
Happiness is U-shaped, for we are happier at the start and end of our lives but hit a slump when we are middle-aged, British and US researchers say.
Economists from the University of Warwick, central England, and from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, looked at data on the mental health of two million people from 80 countries.
In Britain, the probability of depression for men and women peaks at around 44 years of age, Warwick University said in a press release.  
In the United States, though, ________________________between men and women. Among women, unhappiness peaked at around the age of 40, whereas among men, it was about 50.
But the U-shape of happiness is constant around the world, and mid-life depression occurs regardless of marital status(婚姻状况), changes in job or income.
The study appears in Social Science & Medicine, published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.  
"It happens to men and women, to single and married people, to rich and poor, and to those with and without children." said co-author Andrew Oswald.
One possibility may be that people realize they won't achieve many of their ambitions at middle age. The researchers said.
Another reason could be that after seeing their fellow middle-aged peers begin to die, people begin to value their own remaining years and embrace life once more.
But the good news is that if people make it to aged 70 and are still physically fit, they are on average as happy and mentally healthy as a 20-year old.
"For the average persons in the modern world, the dip in mental health and happiness comes on slowly, not suddenly in a single year," Oswald said. "Only in their fifties do people emerge from this low period.  
1.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
There are chances that the middle-aged people will realize their ideal is likely to be unattainable. 
2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words)
3.How do you understand the sentence that “Happiness is U-shaped”? (within 20 words)
4.Is mid-life depression a common Phenomenon in the world ? How do you know?(within 15 words) 
5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese

1. One possibility may be that people realize they won't achieve many of their ambitions at middle age.
2.there was a big difference.
3.People are happier at the start and end of their lives but hit a slump when they are middle-aged.   
4.Yes.It always occurs regardless of marital status, changes in job or income.

LONDON(Reuters)-Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.
"Organic produce is always better," Gold said. "The food is free of pesticides(农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally(本地)grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty. "Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences-but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported(进口)to meet growing demand. "The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market," said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.
60. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because ____.
  A. they are getting richer
  B. they can get the food anywhere
  C. they consider the food free of pollution
  D. they like home-grown fruit
61.Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain?
  A. It grows indoors all year round.
  B. It is produced outside Britain.
  C. It is grown on family farms.
  D. It is produced on large farms.
62.What is the meaning of "the organic trend" as the words are used in the text?
  A. growing interest in organic food
  B. better quality of organic food
  C. rising market for organic food
  D. higher prices of organic food
63.What is the best title for this news story?
  A. Organic food-healthy, or just for the wealthy?
  B. The making of organic food in Britain
  C. Organic food-to import or not?
D. Good qualities of organic food
  A true apology is more than just acknowledgement(承认)of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or  36  has damaged a relationship - and that you  37  enough about that relationship to want it  38 .
  It’s never  39  to acknowledge yon are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look hack and think how  40  you’ve judged roughly(草率),said  41  things,pushed yourself  42 at the expense(在使某人受损的情况下)of a friend. Some deep thought in us know that when  43  a small mistake has been made, your  44  will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is  45 .
  I remember a doctor friend,  46  me about a man who came to him with  47  illnesses: headache, insomnia(失眠),stomachaches and so on. No physical  48  could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man,“  49  you tell me what’s on your conscience(良心),I can’t help you.”
After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he  50  all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was  51  His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an  52  and enclosing(附寄)a 53 .In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man  54  into team. “Thank you, doctor,”he said,“I think I'm all right now.”And he  55 .
  36.A. done B. thought C. announced D. expected
  37.A. lost B. care C. advise D. heard
  38.A. built B. formed C. repaired D. damaged
  39.A. difficult B. easy C. foolish D. shy
  40.A. long B. often C. much D. soon
  41.A. unusual B. harmful C. precious D. unkind
  42.A. ahead B. away C. down D off
  43.A. still B. even C. only D. such
  44.A. sense B. brain C. weight D. feeling
  45.A. shown B. explanined C. offered D. expressed
  46.A. asking B. telling C. requiring D. setting
  47.A. strange B. serious C. various D. much
  48.A. signs B. reason C. cause D. marks
  49.A. Whenever B. Unless C. Suppose D. Although
  50.A. stole B. accepted C. seized D. wasted
  51.A. mad B. lost C. abroad D. dead
  52.A. order B. excuse C. agreement D. apology
  53.A. note B. card C. check D. photo
  54.A. joyed B. burst C. laughed D. cried
  55.A. should B. did C. had D. was
A new weapon is on the way in the fight against smoking in Europe. Soon when smokers buy cigarettes, they might see a shocking photo of a blackened lung or a cancer patient staring back at them from the packet.

