
The London Eye 4D Film Experience started in August and is included in the London Eye ticket price. It is a fantastic 4D film to entertain you before your trip on the London Eye. The 4D effects are great.

No Extra Cost to You

That’s right; you buy your ticket for the London Eye and 4D cinema experience. Merlin Entertainments, the London Eye owners, spent 5 million creating the film and building the 4D cinema and wanted to improve the value for money of the London Eye.

What to Expect

The 4D Cinema entrance is in the ticket hall. So after buying your ticket, go straight to it, where you’ll be given a pair of glasses. About 160 visitors will pass through the 4D cinema every 8 minutes so don’t worry about waiting time. People in the bright pink cinema are all standing on four levels. The top level is designed for wheelchairs.

London Eye 4D Film

Put on your glasses and enjoy yourself. The story is about a little girl visiting London with her father and she wants to be higher to get a better view so she comes to the London Eye. It differs from watching the 3D film for all your senses are involved. When it snows on screen, you feel it snows in the cinema. And when you watch the fireworks, you can really smell them.

For a short film, less than four minutes, before the main attraction you think you’ve come for, you are going to love this free extra. I stood there with my mouth wide open at the end as many others did. It’s fantastic! The effects are the Hollywood standard as no expense is spared. I was lucky enough to try the film three times on the first day and I still want to go back again.

1. What does the author mainly tell us in this passage?

A. He mainly introduces the 4D film of Merlin Entertainments.

B. He mainly introduces the London Eye entertainment centre.

C. He mainly tells us his experiences while creating the 4D film.

D. He mainly introduces to us how to take part in the 4D film.

2.Why did the Merlin Entertainments build the 4D film cinema?

A. Because it wanted to attract more visitors to London.

B. Because it could earn more money from the public in the UK.

C. Because it could provide more entertainments for visitors.

D. Because it wanted to increase the value of the London Eye.

3.Where could people get into the 4D film cinema?

A. In the Hollywood. B. In the ticket hall.

C. Under the London Eye. D. In the ticket centre.

4.While seeing a 4D film, people will feel ________.

A. greatly frightened B. much worried

C. sweet smell D. as if they were on the scene


Satellites play big roles in modern life. Some look downward to monitor environmental conditions on Earth.Others look outward in search of major solar flares(耀斑) that can trouble the transmission(传送) of electrical power to homes and businesses. Some spy on our enemies. Others relay communications around the globe. But all of these million-dollar wonders of technology can be knocked out by a collision with space junk ---debris (碎片 )from satellites and other earthly technology orbiting high above the planet. Now,a teen from Jordan has designed a satellite to chase down space junk , collect it and then deal with it.

Even bits of space junk as small as dots of paint pose a threat , says Dana. That's because this debris orbits our planet at speeds up to some 28,200 kilometers per hour. Such high speed explains why tiny paint dots have damaged the windshields of space shuttles so badly that they needed to be replaced.

Researchers have come up with many ideas for getting rid of space junk. Some have suggested vaporizing(蒸发) small bits with lasers. Others have proposed launching satellites to collect the debris. Dana's design falls into this category.

Here's how hers would work : A radar system aboard the satellite would scan and find a piece of space junk.Then,thrusters(推进器)would change the satellite's orbit so that it could chase down the errant object. As the satellite closed in on its prey, cameras would keep it on target.

At the last minute,a door that leads to a container would open. This container needs to be strong so that it doesn't break apart when the satellite swallows the space junk,Dana explains. Finally,when the trash container was full,it would be lowered toward the earth on a kilometer-long cable and its contents released into the upper atmosphere. There, the space junk would harmlessly burn up just like a meteor (流星) does. Meanwhile, her satellite would roll the container back up so that it could collect more trash.

1.What is focused on in the first paragraph?

A. The types of satellites being categorized into.

B. The tracks of satellites orbiting above the planet.

C. The sources of space junk coming from.

D. The danger that satellites face in space.

2.Why can small pieces of space junk threaten satellites?

A. They travel at a very high speed.

B. They are difficult to track by satellites.

C. They can blow up into millions of pieces.

D. They are as soft as a ball in the air.

3.The underlined words "the errant object" refer to_____.

A. the radar system that scans space junk

B. the space junk that travels in disorder

C. the satellite that doesn't keep its track

D. the camera that can't keep space junk on target

4.According to the Dana's design, space junk in her satellite___________.

A. will be swallowed and stored in its trash bin

B. will be broken apart in the trash container

C. will be destroyed by heat in the upper atmosphere

D. will be transported to the earth through a cable



“How does the yard look?” My father asked, with his eyes shining. I could tell he was eagerly waiting for my _________. “Wonderful!” I replied after I gave it a thorough _________ . Then I recited all the changes I had _________ in his yard and he smiled contently.

When I was young, my mother _________ in a car accident, leaving my father alone to _________ their three young daughters. At the beginning, life was not always_________and my younger sisters usually complained. However, Dad always _________ us to believe that life was good. Meanwhile, he tried his best to _________ that belief.

In 1972, my dad developed a piece of waste land that had been_________ on Okaloosa Island. Every year at the first sign of _________ , he would begin spending countless hours working there to make it be bursting with colors. Through his continuous hard work, the land _________ turned into a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and other unique plants. While our friends were enjoying their vacation through traveling to different places, we were _________ working with my dad in his yard, watering the flowers, weeding or cutting off the branches. Sometimes, our friends were envious of our working vacation, and we would _________ them. Dad made his yard very _________ so that it became our vacation paradise during our childhood.

For so many years, when we were _________ , we liked to visit Dad’s yard, because it could_________ us of Dad’s belief. It was Dad and his yard that gave us _________ that enabled us to survive and _________ major challenges in life. One day, it shocked us that Dad said he would not _________ the yard. Then he explained, “Twenty years ago I decided to start my work in that yard to tell you life is good. Now my work is done.” We were sitting in _________ , recalling what we had experienced. Life was good. Dad was right.

1.A. excuse B. answer C. decision D. suggestion

2.A. clean B. suggestion C. inspection D. arrangement

3.A. achieved B. imagined C. discovered D. promised

4.A. passed away B. turned up C. ran away D. gave up

5.A. scold B. raise C. rescue D. persuade

6.A. smooth B. sorrowful C. wealthy D. lonely

7.A. forced B. allowed C. authorized D. encouraged

8.A. change B. prove C. understand D. criticize

9.A. advertised B. abandoned C. disappeared D. provided

10. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

11.A. suddenly B. gradually C. temporarily D. occasionally

12.A. impatiently B. carelessly C. happily D. unwillingly

13.A. invite B. challenge C. accompany D. consult

14.A. unnecessary B. unreasonable C. disgusting D. extraordinary

15.A. confident B. angry C. guilty D. low

16.A. warn B. accuse C. remind D. inform

17.A. emotion B. choices C. strength D. opportunities

18.A. forget B. admit C. create D. conquer

19.A. continue B. sell C. challenge D. extend

20.A. safety B. despair C. doubt D. silence


1. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so. However, anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here is how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list. you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of eeverything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. 3. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. 4. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A. This will help you understand the next class.

B. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

C. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

D. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

E. Maybe you are an average student.

F. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

G. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

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