
         School-age children who do charity work are likely to display better moral judgments than those who play sport,according to a large-scale national survey conducted by Birmingham University.

         The survey of 10 ,000 pupils aged 14 and 15 in secondary schools across the UK found that more than half failed to identify what researchers described as good judgments when responding to a series of moral dilemmas,leading researchers to call for schools to have a more active role in teaching character and morality.

        “A good grasp of moral virtues,such as kindness,honesty and courage,can help children to succeed as human beings,and can also l^ad to improvements in the classroom. And that level of understanding needs to be educated and encouraged/' said Prof James Arthur from Birmingham University.

         Overall onlv 42% of students’ responses matched those selected by a group of experts. Students wno saia they did charity work outside of school scored 50% . Those doing music (48%) or drama (48%) were also better able to make good moral judgments. Contrary to popular opinion,students who said they participated in port did not show better moral juagmenib. me researchers also found that girls displayed greater moral : awareness than boys in all areas,with 47% of girls making the right choices compared with just 37% of boys.

        The Department for Education (DfE) has recently encouraged the teaching of moral values,but a majority of teachers surveyed as part of the research said the focus on academic attainment prevented the development of students’ character. A Dffi spokesperson said, “Character education is a central part of our plan for education. That”s  why we are investing £10 million to help ensure pupils develop the virtues they need to succeed in both their academic studies and in later life. 

        But the researchers found that a school s GCSE(普

通中等教育证书) results did not seem to influence the moral dilemma results among students. UA school with below-average GCSE results could still rank highly when itcomestomoraldilemmas” the researchers noted.

9. Which is a finding of the research? 

   A. Students playing sport showed better moral judgments.

   B. Less than half the students surveyed made right moral choices.

   C. Girls knew more about making choices than boys.

   D. Those involved in the arts had the highest scores.

10. What held back students’ moral progress according to most teachers?

   A. Their focus on academic performance.

   B. The difficulties in preserving moral values.

   C. The shortage of qualified teachers in the UK.

   D. The financial problems of secondary schools:

11. According to the text,more attention should be given to .

   A. music or drama      B. judging abilities   

   C. responding skills   D. character education

12. What do we learn about the moral dilemma results?

   A. They are linked to physical performance.

   B. They have little to do with GCSE results.

   C. They have a big influence on school education.

   D. They play an important part in people's later life.


     Ben Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He 41 playing basketball,riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way,Ben was 42 to most other teenagers — he was blind. 43,Ben had a special talent. He didn't have any eyes,but he could 44 see.

    Ben was bom in 1992,and he was a happy and healthy baby. However,when he was two years old,his life 45 . Ben had cancer and he had to have an operation. The operation was 46 ,and Ben was fine. However,the doctors,had to revover his eyes and Ben became 47 .

     After his operation,Ben 48 a special talent. When he was three,he learned how to aseew buildings with his 49 . He listened very carefully,and he could 50 noises bounce off  buildings. The noises told him where the 51 were. Then,when Ben was seven,he 52 to “cick (发出啼达声) ” He made clicking noises with his mouth,and listened for 53 that bounced back from things. In this way,Ben could “see” where he was and what was around him. This is the same 54 in which dolphins see things under water.

Scientists and doctors ware 55 Ben's talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can 56 like Ben. He became 57 . He was on TV,and he traveled to different countries and talked to people abourtis life. 58,when Ben was 16 ,his cancer came back. He died soon after. However,during Ben's life,he 59 people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them feel 60 . When he died in 2009,over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼) .

41. A. stopped   B. loved  C. avoided   D. suggested

42. A. different   B. polite  C. close   D. kind

43. A. Instead   B. Besides  C. However   D. Then

44. A. still   B. just  C. soon   D. ever

45. A. started   B. improved  C. continued   D. changed

46. A. simple   B. cheap   C. successful   D. dangerous

47. A. blind   B. free C. angry   D. lucky

48. A. used   B. developed  C. knew   D. discovered

49. A. eyes   B. hands    C. ears   D. feet

50. A. make   B. hear    C. watch   D. help

51. A. teenagers   B. dolphins  C. doctors   D. buildings

52. A. learned   B. failed  C. remembered   D. decided

53. A. voices   B. noises   C. songs   D. shouts

54. A. time   B. study    C. way   D. problem

55. A. worried about   B. experienced in  C. annoyed by   D. amazed at

56. A. talk   B. see  C. finish   D. understand

57. A. tired   B. serious  C. nervous   D. famous

58. A. Sadly   B. Quietly  C. Carelessly   D. Immediately

59. A. promised   B. advised   C. taught   D. warned

60. A. comfortable   B. strong  C. popular    D. happy



     There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with

a seemingly simple question from the (收银员) :Paper or plastic? Well,which type of bag would you choose?

      While all types of bags have some influence on th^ environment,it has long been supposed that paper b?gs are kinder. TTiey are made from a renewable source,break down easily,bum without giving off thick smoke and can be (回收利用) .However,the proild: process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be true?

      Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the (量) of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags,which happens to be the number of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling,the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.

     Even though paper bags might be more harmful than plastic ones,plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland,for example,a tax (??) has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag,and as a result,their use has dropped quickly.

     There,s no doubt it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However,we don't seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so,cloth bags are a better choice,but still,their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I ?o to help the environment?”

6. The questions in Paragraph 1 are used to.

     A. express ?ie author,s doubts

   B. tell readers how to save money 

    C. introduce points for discussion  

    D. show the kindness of the cashier

7. Compared with plastic bags,paper bags.

   A. need more water to produce

   B. require less ertergy to recycle

    C. take more time to break down  

   D. have less influence on forests

8. The underlined word  “discarde”in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.

   A. shared       B. given up

   C. discussed      D. put forward

9. What does the Irish government think of plastic bags?.

   A. They are less harmful than paper bags.

   B. They can be made environment-friendly.

    C. Taxes probably need to be increased further. 

   D. No plastic bags should be provided in shops.

10. Which question does the author probably hope the cashier will ask?

   A. Paper or cloth?

   B. Paper or plastic?

    C. A small bag or big one?

   D. A new bag or your own one?

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