Some boys may think of smoking as cool and sexy. Their friends won’t agree when they see their packets of cigarettes lying on the table.
The European Union announced on October 22, that it had chosen 42 photos that showed the damage cigarettes could do to the body. It called on member nations to put these pictures on packets to discourage young smokers.
To catch the attention of teenagers, the special packets warn of long-term medical dangers, like cancer. Short-term effects, like bad skin, are also on the list.
“The true fact of smoking is disease, death and horror. That is the message we should send to the young,” said David Byrne, an EU health official. “Hopefully these pictures will shock students out of their love for cigarettes.”
The EU head office hoped the pictures would work better than current written warnings on packs of cigarettes. The warning included “smoking kills” and “smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.”
So far, Ireland and Belgium have shown interest in the photos. Canada has used similar pictures and warnings on cigarette packs since 2000. The country has recently seen a fall in the number of smokers.
According to studies, smoking is the single biggest cause of avoidable death in EU. Every year more than 650,000 smokers die, more than one person a minute.
小题1:What would be the best title for the text?
A.New Ways to Stop Smoking.B.Pictures to Shock Smokers.
C.New Packers of Cigarettes.D.Dangers of Smoking.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the true face of smoking?      
小题3:We can learn from the test that _______.
A.The EU countries have put the new warning method into practice
B.only a small number of the EU countries have used the new warning method
C.the new warning method has worked in some EU countries
D.countries in the EU still use the old warning method
小题4:Which country is most successful in stopping smoking?
小题5:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that ________.
A.It’s hard to stop smoking in EU
B.deaths caused by smoking could have been avoided
C.smoking is the biggest cause of deaths in EU
D.EU has the largest number of deaths caused by smoking
Brian Walker chews pens. He bites them so hard that his boss has warned him to stop or buy his own. Kate’s weakness is more acceptable-she is unable to walk past a cake shop without overeating Sophin Cartier finds her cigarette habit a headache, while Alice’s thumb-sucking drives her boy friend crazy. Four people with very different habits, but they all share a common problem anxiety disorder or, in serious cases. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  (OCD).
From nail-biting to too much hand-washing, overeating and internet addiction(上瘾),OCD is widespread in almost every workplace and countless home. “It is a relatively common form of anxiety,” says Dr. Mootee. “The main feature of OCD is the repetition of unwanted obsessive(过度的) thoughts such as worries that doors are left unlocked , gas or electrical appliances are left on.” In order to fight against the an esasy checking door locks and gas or electrical appliances.
Dr. Mootee says that repetitive washing, particularly of the hands, is the most common type of OCD. She has treated many patients who wash their hands up to 30 times a day. The technique Mootee uses to treat people with OCD is called cognitive-behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法).“It is based on the general idea that people have the ability to change the way they think and behave,” says Mootee.
But when does a habit become a problem? “It’s personal,” says Mootee.“Everyone has something unusual, but if you can’t put up with it, then it’s a problem and you need to do something to change it.”Mootee says many people resist for treatment because they fear they are “crazy”. But as people become more knowledgeable about these problems they will go and get help. The only way to cure is to conquer
小题1:If a person suffers from OCD, be is likely to keep doing any of the following EXCEPT   .
A.chewing pensB.hurting himself
C.sucking fingersD.biting nails
小题2:According to the passage, a person suffering from OCD    .
A.reduces his/her anxiety by taking drugs
B.gets into unwanted habits to relieve stress
C.has unwanted thoughts about habits
D.has unwanted thoughts because of illness
小题3:Dr. Mootee’s treating lechnique is based ont eh idea that    .
