them to describe     .
These comments may come from stories about us that have been      for years—often from    childhood. These stories may have no     in fact. But they can set low expectations for us. As a child, my mother said to me, “Marshall, you have no mechanical (操作机械的) skills, and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life. ” How did these expectations      my development? I was never      to work on cars or be around     . When I was 18, I took the US Army’s Mechanical Aptitude Test. My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!
Six years later,    , I was at California University, working on my doctor’s degree. One of my professors, Dr. Bob Tannbaum, asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn’t do. For my strong points, I      down, “research, writing, analysis, and speaking. ” For the      , I wrote, “I have no mechanical skills. ”
Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills. I explained my life      and told him about my      performance on the Army test. Bob then asked, “     is it that you can solve       mathematical problems, but you can’t solve easy mechanical problems?”
Suddenly I realized that I didn’t      from some sort of genetic defect. I was just living out expectations that I had chosen to     . At that point, it wasn’t just my family and friends who had been      my belief that I was mechanically hopeless. And it wasn’t just the Army test, either. I was the one who kept telling myself, “You can’t do this!” I realized that as long as I kept saying that, it was going to remain true.     , if we don’t treat ourselves as if we have genetic defects that we can never get over, we can do well in almost      we choose.
A.away B.offC.up D.down
A.as long asB.as far back asC.as well asD.as much as
A.challengingB.advancedC.common D.normal
A.As a resultB.At the same timeC.In additionD.Instead
A.everything B.somethingC.nothingD.none
I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what I wanted to do. Over the next six years, I was treading(在...上面走) water, just trying to earn an income. I tried journalism, but I didn’t think I was any good, then finance, which I hated. Finally, I got a job as a rights assistant at a famous publisher. I loved working with books, although the job that I did was dull.
I had enough savings to take a year off work, and I decided to try to satisfy a deep-down wish to write a novel. Attending a Novel Writing MA course gave me the structure I needed to write my first 55,000 words.
It takes confidence to make a new start — here’s a dark period in-between where you’re neither one thing nor the other. You’re out for dinner and people ask what you do, and you’re too ashamed to say, “Well, I’m writing a novel, but I’m not quite sure if I’m going to get there.” My confidence dived. Believing my novel could not be published, I put it aside.
Then I met an agent(代理商)who said I should send my novel out to agents. So, I did and, to my surprise, got some wonderful feedback. I felt a little hope that I might actually become a published writer and, after signing with an agent, I finished the second half of the novel.
The next problem was finding a publisher. After two-and-a-half years of no income, just waiting and wondering, a publisher offered me a book deal — that publisher turned out to be the one I once worked for.
It feels like an unbelievable stroke of luck — of fate, really. When you set out to do something different, there’s no end in sight, so to find myself in a position where I now have my own name on a contract(合同)of the publisher — to be a published writer — is unbelievably rewarding.
小题1:The author decided to write a novel ______ .
A.to finish the writing courseB.to realize her own dream
C.to satisfy readers’ wishD.to earn more money
小题2:How did the writer feel halfway with the novel?
小题3:What does the author mainly want to tell readers in the last paragraph?
A.It pays off to stick to one’s goal.
B.Hard work can lead to success.
C.She feels like being unexpectedly lucky.
D.There is no end in sight when starting to do something.

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