A.everyone has something different
B.people can put up with their problems
C.people can change their way of thinking and action
D.people tend to repeat their obsessive actions
小题4:By saying “The only way to cure is to conquer.” Dr. Mootee suggests that an OCD sufferer   .
A.has to be an extraordinary person
B.must cure his illness by himself
C.must overcome many physical illnesses
D.should have a right attitude towards the problem
BEIJING, Jan. 11(Xinhuanet)-- Sleeping a little bit longer a day might help fight against obesity(肥胖), a recent study shows. The research-- published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research-- after comparing people of normal weight- a body mass index of less than 25- with those who were overweight or obese , found that sleeping for an extra 20 minutes each night could offer a pain-free way to lose weight.
Insufficient sleep is linked with changes in hormone levels that may stimulate(刺激)appetite. A series of studies in recent months have shown that the less people sleep, the heavier they tend to be.
American researcher Robert Vorona from Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk and colleagues have now examined the relationship between people's self-reported sleep time per 24 hours and their body mass index(BMI). They found that total sleep time and BMI were inversely correlated was total sleep time decreased, BMI increased, except in the severely obese group." Americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of obesity on patients," the study said. "Our findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may not be necessary, as an extra 20 minutes of sleep per night seems to be associated with a lower body mass index," it added. "We warn that this study does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between restricted sleep and obesity (but) investigations demonstrating success in weight loss via extensions of sleep would help greatly to establish such a relationship."
In November 2004, researchers from Columbia University in New York City, New York demonstrated a clear link between the risk of being obese and hours of nightly sleep, finding that people aged 32 to 59 who slept four hours or less per night were 73% more likely to be obese than people who slept between seven and nine hours per night.
小题1:The research, which was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that____________.
sleeping for a shorter time a day might help fight agianst obesity
an extra 20 minutes’ sleep each night could offer a way to lose weight wothout pain
total sleep time and body mass index were inversely related
people aged 32 to 59 who slept four hours or less per night were 73% more likely to be obese than people who slept between seven and nine hours per night
小题2:How many research results are presented in the text?
A.Two B.ThreeC.FourD.Five
小题3: What does the underlined word “obses” probably mean?
小题4:According to the text , the author intends to tell us that _____________________.
A.Sleeping a little bit longer a day might help fight against obesity
B.insufficient sleep is linked with changes in hormone lives
C.there exists a clear link between the risk of being obeses and hours of nightly sleep
D.the less people sleep , the heavier they tend to be
In 1957 a doctor in Singapore noticed that hospitals were treating an unusual number of influenzalike cases. Influenza is sometimes called “flu”or a “bad cold”. He took samples from the throats of patients in his hospital and was able to find the virus(病毒)of this influenza.
There are three main types of influenza virus. The most important of these are types A and B, each of them having several sub-groups(亚群). At the hospital the doctor recognized that the outbreak was because of a virus group A, but he did not know the sub-group. He reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization in Geneva. W. H. O. published the important news together with reports of the same kind of outbreak in Hong Kong, where about 15%~20% of the population had become ill.
As soon as the London doctors received the package of throat samples, they began to test them. They found that they could reproduce themselves at a very high speed. Continuing their careful tests, the doctor checked the effect of medicine used against all the known sub-groups of type A virus. On this virus, none of them was of any use.
Having separated the virus, the two doctors now made tests on some selected seleceted animals. In a short time the usual signs of the disease appeared. These experiments showed that the new virus spread easily, but that it was not a killer. Scientists, like the general public, called it simply “Asian flu”.
小题1: The Asian flu mentioned in the passage ____.       [    ]
A.had something to do with a virus group B
B.was reported to W. H. O in Geneva by a doctor in Hong Kong
C.broke out not only in Singapore but also in Hong Kong
D.was taken from the throats of the patients in a hospital in Singapore
小题2:London doctors considered ____.  [    ]
A.Asian flu as a bad cold
B.there were three main types of influenza
C.it was necessary to test the other groups of virus besides group A
D.the influenza called “Asian flu”a new one
小题3:The Singapore doctor helped the world by ____.  [    ]
A.making those with Asian flu well again
B.killing the virus that caused Asian flu
C.finding the sub-group of the virus
D.reporting the outbreak of Geneva
小题4: The Asian flu virus ____.       [    ]
A.was a killer
B.was very weak
C.could reproduce very quickly
D.died very fast
There are two kinds of physical activity which require special training. The first demands exact careful movements of the muscles. This kind of activity must be strictly controlled because even a slight movement in the wrong direction will lead a mistake. To type quickly, for example, a person needs training; the slightest movement of a finger in the wrong direction may cause a spelling mistake. A dancer who has to dance on the point of her shoes or turn around on one foot must be trained for a long period of time before she can sense her own center and balance herself. You may have seen a girl walking on a rope across an empty space, which, too, requires a lot of practice.  
The second kind of physical activity needs greater strength or extra effort. Most of us get tired if we try to run half a mile without stopping, but a specially-trained person can do this without much effort. Three years ago, some scientists carried out experiments, which produced meaningful and unexpected results. They wanted to find out whether a certain amount of physical exercise would injure those suffering from heart problems. They selected some male patients and trained them in continuous bicycle riding. They were surprised to find that the harmful effect of given amount of physical effort was actually less on the hearts of these trained patients than on those of the patients who were not similarly trained. This is important because it shows that regular physical exercise enables us to make better use of the oxygen we breathe in and that this training, in fact, reduces the amount of work our hearts do. Many tasks which are hard for untrained people are not hard at all for trained people.
小题1:The first kind of physical activity must be strictly controlled because _________.
A.a mistake in the wrong direction is dangerous to the fingers
B.a wrong movement in a direction will cause no mistakes
C.a movement in the wrong direction will cause a mistake
D.a slight movement of a finger will lead to a mistake
小题2:What must a dancer do before she can balance herself?
A.She must dance on the point of her shoes.
B.She must receive long-time training.
C.She must turn around on one foot.
D.She must perform again and again.
小题3:The experiments done by some scientists showed that ________.
A.some male patients were asked to ride bicycles regularly in the experiments
B.the physical exercise had more harmful effect on the hearts of the untrained patients
C.the physical exercise was harmless to the male patients with heart trouble
D.the physical exercise could be helpful for the patients to take in more oxygen
小题4:What would be the best title for this text?
A.Training Our BodiesB.Physical Activities
C.Movement TrainingD.Extra Body Effort

Tail Spin

Two dolphins race around in a big pool in the Ocean Park. The smaller dolphin, Grace, shows off a few of her tricks, turning around and waving hello to the crowd. The most amazing thing about her, however, is that she's even swimming at all. She doesn't have a tail.
Grace lost her tail as a baby when she got caught up in a fish trap. When the dolphin arrived at the Ocean Park in December 2005, she was fighting for her life. “ Is she going to make it?” Her trainer, Abbey Stone, feared the worst. Grace did make it—but her tail didn't. She ended up losing her flukes and the lower part of her peduncle.
Over the past six years, she has learned to swim without her tail. Dolphins swim by moving their flukes and peduncle up and down. Grace taught herself to move another way—like a fish! She pushes herself forward through the water by moving her peduncle from side to side.
The movements put harmful pressure on Grace's backbone. So a company offered to create a man­made tail for her. The tail had to be strong enough to stay on Grace as she swam but soft enough that it wouldn't hurt her.
The first time Grace wore the artificial tail, she soon shook it off and let it sink to the bottom of the pool. Now, she is still learning to use the tail. Some days she wears it for an hour at a time, others not at all. “The new tail isn't necessary for her to feel comfortable,” says Stone, “but it helps to keep that range of motion (动作) and build muscles (肌肉).”
Now, the dolphin is about to get an even happier ending. This month, Grace will star in Dolphin Tale, a film that focuses on her rescue and recovery. Her progress has inspired more than just a new movie. Many people travel from near and far to meet her. Seeing Grace swim with her man­made tail gives people so much courage.
小题1:When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park, her trainer worried about her ________.
A.physical build
B.potential ability
C.chance of survival
D.adaptation to the surroundings
小题2:A man­made tail is created for Grace to ________.
A.let her recover faster
B.make her comfortable
C.adjust her way of swimming
D.help her perform better tricks
小题3:The story of Grace inspires people to ________.
A.stick to their dreams
B.treat animals friendly
C.treasure what they have
D.face difficulties bravely

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